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Topic: Sugestie Harti |
Replies: 1
Views: 608
Forum: Archive 2006-2016 Posted: 13-09-2014, 00:36:58 Subject: Sugestie Harti |
Am observat ca deobicei seara se evita punerea unor harti mai putin jucate in general, datorita unei frici cum ca ramane serverul fara jucatori,
Exemplu concret: seara asta eram vreo 5 jucatori care ... |
Topic: [Rezolvat] Cerere ban zeepek |
Replies: 3
Views: 459
Forum: Ban Request Posted: 16-08-2014, 23:41:23 Subject: [Rezolvat] Cerere ban zeepek |
cum aflu IP-ul ca sa stiu pe viitor |
Topic: [Rezolvat] Cerere ban zeepek |
Replies: 3
Views: 459
Forum: Ban Request Posted: 16-08-2014, 23:31:26 Subject: [Rezolvat] Cerere ban zeepek |
Harta: Fy_snow
Ora: 00:25
Dovada: [url=]Demo |
Topic: [Aprobat] Cerere Unban Johnny |
Replies: 2
Views: 434
Forum: Archive 2006-2016 Posted: 30-07-2014, 19:25:12 Subject: [Aprobat] Cerere Unban Johnny |
Nick-ul: Johnny
Data + ora: 30 iulie 2014, ora in jur de 20:15
Harta: de_cpl_mill32
Admini online: andrutz4
Adminul: andrutz4
Motivu: mi-a facut poze, dar nu am Yahoo Messenger instalat, asa ca ... |
Topic: [rezolvat]unban Johnny |
Replies: 7
Views: 1053
Forum: Unban Requests + Complaints Posted: 21-08-2013, 18:42:26 Subject: [rezolvat]unban Johnny |
[quote ascuns] Eu stiu ca tot timpul am jucat curat. daca mint sa piarda toate echipele romanesti in competitiile europene.
Rog si alti admini sa se uite pe demo, nu am nici un fel de cod.
EDIT: eu tot timpul trag ... |
Topic: [rezolvat]unban Johnny |
Replies: 7
Views: 1053
Forum: Unban Requests + Complaints Posted: 21-08-2013, 18:21:50 Subject: [rezolvat]unban Johnny |
jucam cu clarionul setat pe Burst-Fire.
Daca asta i silent aim, eu ma las de Counter-Strike.
rog si alti admini sa se uite pe demo |
Topic: [rezolvat]unban Johnny |
Replies: 7
Views: 1053
Forum: Unban Requests + Complaints Posted: 21-08-2013, 17:28:00 Subject: [rezolvat]unban Johnny |
Nick-ul: Johnny
Data + ora: 21 august 2013, aproximativ 18:15
Harta: de_dust2_2x2
Admini online: Rock, frankye.wilde, Djoha
Adminul: Nu stiu
Motivu: nici un motiv
Dovada: nu mi s-au facut poze, am luat ban din senin
Ip-ul: |
Topic: Segmentation ... desperation |
Replies: 4
Views: 2052
Forum: Fixed issues Posted: 05-09-2011, 15:09:03 Subject: Segmentation ... desperation |
deci nu mai pot cu eroarea asta
./hlds_run: line 321: 9975 Segmentation fault$HL_CMD
am amxmodx 1.8.2
am metamod 1.19 p
am citit pe un forum sa adaug asta in server.cfg
sb_requireauth 0
de cand am pus chestia asta serverul cade mai rar, asa cam o ... |
Topic: Cerere 3 pluginuri |
Replies: 3
Views: 1189
Forum: Fixed issues Posted: 29-07-2011, 16:12:49 Subject: Cerere 3 pluginuri |
Salut, as avea nevoie de
1. amx_page (trimite un mesaj la admin)
2. amx_4tga (plugin ce face poze in format tga)
3. say/result (sa-ti arate rezultatele votului)
Mentionez ca le-am cautat si nu le-am gasit.
Multumesc anticipat. |
Topic: Now playing |
Replies: 11984
Views: 1021572
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-02-2011, 16:06:29 Subject: Now playing |
cea mai tare piesa rock romaneasca \m/ deci piesa asta ar trebui sa fie in top 10 cele mai bune piese rock din toate timpurile.
@madi si eu sunt fan inrait Three Days Grace |
Topic: Jay-Z Feat Linkin Park - Numb encore |
Replies: 3
Views: 635
Forum: Trash Posted: 01-02-2011, 15:40:29 Subject: Jay-Z Feat Linkin Park - Numb encore |
clasa a 5-a, un prieten mi-a aratat piesa asta and the Linkin Park Mania began.
Chiar daca nu mai ascult, pentru mine a fost prima formatie si in opinia mea is cea mai buna formatie rock lansata in anii 2000 |
Topic: Now playing |
Replies: 11984
Views: 1021572
Forum: Trash Posted: 29-01-2011, 22:29:02 Subject: Now playing | |
Topic: Within Temptation- Where Is The Edge |
Replies: 2
Views: 671
Forum: Trash Posted: 05-01-2011, 18:32:22 Subject: Within Temptation- Where Is The Edge |
this is not rock and roll :l |
Topic: Ce stil de muzica preferati? |
Replies: 31
Views: 7619
Forum: Trash Posted: 11-12-2010, 16:52:30 Subject: Ce stil de muzica preferati? |
un mic up... mai postati lume don't let this topic die |
Topic: Alice Cooper - Poison |
Replies: 1
Views: 568
Forum: Trash Posted: 19-11-2010, 19:18:20 Subject: Alice Cooper - Poison |
superba piesa |