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Message |
Topic: Reclamatie helper Skill 3D |
Replies: 2
Views: 333
Forum: Trash Posted: 09-04-2015, 23:10:13 Subject: Reclamatie helper Skill 3D |
Numele inculpatului:Skill 3D
Descriere:Eu i-am spus ceva lui stk.access sa ma informeze pe /needhelp si el imi da mute /nh aiurea,curatati helpari va rog
Poza/Dovada 1: http://imgur.c ... |
Topic: Reclamatie helper Florin.(14ani) |
Replies: 5
Views: 635
Forum: Trash Posted: 09-04-2015, 02:26:34 Subject: Reclamatie helper Florin.(14ani) |
Eu stiam ca e mute 10 minute,nu 20. |
Topic: Reclamatie helper Florin,Denis |
Replies: 3
Views: 404
Forum: Trash Posted: 09-04-2015, 02:25:47 Subject: Reclamatie helper Florin,Denis |
Uite-te atent in poza,se vede ca ai tras,bafta! |
Topic: Reclamatie helper Florin,Denis |
Replies: 3
Views: 404
Forum: Trash Posted: 09-04-2015, 02:21:05 Subject: Reclamatie helper Florin,Denis |
Numele dezonoratului:Florin,Denis
Descriere incident:Stau linistit in fata banci,si ma trezesc ca incepe sa atace,bineinteles imi bubuie NRG-ul si mor...
Dovada 1: ... |
Topic: Reclamatie helper Florin.(14ani) |
Replies: 5
Views: 635
Forum: Trash Posted: 09-04-2015, 02:10:32 Subject: Reclamatie helper Florin.(14ani) |
Nick in joc: ThugLife
Numele persoanei reclamate: Florin.
Descrierea incidentului: Da mute fara sa fac nimica,asta se intampla cand pui helper un drac de 14 ani...
Dovada/poze: ... |
Topic: Reclamatie imP4UL |
Replies: 2
Views: 331
Forum: Trash Posted: 07-04-2015, 21:15:56 Subject: Reclamatie imP4UL |
Nick in joc: ThugLife
Numele persoanei reclamate: imP4UL
Descrierea incidentului: Kill la event,propun warn
Dovada/poze: 1.
Dovada/poza: 2. ... |
Topic: Aplicatii Los Santos Vagos |
Replies: 45
Views: 4649
Forum: Trash Posted: 06-04-2015, 22:10:47 Subject: Aplicatii Los Santos Vagos |
Nick: ThugLife
Level: 6
Oras de provenienta (LS/SF): LS
De cat timp joci?: 2ani
Varsta: 17
Job-uri precedente: Ams dealer
Job curent: Lawyer
De ce vrei sa te alaturi?: Sa ajut
Ai mai fost in a ... |
Topic: Log The Nang Boys[Intrari/Iesiri] |
Replies: 8
Views: 1049
Forum: Trash Posted: 06-04-2015, 14:55:03 Subject: Log The Nang Boys[Intrari/Iesiri] |
Azi 4/6/2015 ora 3:55 a intrat imP4UL |
Topic: Aplicatii The Nang Boys |
Replies: 15
Views: 2585
Forum: Trash Posted: 06-04-2015, 14:51:49 Subject: Aplicatii The Nang Boys |
imP4UL acceptat |
Topic: Sedinte/Absente The Nang Boys |
Replies: 1
Views: 431
Forum: Trash Posted: 05-04-2015, 12:14:50 Subject: Sedinte/Absente The Nang Boys |
Prima sedinta o vom face cand vom fi in total 5 membri!Cred ca sambata o sa fie potrivit! |
Topic: Aplicatii The Nang Boys |
Replies: 15
Views: 2585
Forum: Trash Posted: 05-04-2015, 12:12:40 Subject: Aplicatii The Nang Boys |
_Psihotrop acceptat in factiune! |
Topic: Regulament The Nang Boys |
Replies: 1
Views: 624
Forum: Trash Posted: 05-04-2015, 12:09:54 Subject: Regulament The Nang Boys |
Regulament Da Nang Boys
1.Nu aveti voie sa cereti rank-up se pedepseste cu /fwarn
2. Nu aveti voie sa va atacati intre voi.
3. Nu aveti voie sa luati mats/drugs din seif aiurea.
4. Nu aveti voi ... |
Topic: Log The Nang Boys[Intrari/Iesiri] |
Replies: 8
Views: 1049
Forum: Trash Posted: 05-04-2015, 11:54:53 Subject: Log The Nang Boys[Intrari/Iesiri] |
Azi 4/4/2015 ora 12:05 a intrat _Psihotrop |
Topic: Cereri Leader |
Replies: 133
Views: 19119
Forum: Trash Posted: 04-04-2015, 18:35:18 Subject: Cereri Leader |
Nick: ThugLife
Factiunea la care doresti lider: DNB
De cat timp joci: 2 ani
Varsta reala: 17
De ce vrei sa fi lider: sa fac o factiune frumoasa
In ce interval de timp esti dispus sa joci:24/7 |
Topic: Cereri Leader |
Replies: 133
Views: 19119
Forum: Trash Posted: 04-04-2015, 18:14:23 Subject: Cereri Leader |
Nick: ThugLife
Factiunea la care doresti lider: TM
De cat timp joci: 2ani
Varsta reala: 17
De ce vrei sa fi lider: sa fac o factiune buna
In ce interval de timp esti dispus sa joci:24/7 |