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Topic: [REJECTED] [Quest]Heavy Artillery not fixed yet. |
Replies: 5
Views: 923
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 20-12-2020, 10:56:57 Subject: [Quest]Heavy Artillery not fixed yet. |
WoW Freakz link:
Character name: Vagabond
Bug description: Horde forces progression not increase when kill mobs, some ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Warlock][Destro] Magistrike Restraints(backdraft) |
Replies: 2
Views: 555
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 29-09-2020, 18:05:16 Subject: [Warlock][Destro] Magistrike Restraints(backdraft) |
WoW Freakz spell link: [url=]Backdraft
Character name: Vagabond.
Bug description: After [url= ... |
Topic: Ancient Eredar Cache |
Replies: 1
Views: 618
Forum: Other Posted: 25-04-2020, 12:55:45 Subject: Ancient Eredar Cache |
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: Ancient Eredar Cache appear and disappear randomly, i was need to walking ar ... |
Topic: drdamage 7.3.5? |
Replies: 1
Views: 723
Forum: Trash Posted: 15-04-2020, 12:27:48 Subject: drdamage 7.3.5? |
Exista un addon pentru 7.3.5 care sa arate spell coeffiecients / dot dmg / etc? Aparent drdamage nu exista pentru 7.3.5. ... |
Topic: Mythic Keystone: Timers |
Replies: 1
Views: 1199
Forum: Trash Posted: 17-10-2018, 21:35:51 Subject: Mythic Keystone: Timers |
Same as, but for Mythic Keystones. Eventually and weekly best keys. |
Topic: La multi ani Froster! |
Replies: 18
Views: 4765
Forum: Anniversaries Posted: 20-08-2018, 10:23:19 Subject: La multi ani Froster! |
La multi ani! |
Topic: Quest Helper allows to see your completed quests. |
Replies: 1
Views: 813
Forum: Trash Posted: 22-07-2018, 18:03:26 Subject: Quest Helper allows to see your completed quests. |
Can you add here a new script to see completed/rewarded quests? |
Topic: Vand Componente PC + Monitor |
Replies: 1
Views: 1025
Forum: Selling Posted: 10-04-2018, 18:19:30 Subject: Vand Componente PC + Monitor |
GIGABYTE GA-970A-DS3P socket AM3+ = 150 Ron
AMD FX 6300 + Cooler Scythe Shuriken B = 200 Ron
DDR3 4x2GB= 150 Ron toate 4
MSI GTX 660 Twin Frozr 3 2GB = 350 Ron
Sursa Enermax Lyberty 500W = 200 Ron ... |
Topic: Figurina Scrat |
Replies: 0
Views: 862
Forum: Buying Posted: 18-11-2017, 17:10:20 Subject: Figurina Scrat |
Cumpar figurina Scrat din plus, de ~10 - 15 CM.
Sa fie cat mai pufoasa si originala
Pretul il astept de la voi. |
Topic: Aplicatie GPS "personalizat" |
Replies: 1
Views: 1461
Forum: Software Posted: 27-10-2017, 17:08:50 Subject: Aplicatie GPS "personalizat" |
Stie cineva o aplicatie, sau poate chiar la waze, daca este posibil sa iti planifici ruta dupa cum vrei(sa iti selectezi drumurile dorite), si sa te bage exact pe acolo?
Thanks. |
Topic: CS:GO Freeze after kill/death |
Replies: 4
Views: 1933
Forum: Posted: 10-10-2017, 21:42:03 Subject: CS:GO Freeze after kill/death |
Mereu cand se face un kill, fie ca omor eu pe cineva, fie ca ma omoara cineva pe mine, se blocheaza GRAV jocul cu un drop fps imens, sau fie merge fluent dar imi afiseaza dupa 10-15 secunde cine pe c ... |
Topic: La multi ani! Pirinush! |
Replies: 18
Views: 3846
Forum: Anniversaries Posted: 16-06-2017, 05:46:21 Subject: La multi ani! Pirinush! |
La multi ani! |
Topic: [REJECTED] WoW zone @ Bug report |
Replies: 2
Views: 1121
Forum: Discussions/Help Posted: 27-04-2017, 20:19:30 Subject: WoW zone @ Bug report |
fixed] Requires Server Restart] Firelands client crash / freeze. fixed] LIVE] Firelands client crash / freeze.
Se pot implementa astea? Iar dupa ce se da server restart sa se treaca automat la norm ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] Top bar missing icons |
Replies: 1
Views: 916
Forum: Discussions/Help Posted: 25-04-2017, 16:17:38 Subject: Top bar missing icons |
The icons was disappeared from the top bar.
Same for Quick Edit: |
Topic: mp3 to flac |
Replies: 1
Views: 1250
Forum: Archive Posted: 13-04-2017, 20:34:25 Subject: mp3 to flac |
Stie cineva, daca fac convert din mp3 in flac, se simte diferenta?
Mp3 are undeva la 320kb/s iar flac 790-860 kb/s.
Sau stiti vreun site de unde pot descarca in flac format? |