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Topic: INTREBARE !!! |
Replies: 18
Views: 2551
Forum: Romanian Posted: 25-09-2014, 18:26:04 Subject: INTREBARE !!! |
[quote ascuns] vezi cumva 20 arene+ in fiecare zi la ore decente? la modul intre orele 18 si 23 ca sa nu vorbim de 3v3 ca se face din an in paste si exact aceeasi oameni cu exact aceleasi combouri. eu personal ved ... |
Topic: [3v3] [A] [Genesis] DK UH / FROST LF PARTNERS |
Replies: 1
Views: 861
Forum: Other Posted: 18-07-2014, 07:34:25 Subject: [3v3] [A] [Genesis] DK UH / FROST LF PARTNERS |
bump |
Topic: Need some help from a GM |
Replies: 3
Views: 760
Forum: Romanian Posted: 09-07-2014, 18:14:12 Subject: Need some help from a GM |
nu am mai intrat pe dkul acesta de cand s'a trecut la cataclysm. Dkul e de pe wotlk. si a fost aceasta problema cand s'a trecut de la wotlk la cataclysm cu toti dkii
@vvtf ms. nu ma gandisem sa fac asta
Done. T/C pls |
Topic: Need some help from a GM |
Replies: 3
Views: 760
Forum: Romanian Posted: 09-07-2014, 18:06:28 Subject: Need some help from a GM |
Salut. Am intrat pe unul din dk-ii mei sa incep sa ii fac gear. Am avut totusi o problema cand am dat Heartstonul m'a trimis in ebon holdul vechi(ala cu Lich King). Nu mai am ce questuri sa fac acolo ca am toate punctele de talente. Va rog trimiteti'ma in SW. ... |
Topic: Bacalaureat 2014 |
Replies: 767
Views: 74498
Forum: Romanian Posted: 04-07-2014, 15:45:20 Subject: Bacalaureat 2014 |
[quote ascuns] care capitole de fizica le'ai dat? ca mecanica si electricitatea la ambele filiere (teoretica si tehnologica) au fost de bun simt (adica S1 banal, S2 usor si S3 normal cu anumite subpuncte relativ greute la teoretic si usor la tehnologic)...... Va punea sa calc ... |
Topic: Cross-faction battlegrounds? |
Replies: 435
Views: 60891
Forum: Trash Posted: 25-06-2014, 20:57:12 Subject: Cross-faction battlegrounds? |
[quote ascuns] tu comentezi sa te aflii in treaba. esti un idiot care prefera aparenta in loc de esenta poti sta linistit in banca ta ca nu gandesti logic . CATI HORDACI AR FACE ASTA SAU CATI SI'AR PIERDE TIMPU DOAR CA SA TE ENERVEZE PE TINE?? 1?? 2?? cati ??ca nu o sa faca asta tot serveru. uite lipsa de gandire la ce duce.... ca nu poti pune in balanta downside cu upside pvp-istu lu peste prajit. mars la ***** pulica franaru |
Topic: Cross-faction battlegrounds? |
Replies: 435
Views: 60891
Forum: Trash Posted: 25-06-2014, 19:04:46 Subject: Cross-faction battlegrounds? |
[quote ascuns] argumentul numarul 1 este total inapt.... gasesti dezbracati in ambele parti SI CUM SPUNEAM ASTA E IDEEA SA II GASESTI DEZBRACATI PT CA NU ARE SENS SA FACI BGURI LA FULL GEAR
argumentul nr 2: ai cumva 8 ani?? EXISTA IGNORE la fel cum eu ignor chatul si toti cretinii si inaptii ce se trezesc sa vorbeasca pe bg chat asa poti face si tu
argumentul 3: care achiv nu poti sa NU il faci (exceptand for the alliance / for the horde- care oricum e sunt 2 achivuri tampite pt pvp-isti)
argumentul 4: WINTRADE vorbesti cand exista competitie; BG = HONOR GEAR GRIND ATAT SI NIMIC MAI MULT VREI COMPETITIE DUTE FA 3v3
argumentul 5: ai idee catusi de putin despre servere in general si virtualizari?? daca da insmeana ca esti tembel si ca e foarte ... |
Topic: Cross-faction battlegrounds? |
Replies: 435
Views: 60891
Forum: Trash Posted: 25-06-2014, 17:09:05 Subject: Cross-faction battlegrounds? |
[quote ascuns] 1. Nu are cum dracu sa existe competitie in ceva ce nu ai cum dracu sa faci competitie (BG-URI = GRIND HONOR GEAR)..... voi cu competitia voastra nu va vad in topuri la arena sau sa va vad ca faceti 3v3. NICI MACAR UNU
2. NU A VS H face jocu frumos.... competitia intre persoane o face, NU INTRE FACTIUNI. nu te vad ca comentezi ca ai voie sa iti faci caractere in ambele tabere(pe blizz - cacam'as pe blizzul tau ca o tii intr'una cu el nu ai voie)
3 cat timp nu ai cum dracu sa combati primu argument perfect logic nu mai comentati atata ca voi sunteti cam || cu ce se intampla acu, voi jucati cu tovarasi faceti partyuri premaduri etc. ma cam doare in cot de premade-uri. Trebuie sa fie ok si pentru cei care dau solo ca nu vreau 3 ore pe zi sa imi macin nervii ca dau de niste tampiti care la f ... |
Topic: Cross-faction battlegrounds? |
Replies: 435
Views: 60891
Forum: Trash Posted: 25-06-2014, 15:57:36 Subject: Cross-faction battlegrounds? |
[quote ascuns] sincer am stat sa iti citesc posturile si am ajuns la o concluzie ca decat sa imi bat capul cu oameni ca tine aka || care nu vor sa faca ceva util serverului si o tin pe a lor cu "ESENTA JOCULUI" (unde e esenta????? ca se pare ca doar voi o simtiti.... wow nu inseamna doar pve sau RP - ultima fiind cel mai naiv lucru pe care l'am vazut si spun naiv ca sa nu jignesc- ma calca pe nervi sa vad cum oameni care nu au nici cea mai mica legatura cu PVP vin sa comenteze ceva. daca te preocupa aspectul, SHOKERU A ZIS CA IMPLEMENTEAZA UN BUFF CARE II TRANSFORMA IN CINE TREBE ca sa nu te mai frece pe tine la menta ca e human/ belf sau altceva).
