Author |
Message |
Topic: im Telex Priest Holy |
Replies: 2
Views: 689
Forum: Trash Posted: 12-10-2014, 02:11:52 Subject: im Telex Priest Holy |
Topic: Dragon Soul: First 6 Bosses |
Replies: 146
Views: 38729
Forum: Trash Posted: 25-09-2014, 19:13:05 Subject: Dragon Soul: First 6 Bosses |
I approve, Dreadblade is doing damage to people even if their not on his path, got 1 shooted by being on the side of the blade rush, where it starts, and no there was no twilight barrage any near. |
Topic: Post your Application here. |
Replies: 160
Views: 39030
Forum: Trash Posted: 25-09-2014, 15:41:59 Subject: Post your Application here. |
No lifer indeed, he has nothing else to do than stalking Omi forum page or talking about us, thing is he thinks he's so funny doing it, but he's just making us think he's 8 years old and 0 brain. |
Topic: Recrutari |
Replies: 1095
Views: 164419
Forum: Trash Posted: 22-09-2014, 03:53:18 Subject: Recrutari |
'Ai d plm ce reguli de nazisti aveti... )))))))) imi retrag orice gand de a depune aplicatie, vreau sa ma joc si sa ma relaxez cu un raid bun, nu sa ma simt de parca as venii la job. Salut. |
Topic: How to Vote, WoW Freakz |
Replies: 275
Views: 96643
Forum: Trash Posted: 18-03-2014, 05:43:05 Subject: How to Vote, WoW Freakz |
Aprob, nici eu nu pot vota. Adica fac tot ce trebuie facut, dar voturile nu se pun. Am incercat si cu IE, degeaba. :-s |
Topic: Worgen Starting Guide [RO] |
Replies: 97
Views: 73251
Forum: Trash Posted: 24-05-2012, 06:01:34 Subject: Worgen Starting Guide [RO] |
mda, eu dupa al 3-lea quest nu am mai primit altul... trebuie sa sterg charu' sa fac altul ? |
Topic: new here. |
Replies: 7
Views: 1382
Forum: Romanian Posted: 23-05-2012, 08:22:43 Subject: new here. |
ff bine, ma speriasem |
Topic: new here. |
Replies: 7
Views: 1382
Forum: Romanian Posted: 23-05-2012, 06:10:32 Subject: new here. |
la voi se obtin iteme/mounts etc doar cu donatii ? |