So here a I was with 55 cata swords the deposit fee was 10 gold per item so that's 550 gold on total for all items posted but after i posted-ed them i was short 5k gold.
What I want to know is if th ...
Wowhead quest link:
WoW Freakz quest link:
Bug description: I get no items from Disenchanting legion s ...
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: Chance to create a perfect gem is non existent, I should have at least 1 perfect gem after ...
Prenume: Benone
Nickname: Graveroot
Varsta: 25
Locatie: Arad
Hobbies: Jocuri si pescuit
De unde ati auzit de Freakz: counter strike server
Ce as mai dori sa adaug: Sunt pasionat de world of warc ...