NU VAD CUM NAIBA AR PUTEA afecta NEGATIV cu ceva anume gameplay-ul si vorbesc din proprie experienta ca in momentul actual imi gearez un lock afli si nu vreau sa stau 3 ore ca sa fac 2 bg-uri(adica maxim 700 honor asta in caz ca le castig pe ambele FARA PREMADE). I ... |
Topic: Cross-faction battlegrounds? |
Replies: 435
Views: 60891
Forum: Trash Posted: 25-06-2014, 10:09:24 Subject: Cross-faction battlegrounds? |
cross realm bg's / arenas are the best thing that could happen to a server BUT ARE A PAIN IN THE *** to implement (at least it was on 4.0.6 when we had another emulator of the server) because you need basicly another virtualized server on the hardware server(on top this 2 that we already have) to simulate the bg's maps and stuff. If you do some simple math you could estimate that it can do pretty much lag to both servers and the bg server and you may need to upgrade the hardware so here gets other problems in the way .... so i think you got the ideea |
Topic: Cross-faction battlegrounds? |
Replies: 435
Views: 60891
Forum: Trash Posted: 25-06-2014, 09:48:57 Subject: Cross-faction battlegrounds? |
[quote ascuns] i still can't understand why the hell do you complain about ilvl. Let me give you an example: i have a DK full gear on which i do just 3v3 and some random 2v2, why the hell should i enter bg's with this char? I'll tell you, only if i want to help a friend gear up. If i want bg's i'll play on my not geared char like a warlock or something. BG'S ARE INTENDED TO GEAR UP, NOT PVP (and by this i am talking about arenas - arenas are pvp, the rest doesn't matter much because is mostly casting unstable affliction on targets... so even my grandma with alzheimer could play them).
@zohll and freakz staff: the ideea is very good and i like that you started implementing stuff to make the server more player friendly(to help players gear up and have fun here) and rather stick with the "blizz-like" stuff. Good job guys and now that with this the players may gear up faster they could try more rated pvp (for me that is the only pvp that matters) and just maybe we will get ... |
Topic: ca tot e la moda si ca tot m-am plictisit |
Replies: 66
Views: 8441
Forum: Romanian Posted: 24-06-2014, 12:00:41 Subject: ca tot e la moda si ca tot m-am plictisit |
Gogustyle |
Topic: Dau cont moca! |
Replies: 73
Views: 10307
Forum: Romanian Posted: 22-06-2014, 17:48:36 Subject: Dau cont moca! |
69 |
Topic: Dau cont moca! |
Replies: 73
Views: 10307
Forum: Romanian Posted: 22-06-2014, 17:48:32 Subject: Dau cont moca! |
69 |
Topic: [3v3] [A] [Genesis] DK UH / FROST LF PARTNERS |
Replies: 1
Views: 861
Forum: Other Posted: 14-06-2014, 15:03:54 Subject: [3v3] [A] [Genesis] DK UH / FROST LF PARTNERS |
DK UH 2400 exp / 2200 exp frost @ 2s. Pot juca ambele specuri competitiv la 3s. 1.9k exp ShadowCleave, 1.8k exp UnholyPlay ; caut parteneri capabili sa joace combouri grele si neintalnite pe freakz precum: Disc/M Frost/ UH, ShadowCleave (DK Frost si Resto Druid), SmokebombCleave, Zombie Chicken Cleave, PHDK, Elemental/Disc/DK. NU CAUT UNHOLYPLAY SAU COMBOURI CRETINE PRECUM VANGS, EBOLA CLEAVE SAU ORICE TRIPLE DPS COMP.
Cerinte: SKYPE (FARA TS SAU XFIRE), ceva skill si exp la 3s si sa nu fie copii frustrati si retardati ce sufera de gladiatorism din cauza ratingurlui facut cu triple dps / dodge/ wintrade. Reply aicea sau wisp in game (Gogustyle) sau pe skype: diaconu.andrei3
UH DK LF PARTNERS FOR 3s who can and want to play HARD COMBOS that are never played here on freakz like: Disc/M Frost/ UH, ShadowCleave (DK Frost si Resto Druid), SmokebombCleave, Zombie Chicken Cleave, PHDK, Elemental/Disc/DK. I AM NOT LOOKING FOR UNHOLY PLAY OR RETARDED COMBOS LIKE VANGS OR EBOLA CLEAVE OR ANY FKING TRIPLE DPS COMPS.
REQ: ... |