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  Topic: DPS value bug

Replies: 0
Views: 410

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 09-07-2012, 04:30:09   Subject: DPS value bug
Descrierea bugului / Bug description:
bugul este valabil pentru warrior pentru ca acesta apare doar cand schimbi intre 1h+ shield si 2h in timp ce esti disarmed. Daca am spre exemplu 1h +shield ech ...
  Topic: Rated Battlegrounds

Replies: 253
Views: 70688

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 07-07-2012, 17:00:17   Subject: Rated Battlegrounds
Rated bg = 0 pe Exodus.
1 Din 700 de oameni 95% nici macar nu stiu ca la 2.2 k iti poti lua urmatorul tier de arme vicious
2 Atata vreme cat bg-urile A vs A si H vs H nu merg este aproape imposibil ...
  Topic: [DUPLICATE] Team bug armory

Replies: 1
Views: 605

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 18-06-2012, 21:08:36   Subject: Team bug armory
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: armory bug:, ...
  Topic: Mega wintrade, Exodus realm 2v2/3v3

Replies: 6
Views: 766

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 17-06-2012, 13:02:06   Subject: Re: Mega wintrade, Exodus realm 2v2/3v3
they wintraded hardly and they dont even know how to do it. It's common sense that u cannot win absolutely all the games (especially in 3s) unless you're fighting ghosts.
+ kertyt is the b ...
  Topic: [DUPLICATE] Bug DPS value

Replies: 2
Views: 667

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 14-06-2012, 17:17:31   Subject: Bug DPS value
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: bugul consta in diminuarea substantiala a valorii de la "DPS" (cea de deasupra valorii attack power)
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Uneori cand iesi din ar ...
  Topic: Torrentul de wow4.0.6. 15GB WTF

Replies: 4
Views: 959

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 12-05-2012, 19:47:07   Subject: Torrentul de wow4.0.6. 15GB WTF
Eu am lasat la downloadat o noapte intreaga si a doua zi aveam download facut total: 155 gb iar torrentul era tot la 99%.In mod normal trebuia sa mi-l ia pe tot in max 30 minute insa nici macar dua o ...
  Topic: 3V3 WINTRADE

Replies: 5
Views: 730

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 12-05-2012, 12:43:05   Subject: Re: 3V3 WINTRADE
[quote ascuns]
Clar este ceva suspect, si intr-adevar nici eu nu i-am vazut in arena desi am stat in queue in ultima vreme
  Topic: Server Downtime

Replies: 1376
Views: 241004

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 26-04-2012, 16:47:07   Subject: Server Downtime
[quote ascuns]
am incercat si eu sa fac chestia asta insa fara incercat tracert/ping in cmd imi ajunge la server insa tot nu ma pot conecta...tind sa cred ca e o problema de la firewall-ul serverului...depinde fiecare de norocul lui.
P.S. site-ul imi merge si c ...
  Topic: nu ma pot conecta

Replies: 22
Views: 4906

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 26-04-2012, 12:26:59   Subject: nu ma pot conecta
Posturi unite automat, 26-04-2012, 13:26:59

[quote ascuns]
Copile, stii sa citesti romana? Dupa cum vezi nu am injurat pe nimeni insa este total aiurea ca 100 de oameni sa posteze acelasi lucru cand deja am scris de 1000 de ori ca nu functioneaza in acel mod.Facand 100 de posturi cu acelasi continut duce la ineficienta forumului (= spam), pe alte forumuri ...
  Topic: Server Downtime

Replies: 1376
Views: 241004

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 26-04-2012, 06:21:34   Subject: Server Downtime
[quote ascuns]
Am incercat si schimbarea realmlist-ului, am incercat si cu diferite proxyuri...nimic.Alte solutii?
  Topic: Can´t connect to the server, not even website...

Replies: 10
Views: 1307

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 26-04-2012, 00:43:19   Subject: Can´t connect to the server, not even website...
[quote ascuns]
I dont think so...i did had problems with connecting to website also, now it seems to be fine, still no chance to get in-game, and i am from Romania as i said. This happens to random people, i think it might be a security problem maybe from server firewall or smth -
  Topic: Can´t connect to the server, not even website...

Replies: 10
Views: 1307

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 26-04-2012, 00:32:01   Subject: Can´t connect to the server, not even website...
I'm trying to find out the same doesent work for me either and i did tried to modify realmlist but useless...i can connect on genesis or evolution but not on exodus...even tough i am from Romania.
So far...noone is doing nothing, all the robots replying with "change realmlist to wow1, wow2 etc"
  Topic: nu ma pot conecta

Replies: 22
Views: 4906

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 25-04-2012, 22:34:03   Subject: nu ma pot conecta
[quote ascuns]
Parerea mea este ca faza asta cu reputatia pe forum ar trebui scoasa pentru simplul motiv ca mai sunt 100000 ca tine care dau reply fara sa citeasca! intrebarea magica pentru tine este urmatoare: E S T I B A T U T I N C A P ? A I C I T I T M A I S U S I N A I N T E S A D A I R E P L Y ?????????? E greu de priceput ca porcaria cu schimbarea realmlistului nu functioneaza pentru unii ???
  Topic: This shit needs to stop

Replies: 23
Views: 2856

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 25-04-2012, 22:30:48   Subject: Re: This shit needs to stop
[quote ascuns]
Nu vad ce legatura are ilvl cu "alergatu in turma dupa killuri", sa fiu sincer am fost in teamuri destul de bune in rbg, mult peste opozitie, primii la kill-uri fiind din echipa noastra insa am pierdut gearscore=/ fii frumos ce e drept sa mearga ratedbg -
  Topic: nu ma pot conecta

Replies: 22
Views: 4906

PostForum: Romanian   Posted: 25-04-2012, 21:13:00   Subject: nu ma pot conecta
Am net de la Ilink...tot PPPoe nu cred ca are vreo legatura
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