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Topic: [REJECTED] E-mail Bug |
Replies: 1
Views: 243
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 31-07-2015, 20:09:40 Subject: [REJECTED] E-mail Bug |
You have to wait until 12:00 AM. Then you can get the money. |
Topic: [Rezolvat] Reclamatie Valar Morghulis |
Replies: 12
Views: 1311
Forum: Trash Posted: 30-07-2015, 22:07:23 Subject: [Rezolvat] Reclamatie Valar Morghulis |
Pentru abuz de u@ se primeste ban daca nu stiai.
App: Daca insulti adminul mult, are voie sa-ti deie si ban din cate stiu, daca te crezi tare-n taste si mai dai si retry, are voie sa-ti deie ban fara ... |
Topic: Sugestii & Propuneri ! |
Replies: 134
Views: 18057
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-07-2015, 20:15:57 Subject: Sugestii & Propuneri ! |
propun sa se deblocheze mapelel,adica... sunt anumite scurtaturi care ajuta jucatorul sa treaca,e ca un zid invizibil acolo si nu poti trece sau sunt anumite blocaje,ziduri puse pe mapa,care blocheaza ... |
Topic: [Respins] Cerere helper |
Replies: 17
Views: 1779
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-07-2015, 19:47:20 Subject: [Respins] Cerere helper |
oricine merita o sansa,dar nu mai puneti ma toti acolo de acum sa invat abecedarul... fraza copiata,clar
de unde stiti ca nu a citit regulamentul? |
Topic: [Aprobat] Helper Koala :D |
Replies: 27
Views: 2352
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-07-2015, 10:54:58 Subject: [Aprobat] Helper Koala :D |
scor ai,orele stiu ca le vei face |