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Topic: [REJECTED] [Hunter][All Specs] Power Shot |
Replies: 6
Views: 764
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 29-12-2015, 11:07:40 Subject: [REJECTED] [Hunter][All Specs] Power Shot |
You are right thank you for help.
I just found out that powershot was nerfed in 5.3 from 800%WD to 600% and now i understand how that bliz boys hit that hard with it on s13. |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Hunter][All Specs] Power Shot |
Replies: 6
Views: 764
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 29-12-2015, 00:55:17 Subject: [REJECTED] [Hunter][All Specs] Power Shot |
The avg weapon damage of that weapon is 80.85. Following the formula the result will be 60349.5. Not a big deal, just a little difference, when you use Taoren, the soul burner it's not that simple any ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Hunter][All Specs] Power Shot |
Replies: 6
Views: 764
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 28-12-2015, 22:58:46 Subject: [REJECTED] [Hunter][All Specs] Power Shot |
Armor is a joke buddy. Here are 3 powershots dealt on dummies with 0, 10000, and 20000 armor. (and 75% resilience) |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Hunter][All Specs] Power Shot |
Replies: 6
Views: 764
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 28-12-2015, 16:52:05 Subject: [Hunter][All Specs] Power Shot |
WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: The spell damage ... |
Topic: Sa ne Cunoastem :)) |
Replies: 57
Views: 9117
Forum: Trash Posted: 20-11-2015, 23:44:26 Subject: Sa ne Cunoastem :)) |
sa iti luam mortii in P U L A wipe |
Topic: [Grafica] - Portofoliu |
Replies: 158
Views: 33887
Forum: Trash Posted: 01-11-2015, 11:53:44 Subject: [Grafica] - Portofoliu |
Nume: Alzarlok
Sa pui si guilda te rog |
Topic: ...:::Recrutari:::...Mists of Pandaria |
Replies: 164
Views: 34704
Forum: Trash Posted: 17-12-2014, 00:06:11 Subject: ...:::Recrutari:::...Mists of Pandaria |
ume character: Alzarlok
Clasa: Hunter
Rasa: Troll
Main spec: Beast Mastery
Offspec : Survival
Item Level : 402
De ce vrei sa intri in "vs The World" ? : Encage nr1
De ce crezi ca esti ... |
Topic: Stay Classy ...:::Event:::... |
Replies: 29
Views: 6003
Forum: Trash Posted: 17-09-2014, 21:10:26 Subject: Stay Classy ...:::Event:::... |
Nickname Main Char: Alzarlok
Nickname Achiev Char: Alzarlokk
Rasa Achiev Char: Orc
Clasa Achiev Char: Rogue |
Topic: Discutii |
Replies: 5602
Views: 663641
Forum: Trash Posted: 25-06-2014, 23:18:20 Subject: Discutii |
salut |
Topic: Recrutari |
Replies: 356
Views: 68005
Forum: Trash Posted: 07-04-2014, 23:29:25 Subject: Recrutari | si daca calculezi putin o sa observi ca am cam 4-5 ore pe zi jucate, tu stai pe un off char 4 ore pe zi ? Nu fac achievments pentru ca nu vad rostu avand in vedere ca in ... |
Topic: Recrutari |
Replies: 356
Views: 68005
Forum: Trash Posted: 07-04-2014, 18:00:01 Subject: Recrutari |
Numele IRL :Tiberiu
Varsta : 16
Cateva lucruri despre tine: Sunt clasa a 9-a, sunt foarte sociabil, sunt genul de om care accepta sfaturile si criticile sunt membru al unei trupe de teatru cu care ... |
Topic: - Recrutari ! - |
Replies: 137
Views: 42338
Forum: Trash Posted: 18-03-2014, 18:04:44 Subject: - Recrutari ! - |
Armory link:
Nume character: Alzarlok
Clasa: Hunter
Rasa: troll
Main spec: joc survival si bm in paralel in functie de obss
O ... |
Topic: Recrutari |
Replies: 1171
Views: 211993
Forum: Trash Posted: 15-03-2014, 11:03:33 Subject: Recrutari |
1. Nume IRL: Tibi
2. Varsta: 16
3. Localitate: Ploiesti
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.) : pai depinde uneori joc foarte mult alte ori intru doar seara la ... |
Topic: .:: Recrutari ::. |
Replies: 63
Views: 21033
Forum: Trash Posted: 10-03-2014, 16:44:28 Subject: .:: Recrutari ::. |
-Armory link:
-Nume character: Alzarlok
-Clasa: hunter
-Rasa: troll
-Main spec + ilvl: survival 394
-Offspec + ilvl (specif ... |
Topic: - Recrutari ! - |
Replies: 137
Views: 42338
Forum: Trash Posted: 10-03-2014, 13:13:19 Subject: - Recrutari ! - |
Armory link:
Nume character: Alzarlok
Clasa: hunter
Rasa: troll
Main spec: survival
Offspec (specifica si cat de bine stii sa ... |