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Topic: Scarlet Monastery event with Corrupted Ashbringer equipped |
Replies: 6
Views: 2766
Forum: Trash Posted: 11-01-2015, 10:45:28 Subject: Scarlet Monastery event with Corrupted Ashbringer equipped |
Jemimaftw on 2013/10/09 (Patch 5.4.0) (wowhead -
Does anyone know if this event has been removed with the revamp of Scarlet Monastery in MoP?
Voodooween on 2013/11/ ... |
Topic: Mute Lockkarftw |
Replies: 1
Views: 498
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-12-2014, 06:44:31 Subject: Mute Lockkarftw |
Numele suspectului: Lockkarftw
Data/ora: 28.12.2014 6:30 a.m
Detalii: raspuns de prima clasa
Screenshot: |
Topic: [REJECTED] Vote Points |
Replies: 18
Views: 3346
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 08-12-2014, 20:10:21 Subject: [REJECTED] Vote Points |
Am patit si eu asta, click pe site>vote, capcha tot si am zis ca done. Ai o mica faza (ce mie mi-a scapat recent), trebuie dupa vot sa dai click iar pe baneru de pe site-ul respectiv sa te intoarca ... |
Topic: [Professions] [Tailoring] - Dream of Destruction are CD |
Replies: 0
Views: 539
Forum: Other Posted: 03-12-2014, 00:10:47 Subject: [Professions] [Tailoring] - Dream of Destruction are CD |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] Transmog Exploit or IDK |
Replies: 11
Views: 3306
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 10-04-2013, 06:15:58 Subject: [DUPLICATE] Transmog Exploit or IDK |
As cobora prea tare si nu ma injosesc pentru a raspunde unei comunitati formate din specimene ca voi;
Dar voi face un lucru interesant (doar a fost frumos afara si sunt darnic) Parazitii au un vers d ... |
Topic: [Item] Gurthalak, Voice of the Deeps |
Replies: 171
Views: 42993
Forum: Other Posted: 10-04-2013, 05:53:35 Subject: [Item] Gurthalak, Voice of the Deeps |
By Trionek (2,609 – 1·4·11) on 2011/12/27 (Patch 4.3.0) Report
I have this weapon for almost a week now, had enough time to test it and I am able to confirm that:
1. The tentacle in ... |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] Transmog Exploit or IDK |
Replies: 11
Views: 3306
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 07-04-2013, 03:13:42 Subject: [DUPLICATE] Transmog Exploit or IDK |
Shuki a scris:
E un bug la interfata de transmog, mai sunt topicuri pe tema asta, nu e exploit ca nu te ajuta cu absolut nimic, decat sa arati "cool" cu alta arma...
pacat ca cel mai adese ... |
Topic: Blacklist - Confirmed Genesis Ninjas |
Replies: 95
Views: 24873
Forum: Romanian Posted: 05-04-2013, 01:20:52 Subject: Blacklist - Confirmed Genesis Ninjas |
ninja name: Sysdk
fraction: Alliance
some screen shots showing rolls:
(no roll just ninja)
... |
Topic: Offline Trivia |
Replies: 216
Views: 48259
Forum: Old Events Posted: 28-12-2012, 18:23:00 Subject: Offline Trivia |
Neltharion felt every rock in Azeroth pressed down on him. His body splintered and cracked. It was beyond physical agony; his spirit was unravelling, suffocated by the unfathomable load. He saw it as ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Quest] [Death Knight] Start Zone Last Quest: Warchief's Blessing |
Replies: 8
Views: 1740
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 09-12-2012, 18:00:13 Subject: [FIXED] [Quest] [Death Knight] Start Zone Last Quest: Warchief's Blessing |
or you could jump from the balcony, resurect from the corpse and mount up and go to Lights Hope Chapell. it will teleport you to dalaran due to the crash fix. |
Topic: [REJECTED] [CATA] Halls of Origination SCRIPT |
Replies: 4
Views: 2437
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 05-12-2012, 18:59:07 Subject: [REJECTED] [CATA] Halls of Origination SCRIPT |
initial vroiam sa ma leg un pic de intelectu sau logica ta, dar apreciez increderea ta in sistem si faptul ca totul se rezolva de la sine.
*dar, ca sa nu ma consider prea ironic sau sarcastic pen ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [CATA] Halls of Origination SCRIPT |
Replies: 4
Views: 2437
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 05-12-2012, 12:40:47 Subject: [CATA] Halls of Origination SCRIPT |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Anraphet nu poate fi atacat iar primii 2 bosi au 20 HP (atat pe 5n cat si 5hc)
Do ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [CATA] BWD & BOT |
Replies: 5
Views: 2818
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 04-12-2012, 20:08:42 Subject: [FIXED] [CATA] BWD & BOT |
din cante am incercat eu urmatorii sunt target dummy :
bwd: atramedes, magmaw si chime (nu's sigur de ultimu)
bot: cho'gall
firelands: Lord Rhyolith (nu are drop si nu acorda nici rep)
Stonecore : ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Death Knight][PVE][PVP]Hungering Cold |
Replies: 1
Views: 1211
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 04-12-2012, 10:23:34 Subject: [Death Knight][PVE][PVP]Hungering Cold |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: 1.Targetul este scos din stun prin dot-urile dk-ului (oricare) ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [VANILA] Molten Core |
Replies: 2
Views: 1247
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 04-12-2012, 09:40:41 Subject: [FIXED] [VANILA] Molten Core |
Se pare ca era valabil numai pentru hunter sau aveam eu un phase problem.
Majordomo Executus moare dupa ce il omori pe Garr. Porneste eventu cu Ragnaros dar nu il poti ataca.
de asemenea sub el est ... |