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  Topic: haideti sal trimitem pe jula in japonia

Replies: 0
Views: 184

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 27-03-2020, 00:53:16   Subject: haideti sal trimitem pe jula in japonia
ajutatine aici si pe noi sal trimitem pe bunul nostru prieten jula in japonia multumim ...
  Topic: PvP Event 1v1

Replies: 64
Views: 17393

PostForum: Old Events   Posted: 11-03-2019, 16:02:47   Subject: PvP Event 1v1
  Topic: [REJECTED] My achievement is bugged

Replies: 1
Views: 454

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 31-07-2018, 14:31:46   Subject: [REJECTED] My achievement is bugged
managed to do it
  Topic: [REJECTED] Val'sharah mission not showing

Replies: 1
Views: 493

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 30-07-2018, 22:51:13   Subject: [REJECTED] Val'sharah mission not showing
doesn't matter, managed to do it
  Topic: [REJECTED] Val'sharah mission not showing

Replies: 1
Views: 493

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 30-07-2018, 00:37:38   Subject: Val'sharah mission not showing
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: Val'sharah missions not showing, not finding ...
  Topic: [REJECTED] My achievement is bugged

Replies: 1
Views: 454

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 29-07-2018, 22:36:11   Subject: My achievement is bugged
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: first chapter is not available ( when you start it from scouting map )
Proof: h ...
  Topic: [COMPLETED] Leggings dissapeared from transmog collection

Replies: 1
Views: 530

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 20-07-2018, 21:39:27   Subject: Leggings dissapeared from transmog collection
Character Name: Senastusmonk
Item Name & ID: Riou's Vigilant Leggings
Armory Link: ...
  Topic: Old LFR raids

Replies: 4
Views: 1763

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 26-04-2018, 21:16:05   Subject: Old LFR raids
WoW Freakz link: Freakz database not working (Wowhead link:
Bug description: Lorewalker Han should let us queue for old LFR raids.
Proof: https://www ...
  Topic: [Warlords of Draenor] Blackrock Foundry & Hellfire Citadel

Replies: 52
Views: 21059

PostForum: Fixed bugs   Posted: 23-03-2018, 14:58:19   Subject: [Warlords of Draenor] Blackrock Foundry & Hellfire Citadel
As someone said earlier, if you leave group in Hellfire Citadel (didn't tried Blackrock Foundry), it has a looping loading screen bug, I tried to unstuck from site, didn't worked.
proof:https: https: ...
  Topic: SoO Mythic

Replies: 2
Views: 772

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 09-03-2018, 18:06:44   Subject: SoO Mythic
Ok, thank you for letting me know.
  Topic: SoO Mythic

Replies: 2
Views: 772

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 09-03-2018, 17:58:50   Subject: SoO Mythic
Can you somehow make Mythic Siege of Orgrimmar available, I'm sure a lot of people would like this idea, so we aren't forced to spend Vote Points on the transmog (costing 70+ vp)
Would really apperac ...
  Topic: [REJECTED] dk icc vendor does not work

Replies: 0
Views: 468

PostForum: Fixed / Closed bugs   Posted: 28-04-2017, 18:43:04   Subject: dk icc vendor does not work
WoW Freakz link: -
Bug description: icc vendor for dk does not work Surprise
  Topic: Crd ca exista o explicatie !!! Sper =))

Replies: 6
Views: 3024

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 17-02-2017, 21:13:16   Subject: Crd ca exista o explicatie !!! Sper =))
Stiu cat de dureros e sa pici cu toate paletele lumii dar asta e na e cross faction trb sa accepti chestia asta... macar bucura-te ca te poti gera tu si poti face macar tu ceva, si inca o chestie... s ...
  Topic: Cross Faction...

Replies: 0
Views: 403

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 13-02-2017, 23:50:17   Subject: Cross Faction...
S-ar putea sa se scoata cross factionul ? Parerea mea e ca e cel mai de rahat lucru.... Ma baga la horde si pierd mereu mereu mereu... Numai cu low gerati la horde si ally e plina de ally nu are nici. ...
  Topic: [COMPLETED] mi-a disparut chestul din bag

Replies: 3
Views: 891

PostForum: Item Recovery   Posted: 12-02-2017, 19:55:11   Subject: [COMPLETED] mi-a disparut chestul din bag

Update @ 12-02-2017, 19:55:11

i was on my character, as u can see up Lolugotpwned... i picked up some items from the bank ( lvl 80 items ) and selled them at the merchant... after selling them i ...
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