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Topic: Discutii / Discussions |
Replies: 21
Views: 6552
Forum: Trash Posted: 10-05-2018, 18:47:46 Subject: Discutii / Discussions |
[quote ascuns] Tu ai fost mereu cuminte ![](images/smiles/twitch_kappa6.png) |
Topic: Fun Zone |
Replies: 185
Views: 47645
Forum: Trash Posted: 19-05-2016, 15:02:56 Subject: Fun Zone |
[quote ascuns] Damn gurl. Someone is blue. |
Topic: Fun Zone |
Replies: 185
Views: 47645
Forum: Trash Posted: 19-05-2016, 14:34:11 Subject: Fun Zone |
Well,guess I'm back. Sup ? |
Topic: La o ghinda, o rontaiala... |
Replies: 6101
Views: 594924
Forum: Trash Posted: 06-02-2016, 03:37:41 Subject: La o ghinda, o rontaiala... |
[quote ascuns] Ba din pacate...da. |
Topic: Fun Zone |
Replies: 185
Views: 47645
Forum: Trash Posted: 05-01-2016, 23:28:12 Subject: Fun Zone |
[quote ascuns] [url=] Da...chiar e naspa,macar sunt carat pe blizz ,din cate vad guilda e cam inactiva,pana nu rezolv cu netu nu ma obosesc sa intru pe server...
L.E: [url=] And a few moments uitat astia sa asfalteze,am calcat in gropi |
Topic: [WoW] Zzeuss |
Replies: 1
Views: 1170
Forum: Server Group requests Posted: 05-01-2016, 04:49:05 Subject: [WoW] Zzeuss | name: Zzeuss
Am schimbat PC-u si as dori sa-mi recuperez iconita pe TS. |
Topic: Fun Zone |
Replies: 185
Views: 47645
Forum: Trash Posted: 05-01-2016, 04:15:22 Subject: Fun Zone |
Heya,I'm back !!! Just finnished setting everything up,the problem is that i need a better internet connection,this one runs slower than a potato. I'll call some providers tomorrow. |
Topic: Fun Zone |
Replies: 185
Views: 47645
Forum: Trash Posted: 11-12-2015, 20:42:54 Subject: Fun Zone |
Soo,I spoke on Facebook with Mezzo but I'm letting you guys know. At the moment my internet sucks,I can't even watch a HD video on Youtube and I have around 400 ms in LoL (on a good day) and besides that I have a shit ton of work with this freaking job that I have to finish by the end of this year. I'll try to fix the internet issue and log as soon as posbile. Thanks for undestanding, hope to see you guys soon. ![-](images/smiles/christmas_11.gif) |
Topic: Fun Zone |
Replies: 185
Views: 47645
Forum: Trash Posted: 26-11-2015, 13:17:02 Subject: Fun Zone |
[quote ascuns]
75% discount on WoD |
Topic: Fun Zone |
Replies: 185
Views: 47645
Forum: Trash Posted: 24-11-2015, 22:19:05 Subject: Fun Zone |
[quote ascuns] Soon™. Also,in case you were wondering me and Nero are friends on facebook for 1 year now but you don't have to be jelly I love most of you the same. |
Topic: La o ghinda, o rontaiala... |
Replies: 6101
Views: 594924
Forum: Trash Posted: 24-11-2015, 22:15:14 Subject: La o ghinda, o rontaiala... |
[quote ascuns] Nah,pana in P2 revin si eu. Ah da,nu uita ca suntem prieteni de 1 an pe facebook ![-](images/smiles/christmas_24.gif) |
Topic: Fun Zone |
Replies: 185
Views: 47645
Forum: Trash Posted: 23-11-2015, 22:27:29 Subject: Fun Zone |
Orga/Nero we need to talk. Message me on Facedesk or something. |
Topic: La o ghinda, o rontaiala... |
Replies: 6101
Views: 594924
Forum: Trash Posted: 23-11-2015, 22:21:33 Subject: La o ghinda, o rontaiala... |
Hai sa ne calmam trupurile,mai e putin. Internetul pe care il am e de k@k@t. Trebuie sa vorbesc cu baj3tyy sau sa-mi pun altu si inca ma gandesc daca sa-mi iau ceva unitate de pe E-bay sau sa-mi dau comanda de piese din tara si sa mi le trimita ai mei. Din cate vad cuiva i-a venit mintea la cap /point Orga. Sooooooo keep in touch.
@Nero: Mai traiesti ? Ui nid tu talk.
@Restu: Stati pe fir. |
Topic: La o ghinda, o rontaiala... |
Replies: 6101
Views: 594924
Forum: Trash Posted: 18-11-2015, 12:54:57 Subject: La o ghinda, o rontaiala... |
Da,eu ma reapuc dupa cum v-am spus dar din decembrie. Momentan nu am foarte mult timp liber. Din decembrie am un program mai lejer cu multe zile libere si in plus atunci o sa-mi iau PC. Orc si Nephthis stiu ca sunt cu facultatea,Nero e Batman undercovor,lupta noaptea cu fortele raului pe strazile Bucurestiului si doarme in timpul zilei si de restu nu stiu prea multe. O sa incerc sa reunesc "gasca" cand ma reapuc. Pana atunci va puuuuup si sa fiti "cu minte" nu "cu minti" ![-](images/smiles/christmas_11.gif) |
Topic: La o ghinda, o rontaiala... |
Replies: 6101
Views: 594924
Forum: Trash Posted: 01-11-2015, 12:27:00 Subject: La o ghinda, o rontaiala... |
[quote ascuns] Asta si am de gand sa fac. |