Author |
Message |
Topic: Nu ma pot loga... help? |
Replies: 3
Views: 666
Forum: Romanian Posted: 12-08-2016, 09:04:27 Subject: Nu ma pot loga... help? |
Cand incerc sa ma loghez cu orice cont imi da eroarea "Your account needs to be converted to a account" si dupa ii un button "CLICK HERE" care ma redirectioneaza catre b ... |
Topic: Can't log in |
Replies: 5
Views: 868
Forum: Trash Posted: 12-08-2016, 08:04:35 Subject: Can't log in |
When I try to log in with any of my accounts it says "Your account needs to be converted to a account" and then is a button "CLICK HERE" that dirrects me to ... |
Topic: [Artwork] Cyad |
Replies: 86
Views: 26461
Forum: Creations Posted: 10-08-2014, 22:47:43 Subject: [Artwork] Cyad |
Man poti sa pui te rog psd-u la borders? sau sa mi-l dai in pm ca imi plac foarte mult |
Topic: [rezolvat][CERERE]Addons ZM |
Replies: 5
Views: 1328
Forum: Addons - Help / Support Posted: 10-08-2014, 15:42:38 Subject: [rezolvat][CERERE]Addons ZM |
da ,dar a zis ca nu il mai are nici unde,dar l-am mai avut o data si nu mai stiu de unde l-am luat |
Topic: [rezolvat][CERERE]Addons ZM |
Replies: 5
Views: 1328
Forum: Addons - Help / Support Posted: 10-08-2014, 12:01:14 Subject: [rezolvat][CERERE]Addons ZM |
pai as vrea sa aibe lvl mod deci human/zombie de 13 levele si as vrea acele 4 clase de human care le selectezi si cand joci un cs claisc la echipa counter-terrorist ai 4 clase si as vrea sa poti aleg ... |
Topic: [rezolvat][CERERE]Addons ZM |
Replies: 5
Views: 1328
Forum: Addons - Help / Support Posted: 10-08-2014, 11:47:39 Subject: [rezolvat][CERERE]Addons ZM |
Are cineva addonsu zombimod acela facut de cTm one? care l-a avut pe primul lui server |
Topic: [rezolvat]Plugin VIP |
Replies: 9
Views: 1704
Forum: Plugins - Help / Support Posted: 07-08-2014, 15:26:16 Subject: [rezolvat]Plugin VIP |
Scuze daca am incalcat cu ceva regulamentul si astept doar ca vroiam sa stiu daca se ocupa cineva,mersi ca te ocupi |
Topic: [rezolvat]Plugin VIP |
Replies: 9
Views: 1704
Forum: Plugins - Help / Support Posted: 07-08-2014, 12:48:20 Subject: [rezolvat]Plugin VIP |
up? |
Topic: [rezolvat]Plugin VIP |
Replies: 9
Views: 1704
Forum: Plugins - Help / Support Posted: 06-08-2014, 12:46:35 Subject: [rezolvat]Plugin VIP |
- speed 100 (in plus fata de normal) 10 secunde
- deagle 2 gloante
- gravity 600 20 de secunde
-pachet grenazi(1he,1smoke,2flashuri)
-awp 1 glont
- speed 50(in plus fata de norma ... |
Topic: [rezolvat]Plugin VIP |
Replies: 9
Views: 1704
Forum: Plugins - Help / Support Posted: 06-08-2014, 12:16:37 Subject: [rezolvat]Plugin VIP |
deci sa fie un plugin de VIP cu 2 grade exemplu : gold/silver deci sa aibe 2 flaguri si sa aibe gravity 600 deagle 3 gl speed 100 in plus fata de normal deci aia ar insemna 350 ca 250 este normal un p ... |
Topic: [rezolvat]Plugin VIP |
Replies: 9
Views: 1704
Forum: Plugins - Help / Support Posted: 06-08-2014, 09:37:37 Subject: [rezolvat]Plugin VIP |
careva?  |
Topic: [rezolvat]Plugin VIP |
Replies: 9
Views: 1704
Forum: Plugins - Help / Support Posted: 05-08-2014, 17:55:33 Subject: [rezolvat]Plugin VIP |
As vrea un plugin de VIP pentru HNS cu 2 grade gen gold/silver si sa aibe comanda /vipmenu si sa iti alegi un singur item pe runda.Sper ca ma puteti ajuta |
Topic: Sunet plugin |
Replies: 1
Views: 445
Forum: Fixed issues Posted: 10-04-2014, 20:43:55 Subject: Sunet plugin |
T/C Rezolvat |
Topic: Sunet plugin |
Replies: 1
Views: 445
Forum: Fixed issues Posted: 10-04-2014, 18:29:02 Subject: Sunet plugin |
Care ma poate ajuta sa bag un sunet la un plugin? la acest plugin sa ii adaug sunetul de la eliminate sau fuzy ,mai exact you have been eliminated sau ceva d ... |
Topic: Hns help |
Replies: 6
Views: 1193
Forum: Fixed issues Posted: 23-03-2014, 15:14:06 Subject: Hns help |
Up?  |