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  Topic: [REJECTED] bug retrieve char

Replies: 2
Views: 326

PostForum: Fixed / Closed bugs   Posted: 22-10-2013, 12:12:39   Subject: [REJECTED] bug retrieve char
step 1. du-te la trainer si da-ti reset talents
step 2. asteapta un server restart si o sa dispara acel $
  Topic: Am nevoie de cineva cu timp/rabdare. (mats farming)

Replies: 8
Views: 1149

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 08-07-2012, 21:04:02   Subject: Am nevoie de cineva cu timp/rabdare. (mats farming)
Te-as putea ajuta,
Dar nu as fi gata maine, cel mai probabil marti-miercuri.
Daca ai gasit pe altcineva, e ok. -
  Topic: Bugged dispel Shadow Priest!

Replies: 16
Views: 2425

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 03-07-2012, 12:08:15   Subject: Bugged dispel Shadow Priest!
Nu are rost. Plus sunteti total offtopic.
"The dispeling must be in in random order."
Asta e tot.
  Topic: Bugged dispel Shadow Priest!

Replies: 16
Views: 2425

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 03-07-2012, 02:40:58   Subject: Bugged dispel Shadow Priest!
Tu te trollezi singur?
Srsly, ai citit macar ceva din topicul ala de am dat link? Hai ca iti dau iar
Banes= curse si magic, documenteaza-te tu i ...
  Topic: Bugged dispel Shadow Priest!

Replies: 16
Views: 2425

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 02-07-2012, 21:26:34   Subject: Bugged dispel Shadow Priest!
Agony e curse? de fapt agony si doom sunt BANES. CoA de fapt acum e BoA.
Bane este si magic si curse.Prin urmare poate fi inlaturat de priest prin Magic Dispell si de mage prin Remove Curse.
Read th ...
  Topic: Bugged dispel Shadow Priest!

Replies: 16
Views: 2425

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 02-07-2012, 14:07:59   Subject: Bugged dispel Shadow Priest!
Yea, dispell happens to the last two buffs/debuffs . It should be random.
Dispel Magic chooses a buff (for enemy targets) or debuff (for friendly targets) at random ...
  Topic: Best Player in Class - Warrior Arms[All Realms][PvE]

Replies: 52
Views: 9225

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 30-06-2012, 14:01:18   Subject: Best Player in Class - Warrior Arms[All Realms][PvE]
Nume: Egotic
Realm: Evolution
Factiune: Horde
  Topic: [REJECTED] [Rogue] Stealth

Replies: 10
Views: 1384

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 24-06-2012, 00:49:56   Subject: [REJECTED] [Rogue] Stealth
Here if u hit the dummies you don't go in combat - In pvp works just fine. You are making too much fuss for nothing.
  Topic: [REJECTED] Da stiu au mai fost topicuri...

Replies: 8
Views: 1624

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 23-06-2012, 14:48:12   Subject: [REJECTED] Da stiu au mai fost topicuri...
Mastery e ok pentru Chain lightning si Lightning bolt. Iti recomand addonul , la 14 mastery am mult mai multe mastery procs decat la 10. ...
  Topic: [REJECTED] [Paladin]Sanctity of battle

Replies: 14
Views: 2752

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 10-06-2012, 11:20:15   Subject: [REJECTED] [Paladin]Sanctity of battle
In tooltip nu iti arata, dar merge. Este un custom fix.
  Topic: [REJECTED] Deep Wounds

Replies: 5
Views: 927

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 02-05-2012, 19:08:52   Subject: [REJECTED] Deep Wounds
In tooltip zice "48% of your melee weapon's average damage" , nu 48% din damage-ul dat de criticala.
  Topic: [REJECTED] Sudden Death

Replies: 20
Views: 4100

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 02-05-2012, 19:03:51   Subject: Re: Sudden Death
[quote ascuns]
offtopic: gasesti tu verbul asta in DEX?
On: e adevarata treaba, un warr te cam tine 90% din timp cu colossus smash pe tine. E sansa de proc destul de mare ptr 6%
  Topic: [REJECTED] [Priest] Dispersion bug

Replies: 7
Views: 1090

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 30-04-2012, 20:25:11   Subject: [REJECTED] [Priest] Dispersion bug
LoL, e doar "can be cast while stuned" nu e si remove. Da remove si esti imun doar la slow effects. Slow nu e acelasi lucru cu Stun, nu crezi?
close this. invalid
  Topic: WORKING GladiatorlosSA PvP Addon

Replies: 32
Views: 14490

PostForum: Cataclysm   Posted: 28-04-2012, 20:13:04   Subject: WORKING GladiatorlosSA PvP Addon
[quote ascuns]
Pfai, asta a fost tare. Care "noi"?
On: +rep. din putinul care il am. tnx
  Topic: Spriest Mind flay Bug

Replies: 15
Views: 2609

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 24-04-2012, 23:02:19   Subject: Spriest Mind flay Bug
[quote ascuns]
Nu este "normal", dar este OK.
Un simplu search pe youtube : <- 1.2 cast VT, 2.4 sec Mind Flay 3 ticks ( la noi ar fi avut ~2.9 sec dar 4 ticks).
Nu este un bug major, doar channeling time e un pic dat peste cap, dar ca dmg e ok.
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