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  Topic: [REJECTED] WoW Achievements. Fishing. The Lurker Above.

Replies: 11
Views: 2667

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 03-01-2012, 01:58:46   Subject: [REJECTED] WoW Achievements. Fishing. The Lurker Above.
Nici mie nu-mi merge de niciun fel poti reseta boss-ul prin vanish/shadowmeld si iar pescuiesc si tot nu merge fac asta incontinuu normal ar treb primit achiev si apoi spawnat boss
  Topic: [DUPLICATE] achievement The lurker above

Replies: 1
Views: 438

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 16-12-2011, 19:29:16   Subject: achievement The lurker above
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Pentru achievementul Master Angler , merg sa farmez cu fishing de fiecare data d ...
  Topic: Recrutari

Replies: 591
Views: 92965

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 08-12-2011, 15:37:35   Subject: Recrutari
Numele real: Lucian
Varsta: 19
Ocupatie in real life: Elev
Nickname in joc: Suntlucii
Clasa: Death Knight
Main spec si off spec: tank / dps
Item level: 353(full tank) / dps 358 ( cateva pvp )
  Topic: DK PVP GUIDE 4.0.6

Replies: 68
Views: 40508

PostForum: Cataclysm   Posted: 05-12-2011, 15:58:00   Subject: DK PVP GUIDE 4.0.6
Pentru self heal lichborne incearca asta eu zic :
/cast Lichborne
/target <numele tau>
/cast Death Coil
am adaugat last target sa nuti scoata target ...
  Topic: [WOTLK] Unholy Dk - PvE Advanced Tutorial ;)

Replies: 84
Views: 52556

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 05-08-2011, 11:52:20   Subject: [WOTLK] Unholy Dk - PvE Advanced Tutorial ;)
f bine explicat si tot ms mult m-ai convins sa-mi schimb specul !
  Topic: Recrutari Showdown!

Replies: 241
Views: 39788

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 31-07-2011, 15:53:56   Subject: Recrutari Showdown!
Nume caracterului din joc: Suntlucii
Varsta : 18
Clasa/Rasa: Death Knight / Night Elf ( stiu ca nu se face recruit la dk dar macar incerc )
Talente main spec/Off spec: Unholy dps/Frost tank/frost d ...
  Topic: Guild EVENT - Meserii FULL

Replies: 49
Views: 9501

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 27-07-2011, 16:56:34   Subject: Guild EVENT - Meserii FULL
Suntlucii :
  Topic: Addicted - Recrutari

Replies: 535
Views: 78931

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 24-07-2011, 16:27:07   Subject: Addicted - Recrutari
Nume din joc: Suntlucii
Clasa/Rasa: Death Knight / Night Elf
Main spec/Off spec: Unholy (dps) / Blood combinat cu frost (tank)
Gearscore: 6035 (dps ) / 5600 (tank)
FULL PVE: NU(a ...
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