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Topic: Morchok problem |
Replies: 4
Views: 782
Forum: Item Recovery Posted: 01-09-2013, 13:25:11 Subject: Morchok problem | Nu am SS dar se poate verifica ora la care au picat bossi |
Topic: WoW Freakz Fashion Event Vote |
Replies: 126
Views: 28615
Forum: Old Events Posted: 31-08-2013, 16:05:48 Subject: WoW Freakz Fashion Event Vote |
Incheiem si noi eventu anul asta? |
Replies: 144
Views: 55828
Forum: Old Announcements Posted: 16-02-2013, 20:19:18 Subject: HARDWARE UPGRADE ALMOST COMPLETE ! |
Ne explica si noua cineva de ce vedem Genesis offline?... |
Topic: duel /ff hunter abuz |
Replies: 5
Views: 1021
Forum: Trash Posted: 15-09-2012, 19:05:43 Subject: duel /ff hunter abuz |
[quote ascuns] Abuzeaza de un bug.... |
Topic: [Warrior][PvP] Weapon damage decreasing after disarm |
Replies: 63
Views: 11652
Forum: Trash Posted: 17-08-2012, 19:45:57 Subject: [Warrior][PvP] Weapon damage decreasing after disarm |
[quote ascuns] +1... Daca faci main hand weapon swtich cu disarm pe tine patesti acest bug |
Topic: [Warrior][PvP] Weapon damage decreasing after disarm |
Replies: 63
Views: 11652
Forum: Trash Posted: 06-08-2012, 12:02:19 Subject: [Warrior][PvP] Weapon damage decreasing after disarm |
BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Topic: [Warrior][PvP] Weapon damage decreasing after disarm |
Replies: 63
Views: 11652
Forum: Trash Posted: 05-08-2012, 11:34:58 Subject: [Warrior][PvP] Weapon damage decreasing after disarm |
Bump... Interesant cum un bug atat de important nu este baga in seama...Sunt sigur ca questurile de low lvl care sunt buguite au o prioritate mult mai mare decat acest bug "minor" |
Topic: [Warrior][PvP] Weapon damage decreasing after disarm |
Replies: 63
Views: 11652
Forum: Trash Posted: 24-07-2012, 20:19:44 Subject: [Warrior][PvP] Weapon damage decreasing after disarm |
Bump! Se uita cineva pe aici? |
Topic: [Warrior][PvE][PvP] Overpower |
Replies: 59
Views: 9901
Forum: Trash Posted: 23-07-2012, 01:02:00 Subject: [Warrior][PvE][PvP] Overpower |
[quote ascuns] 0 armor 0 rezil dummy.... |
Topic: Rated Battlegrounds |
Replies: 253
Views: 71222
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-07-2012, 08:38:41 Subject: Rated Battlegrounds |
Mi se parea decent cum era ratingul inainte... Si asa stam cate 40 de minute in que... |
Topic: [All Realms] PvE Event 11 - BWD 25HC FULL RUN |
Replies: 446
Views: 99173
Forum: Old Events Posted: 30-06-2012, 20:17:19 Subject: [All Realms] PvE Event 11 - BWD 25HC FULL RUN |
CINE E LOCU 2? Unde e prima poza cu timpul la HKP? |
Topic: Strand of the Ancients |
Replies: 82
Views: 21335
Forum: Trash Posted: 30-06-2012, 10:17:56 Subject: Strand of the Ancients |
[quote ascuns] "you cannot capture anything beyond a gate that has not been destroyed yet, so you cannot capture the graveyards before you have actually destroyed the first gates." |
Topic: Shaman totems |
Replies: 9
Views: 1834
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-06-2012, 08:18:19 Subject: Shaman totems |
Si grounding totem este distrus de aoe spells, fara sa absoarba vreun damage. El ar trebui sa ignore aoe spells ca restul totemelor si sa fie distrus doar cand absoarbe un spell. In legatura cu toteme in general vs aoe am observat ca bugul apare vs druizi care folosesc pe toteme, warriori care folosesc, si rogue care folosesc |
Topic: Strand of the Ancients |
Replies: 82
Views: 21335
Forum: Trash Posted: 27-06-2012, 17:04:10 Subject: Strand of the Ancients |
Inchideti bg ca e bataie de joc! Orice warr sau druid feral ia bombe da charge pe turnuri si e free win... |
Topic: Engineering/Enchanting |
Replies: 49
Views: 9363
Forum: Trash Posted: 11-06-2012, 17:17:06 Subject: Engineering/Enchanting |