Did some BGs today and got stunned into oblivion so kept looking at the debuffs, and saw "Wide Swipe" stun duration 4sec.
Was a warrior who applied it, can anyone fill me in what that crap ...
Nume Char: Emfren
Realm: Exodus
Nume / ID Item: http://www.wowhead.com/item=30908
Armory Link: http://armory.freakz.ro/character-sheet.xml?r=Exodus&cn=Emfren
I accidently sent it to my shaman ...
Name Char: Emfren
Realm: Genesis
Name / ID Item: Dragonstalker's Spaulders 16937
Armory Link: http://armory.freakz.ro/character-sheet.xml?r=Genesis&cn=Emfren
The item was supposed to be se ...
Name: Lymira (Bloodelf death knight)
Date: 21:st June 2012, time: 23.43 GMT +1
Details: Abusing exploits/glitchy mechanics by death gripping at certain places in battlegrounds that makes you fall th ...