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Topic: [Rejected]War campaign bug ? |
Replies: 5
Views: 474
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 04-12-2021, 00:33:32 Subject: [Rejected]War campaign bug ? |
[quote ascuns] multumesc de ajutor,am facut frendly cu undercity si acuma merge. |
Topic: [Rejected]War campaign bug ? |
Replies: 5
Views: 474
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 03-12-2021, 11:38:18 Subject: [Rejected]War campaign bug ? |
Este o problema de la caracter,poate cineva sa verifice va rog ? |
Topic: [Rejected]War campaign bug ? |
Replies: 5
Views: 474
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 01-12-2021, 00:08:09 Subject: [Rejected]War campaign bug ? |
Nu am vrut sa postez la sectiunea de "bug-uri" pentru ca nu sunt 100 % sigur ca e bug..
Prin urmare campania mea sa oprit la vestitul quest "The Dark Lady Calls",nu reusesc sa trec mai departe.
Va rog ajut ... |
Topic: Cont wow Freakz ( 2 iteme donate ) |
Replies: 0
Views: 744
Forum: Selling Posted: 22-03-2018, 17:34:57 Subject: Cont wow Freakz ( 2 iteme donate ) |
Vand cont wow.
cine e interesat ma poate puneti contacta prin mail/telefon
50 E ,( avand in vedere ca doar itemele donate valoreaza 70) |
Topic: Deblocare al 3-lea relic |
Replies: 1
Views: 534
Forum: Trash Posted: 29-09-2017, 21:48:50 Subject: Deblocare al 3-lea relic |
Lvl 110 (de vreo 2 saptamani)
Ivlv 844
Name:Saz ( warrior )
Stiu sa trebuie pe undeva un npc de la care iau un quest si ma trimite in class hall..da nu mai stiu unde si care |
Topic: Problema quest-uri Demon hunter "Making the Rounds Alliance" |
Replies: 4
Views: 1333
Forum: Trash Posted: 17-09-2017, 20:42:01 Subject: Problema quest-uri Demon hunter "Making the Rounds Alliance" |
chiar nu e nimeni in masura sa ma ajute sa trec de rahatul asta de quest ?
uitati inca o dovada e buguit: |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] Making the Rounds Alliance |
Replies: 3
Views: 855
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 17-09-2017, 19:34:21 Subject: [DUPLICATE] Making the Rounds Alliance |
new proof |
Topic: Problema quest-uri Demon hunter "Making the Rounds Alliance" |
Replies: 4
Views: 1333
Forum: Trash Posted: 17-09-2017, 13:28:55 Subject: Problema quest-uri Demon hunter "Making the Rounds Alliance" |
De 3 ore ma chinui ,nu reusesc sa ii dau de cap, am incercat pe toate caracterele ..iau questu,imi da direct sa "salute 7th bla bla ".nu am nici un buton ,merg in cercu ala ,ma plimb,ma intorc,am tastat manul /salute, nu vrea ,va ajutati-ma ca am ra ... |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] Making the Rounds Alliance |
Replies: 3
Views: 855
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 17-09-2017, 10:04:06 Subject: Making the Rounds Alliance |
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: She has no button to "salute". I typed "salute" but nothing happened .
I have 3 characters, but none of them work ... |
Topic: Problema quest-uri Demon hunter "Making the Rounds Alliance" |
Replies: 4
Views: 1333
Forum: Trash Posted: 17-09-2017, 09:26:01 Subject: Problema quest-uri Demon hunter "Making the Rounds Alliance" |
Da,adica le-am luat doar ca pe unul nu la-m putut termina . Making the rounds se numeste,si nu merge facut,cu 3 caractere ma-m chinuit sa-l fac abandonat,luat de nou,degeaba...ce e de facut ?
Topic: Problema quest-uri Demon hunter "Making the Rounds Alliance" |
Replies: 4
Views: 1333
Forum: Trash Posted: 10-09-2017, 12:31:37 Subject: Problema quest-uri Demon hunter "Making the Rounds Alliance" |
Nu stiu daca are legatura neaparat cu dh,insa mie din cele 5 zone (Azsuma, Val'sharah,highmountain,stormheim,suramar) doar cu 3 am reusit sa fac frendly ( In suramar si stormheim) nu exista nici un quest.De 2 zile ma plimb prin aceste zone si nu gasesc nici u ... |