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Topic: [Roleplay] Adventures of a Dwarf Blacksmith |
Replies: 7
Views: 3172
Forum: Other Posted: 05-01-2013, 15:10:09 Subject: [Roleplay] Adventures of a Dwarf Blacksmith |
Chapter II : Mission to Anvilmar
I arrive in Coldridge Valley early in the morning, before sun up.
Once I pass through the Coldridge Pass, I stumble upon a Dwarf camp, with some Dwarves gathered a ... |
Topic: [Roleplay] Adventures of a Dwarf Blacksmith |
Replies: 7
Views: 3172
Forum: Other Posted: 05-01-2013, 00:38:08 Subject: [Roleplay] Adventures of a Dwarf Blacksmith |
Thanks for the great feedback , i will try to fit the suggestions in the big picture.
The reason for these discrepancies is that i don't know that much about the lore , so things like this will appea ... |
Topic: Roleplay. |
Replies: 59
Views: 8817
Forum: Romanian Posted: 04-01-2013, 10:20:59 Subject: Roleplay. |
Pentru cei interesati de roleplay, am postat un topic la sectiunea de engleza.
Textul este in engleza , din pacate am pierdut varianta in romana .
Pentru cine stie engleza - bafta si lectura placuta ... |
Topic: [Roleplay] Adventures of a Dwarf Blacksmith |
Replies: 7
Views: 3172
Forum: Other Posted: 04-01-2013, 10:17:30 Subject: [Roleplay] Adventures of a Dwarf Blacksmith |
Full name : Movrak
Occupation : Blacksmith
Age : 45 years old
Gender : Male
Race : Dwarf
Class : Warrior , later on - hunter
Residence ... |
Topic: Roleplay. |
Replies: 59
Views: 8817
Forum: Romanian Posted: 27-12-2012, 19:47:12 Subject: Roleplay. |
Te caut eu in joc si vedem
Pana atunci - propun prima activitate , la care poate participa oricine este interesat :
Care sa fie numele ghildei ?
Ma gandesc si eu , se mai gandesc si altii , si vede ... |
Topic: Roleplay. |
Replies: 59
Views: 8817
Forum: Romanian Posted: 27-12-2012, 18:51:05 Subject: Roleplay. |
Care Ghilda ? Unde ?
Mai exista ?
Eu nu stiu sa fie vreuna , nici macar inactiva.
Daca aflati altceva, postati aici sa se stie - mai e, nu mai e, o sa fie, nu o sa mai fie. |
Topic: @topicul legat de ofense rasiste/religioase |
Replies: 43
Views: 3408
Forum: Romanian Posted: 27-12-2012, 18:08:10 Subject: @topicul legat de ofense rasiste/religioase |
Mai povesteste-mi cum nu exista dovezi ale holocaustului, convinge-ma, hai
Explica-mi un pic istoria asa cum e ea pe Discovery si History Channel |
Topic: @topicul legat de ofense rasiste/religioase |
Replies: 43
Views: 3408
Forum: Romanian Posted: 27-12-2012, 17:55:21 Subject: @topicul legat de ofense rasiste/religioase |
nu sunt dovezi pt holocaust din pacate
Faith in humanity.... lost forever |
Topic: Roleplay. |
Replies: 59
Views: 8817
Forum: Romanian Posted: 19-12-2012, 14:19:06 Subject: Roleplay. |
Salut !
Sunt interesat daca s-a creat acea Ghilda la Alianta despre care vorbea Tulvan
Eventual daca Tulvan m-ar putea contacta printr-un mesaj , aici sau privat, ar fi perfect. |
Topic: Guildbank gold cap |
Replies: 2
Views: 1559
Forum: Romanian Posted: 03-11-2011, 16:43:04 Subject: Guildbank gold cap |
Imi poate confirma cineva care este gold cap pe guild bank ?
Stiu ca pe un caracter este de 214k , dar in guild bank cat incape ?
Multumesc |
Topic: Shizuma's Largest WoW Wardrobe |
Replies: 105
Views: 24632
Forum: Romanian Posted: 02-11-2011, 17:12:19 Subject: Shizuma's Largest WoW Wardrobe |
PM pe forum |
Topic: Shizuma's Largest WoW Wardrobe |
Replies: 105
Views: 24632
Forum: Romanian Posted: 02-11-2011, 15:20:41 Subject: Shizuma's Largest WoW Wardrobe |
Ai si un mesaj de la mine |
Topic: Shizuma's Largest WoW Wardrobe |
Replies: 105
Views: 24632
Forum: Romanian Posted: 02-11-2011, 14:01:11 Subject: Shizuma's Largest WoW Wardrobe |
Felicitari pentru initiativa , cu roleplay-ul mai greu pe aici , dar ma bucur sa aud ca unii se mai joaca si asa
Ontopic , joc cu un dwarf hunter (marksman) si fac roleplay ca Ironforge ... |
Topic: Ceva raspunsuri? |
Replies: 7
Views: 2330
Forum: Trash Posted: 20-10-2011, 16:30:38 Subject: Ceva raspunsuri? |
Ideal este sa nu ajunga mob-ul langa tine. Ca hunter , tu incepi atacul , si de la o distanta foarte mare. La level 85 , tragi in el de la cam 100 de metrii, ochiometric spus.
Ori mob-ului ii ia cam ... |
Topic: Istoria Warcraft - Mythos Capitolul XI |
Replies: 6
Views: 2605
Forum: Romanian Posted: 20-10-2011, 11:56:38 Subject: Istoria Warcraft - Mythos Capitolul XI |
kamses, ti-am lasat un mesaj in legatura cu asta |