You can easyly dodge with your own friend list...that`s not an excuse.The worst part is that you guys canceled a big part of guild pvp events, and not to mention that you *** our mmr by risking to ...
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: 1 button kill? :/ how it is possible to die from a single skill with full grievous and major ...
mie mi se pare ok dmg ala. Adica la niste amarate de iteme albastre cat ai vrea sa dai 100k+ nu ? Si la un gear heroic de pandaria...o sa ai undeva in jur de 200k pe lava burst nu ? asta inseamna ca d ...
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: Am mai facut un post...adevarat intr-un loc nepotrivit dar nu vorbeam de taureni fratioare. Am pus poza de mai j ...
trebuia sa postez la mop...scuze am gresit rog tot la bug intra ...bug asta e pe test realmul de mop si am observat ca nici un monk nu are rasialele niciunei rase