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Topic: IMI DA KICK DUPA 15 secunde |
Replies: 2
Views: 614
Forum: Trash Posted: 21-01-2019, 19:40:24 Subject: IMI DA KICK DUPA 15 secunde |
Ești sigur că ai pornit jocul din launcher_freakz-64.exe, iar acesta încă rulează în task manager?
Încearcă să-l pornești cu drepturi de administrato ... |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Mage][Frost] Flurry missile. |
Replies: 2
Views: 675
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 09-01-2019, 21:10:49 Subject: [Mage][Frost] Flurry missile. |
WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: Flurry's missile travel time is standardized to 7.0.3 notes. In 7.2.5, Flurry received a buff ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Mage] [Frost] Glacial Spike + Shatter |
Replies: 3
Views: 938
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 07-01-2019, 01:24:46 Subject: [REJECTED] [Mage] [Frost] Glacial Spike + Shatter |
It was not broken in 7.1.5, the flurry missile speed got increased 11% in 7.2.5, therefore being over 10 yards over the target and launching a Flurry proc instantly after GS resulted the following Com ... |
Topic: O eroare |
Replies: 2
Views: 429
Forum: Trash Posted: 17-12-2018, 21:00:41 Subject: O eroare |
Vezi secțiunea "Erori la pornire". |
Topic: probleme la instalare |
Replies: 1
Views: 763
Forum: Trash Posted: 10-12-2018, 11:40:11 Subject: probleme la instalare |
Click dreapta pe folderul Data -> Properties -> uncheck Read-only -> Apply ( for all folders and sub-folders ). |
Topic: i cnt turn the game music off from the system in the escape menu |
Replies: 2
Views: 541
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 09-12-2018, 19:37:44 Subject: i cnt turn the game music off from the system in the escape menu |
/run SetCVar("Sound_MusicVolume", 0) |
Topic: Unlootable profession packs popping up in loot menu |
Replies: 1
Views: 467
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 09-12-2018, 12:09:24 Subject: Unlootable profession packs popping up in loot menu |
You can see them, tho you're not able to pick them up if you don't have the shoulder enchant for that specific loot bag. They've fixed it like that i think so the AH prices for the items inside to be worth something.
I remember months ago everyone could've p ... |
Topic: [All classes][Health Frames] UNIT_HEAL_PREDICTION |
Replies: 0
Views: 749
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 03-12-2018, 12:23:20 Subject: [All classes][Health Frames] UNIT_HEAL_PREDICTION |
WoW Freakz link: //
Bug description: The event UNIT_HEAL_PREDICTION doesn't fire on cast time based healing spells (Example : Flash of Light), works only on Healing over-time effects. This event is very useful on healing specs, especially while you're raidin ... |
Topic: just migrated, game keeps freezing |
Replies: 3
Views: 924
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 19-11-2018, 12:38:03 Subject: just migrated, game keeps freezing |
What's the crash error report?
Is that happening only on that character that was created by your migration request? ( works fine if you create a fresh character and log into it? )
Have you tried deleting the Cache folder and logging back in?
Topic: [REJECTED] [Demon Hunter] [Havoc] [Felblade] Cant use Felblade at krosus platform. |
Replies: 3
Views: 755
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 17-11-2018, 19:18:55 Subject: [REJECTED] [Demon Hunter] [Havoc] [Felblade] Cant use Felblade at krosus platform. |
Duplicate : .
Don't open another topic if the same bug is already reported. Things will get fixed sooner or later. |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Serious Bug] Some NPCs can't be stunned anymore |
Replies: 4
Views: 690
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 17-11-2018, 19:16:10 Subject: [DUPLICATE] [Serious Bug] Some NPCs can't be stunned anymore |
It's actually happening vs all NPCs when they're cc-ed. Pelters do this aswell, bears run around while polymorphed attacking people etc. I know it's been reported. |
Topic: [REJECTED] [mage] Invisi vs capturing flag in bg |
Replies: 7
Views: 2265
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 15-11-2018, 11:18:57 Subject: [REJECTED] [mage] Invisi vs capturing flag in bg |
For rogues, i guess it's Shroud of Concealment. Works the same way as Mass invis. |
Topic: [REJECTED] [NPC] Poseidus -solved- |
Replies: 3
Views: 968
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 12-11-2018, 17:32:03 Subject: [REJECTED] [NPC] Poseidus -solved- |
It's not a bug, it's how it should work.
Since legion dropped in, all world-drop mounts from Elites like the one in Warlords of Draenor from Poundfist and others can be shared & looted by all party members.
I know that because i've been selling Alani mo ... |
Topic: [Dungeon][Vault of the Wardens] Shadow Hunter's charge |
Replies: 0
Views: 653
Forum: Trash Posted: 12-11-2018, 15:35:56 Subject: [Dungeon][Vault of the Wardens] Shadow Hunter's charge |
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: The two spells: and ... |
Topic: Problema in momentul in care deschid jocul |
Replies: 1
Views: 897
Forum: Trash Posted: 10-11-2018, 19:47:32 Subject: Problema in momentul in care deschid jocul |
Vezi secțiunea: Erori la pornire.