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  Topic: Seal of Darkshire Nobility Ring

Replies: 7
Views: 604

PostForum: Other   Posted: 06-11-2020, 01:44:39   Subject: Seal of Darkshire Nobility Ring
yo, any response?... confirmation? stuff like that?
  Topic: Seal of Darkshire Nobility Ring

Replies: 7
Views: 604

PostForum: Other   Posted: 30-10-2020, 17:24:45   Subject: Seal of Darkshire Nobility Ring
[quote ascuns]
Done, i edited the post.
  Topic: Seal of Darkshire Nobility Ring

Replies: 7
Views: 604

PostForum: Other   Posted: 30-10-2020, 03:46:54   Subject: Seal of Darkshire Nobility Ring
[quote ascuns]
sigil of misery does the same (the AOE fear from tank DH)
  Topic: Seal of Darkshire Nobility Ring

Replies: 7
Views: 604

PostForum: Other   Posted: 26-10-2020, 21:54:18   Subject: Seal of Darkshire Nobility Ring
WoW Freakz item link:
Character name: Kriskross
Bug description: the ring's secundary effect activates when i cc moobs in keys (without me attacking them), which makes me unable to skip certain groups of trash in keys (because that effect from the ring pulls the moobs and after the cc ends they come) and it should only activate the effect when ...
  Topic: [FIXED] [PvE] [Darkheart Thicket] Shade of Xavius - Waking Nightmare vs Induced Paranoia

Replies: 10
Views: 2427

PostForum: Fixed bugs   Posted: 18-05-2020, 21:03:08   Subject: [FIXED] [PvE] [Darkheart Thicket] Shade of Xavius - Waking Nightmare vs Induced Paranoia
Can confirm, it is impossible to do that boss on m20+, because of that silence bug, even with mages or paladins that can get rid of that silence
  Topic: [DUPLICATE] MoP - MV and SoO raids

Replies: 1
Views: 171

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 23-04-2020, 17:28:02   Subject: MoP - MV and SoO raids
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: we can't get in mogu'shan vaults raid on any difficulty , and for the siege of orggrimar raid is the same bug
  Topic: 2s arena dampening

Replies: 0
Views: 155

PostForum: Other   Posted: 22-04-2020, 16:54:29   Subject: 2s arena dampening
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: 2s arenas start at 20% dampening no matter if one of the teams have no healers, which is bugged.
it should be like this : if both teams have healers in it, arenas need to start with 1% dampening. and if 1 of the teams or both play double dps, the arena needs to start normally, with dampening appearing after 5 minutes in the arena.
  Topic: [REJECTED] monk's soothing mist

Replies: 1
Views: 189

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 22-04-2020, 16:47:58   Subject: monk's soothing mist
WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: in arenas MW monk's can't move while channeling soothing mist, outside the arena it works, but in arenas it is bugged and the channeling is canceled when u move
  Topic: [REJECTED] Druid's vortex

Replies: 1
Views: 335

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 20-04-2020, 22:33:42   Subject: Druid's vortex
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: Ursol's vortex of restoration druids pull you into it infinite times ,till it goes away , which is not how it should work. it should only pull you into it once.
  Topic: [REJECTED] Line of sight in arenas

Replies: 1
Views: 237

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 20-04-2020, 22:28:00   Subject: Line of sight in arenas
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: In multiple arenas there is a line of sight bug, when you are free in the open and try to heal/hit and ally/opponent and it says "target is not in line of sight" , in arenas like : ruins of lordaeron (in the entrances of spawns) , also in the arena ashamane' fall ,which has even a bigger line of sight problem ,you get the "target is not in line of sight" error when you stay right n ...
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