[quote ascuns] LOL daca nu e voie nu mai fac. Dar din nou nu stiam ca nu e voie. Daca asta e raspunsul oficial ca nu e voie MB pe server ma voi opri.
Zi faina
Ieri am zis sa vad cum merge multiboxing de 5 caractere pe serverul asta. M-am logat, am intrat in joc folosing ISBoxing, am facut o instanta de lvl mic si am iesit. Azi am vazut ca am fost banat pe toate conturile.
Am tot cautat sa vad daca regul ...
Can anyone help me with a link / place I can download the GSE addon for 7.2.5? Or if someone already has it can they send it to me?
Spent 2 hours last night searching for that addon for 7.2.5 (on all the big sites earliest version is around 1st patch ...
Searched for a couple of hours for a working version of this for Legion. Found nothing.
If any1 has a working version would be appreciated.