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Topic: Missing First Arcanist Thalyssra |
Replies: 0
Views: 93
Forum: Trash Posted: 09-02-2020, 03:08:31 Subject: Missing First Arcanist Thalyssra |
Bug description: First Arcanist Thalyssra NPC gone, I finished the suramar questline, and after trying to complete the suramar emissary today, i noticed Thalyssra is no longer to be found.
I tried lo ... |
Topic: error 132 |
Replies: 4
Views: 625
Forum: Trash Posted: 04-10-2019, 20:15:44 Subject: error 132 |
Dear Sarah, you are my new hero.
I made it work, i followed your instructions to see if there are multiple exes running while the game is on, and i saw that a procces from the xbox was running in the ... |
Topic: error 132 |
Replies: 4
Views: 625
Forum: Trash Posted: 03-10-2019, 16:55:28 Subject: error 132 |
I tried to unstuck all the characters i have, it didn't work. Right now i think i got it working but there was a server restart, i actually tried playing by using the Wow.exe instead of the launcher, ... |
Topic: error 132 |
Replies: 4
Views: 625
Forum: Trash Posted: 03-10-2019, 16:16:55 Subject: error 132 |
So basically i have tried every solution posted to make this work.
I stopped Xbox thing from services, and I still get error. I set compatibility mode to windows 7 and administrator to the wow.exe an ... |
Topic: Stuck in Helheim |
Replies: 0
Views: 421
Forum: Trash Posted: 13-07-2017, 02:11:25 Subject: Stuck in Helheim |
Got stuck between a wooden stuff and rocks in Helheim. I would use unstuck but I fear I cannot enter again because of the questline.
Any fix other than unstuck ?
Update @ 1 ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] Walking Bugged |
Replies: 2
Views: 503
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 12-07-2017, 14:03:42 Subject: [REJECTED] Walking Bugged |
Worked like a charm.
Thanks a bunch and sorry :] |
Topic: [REJECTED] Walking Bugged |
Replies: 2
Views: 503
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 12-07-2017, 13:53:41 Subject: Walking Bugged |
Bug description: So basically I talked with a chair ( ikr? ) Throne of Ordering Around, then the questmark appeared above my head and now I can't use "W" to walk, I can only walk sideways. T ... |
Topic: Artifact Quest Bug |
Replies: 1
Views: 659
Forum: Trash Posted: 05-07-2017, 19:46:36 Subject: Artifact Quest Bug |
Salve, in timp ce faceam questurile pentru Artifact Weapon, a picat serverul, iar cand am intrat nu mai aveam questul. Initial am crezut ca s-a restartat toata linia de questuri si ca trebuie sa o iau ... |
Topic: Vote ? |
Replies: 8
Views: 1281
Forum: Trash Posted: 23-06-2017, 15:55:19 Subject: Vote ? |
Ok. Mesaj inteles! |
Topic: Vote ? |
Replies: 8
Views: 1281
Forum: Trash Posted: 23-06-2017, 15:51:20 Subject: Vote ? |
Hmm, intradevar. Sunt 2 conturi, unul dintre ele creat cu o adresa disposable ( nu mai stiu de ce ). Dar chiar si asa, pe acesta nu m-am logat si nici nu am jucat pe el inca de cand l-am facut ( de ac ... |
Topic: Vote ? |
Replies: 8
Views: 1281
Forum: Trash Posted: 23-06-2017, 15:31:12 Subject: Vote ? |
Ok, cum pot face sa ramana un singur cont, cel pe care joc eu ( postez numele contului aici? ) ca sa pot vota si eu ca orice alt membru ? |
Topic: Vote ? |
Replies: 8
Views: 1281
Forum: Trash Posted: 23-06-2017, 15:29:46 Subject: Vote ? |
2 ? Cel mai probabil da, deoarece dupa cum am spus sunt singurul care joaca WoW. Desi nu imi aduc aminte de un al 2-la cont. |
Topic: Vote ? |
Replies: 8
Views: 1281
Forum: Trash Posted: 23-06-2017, 15:27:44 Subject: Vote ? |
Hello. As avea si eu o problema si nu reusesc sa inteleg de la ce ( am schimbat parola, adblock are disable, la fel si pe chrome si pe firefox )
In ce consta problema, Nu pot vota! In fiecare zi site ... |