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Topic: avatar forum |
Replies: 1
Views: 230
Forum: Other Posted: 02-10-2020, 19:06:17 Subject: avatar forum |
de ce nu imi pot face upload la avataru meu din pc pt forum si pe ce site pot sa il urc ca sa il pot pune |
Topic: alleria stuck |
Replies: 2
Views: 727
Forum: Trash Posted: 03-05-2020, 21:58:09 Subject: alleria stuck |
after the first quest from war of light and shadow alleria is stuck and the npc that should have been there is not.
any solutions? |
Topic: Loremaster @legion |
Replies: 1
Views: 638
Forum: Trash Posted: 14-08-2017, 00:59:30 Subject: Loremaster @legion |
loremaster e achievable si pe realmul de legion in momentul de fata? |
Topic: Merita sustinere! |
Replies: 2
Views: 1627
Forum: Politics & Social Posted: 13-05-2017, 00:59:53 Subject: Merita sustinere! |
Omu munceste foarte mult,nu e intr-o situatie financiara prea buna,se descurca cam singur cu tot.
Merita sustinere. |
Topic: Must Listen! |
Replies: 0
Views: 416
Forum: Music Posted: 13-05-2017, 00:11:49 Subject: Must Listen! |
Omu munceste foarte mult de 1 an merita apreciat! |
Topic: Nu ma pot conecta |
Replies: 3
Views: 412
Forum: Romanian Posted: 05-11-2016, 20:06:51 Subject: Nu ma pot conecta |
Am descarcat din nou jocul,sters cache,wtf.Am incercat tot ce mi-a trecut prin cap si tot nu merge. |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] [BUG]Random Battlegrounds |
Replies: 1
Views: 342
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 08-06-2016, 13:14:17 Subject: [BUG]Random Battlegrounds |
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: I shouldn't get a pop for AV which is clearly unchecked.
Proof: |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Victory Bug]Stand of the Ancients |
Replies: 2
Views: 499
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 07-06-2016, 19:16:07 Subject: [Victory Bug]Stand of the Ancients |
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: Sometimes when you click the relic nothing happens,it happened to me 3 or 4 times this week.You can't win a g ... |
Topic: Problema LFR |
Replies: 2
Views: 453
Forum: Trash Posted: 25-04-2016, 18:21:59 Subject: Problema LFR |
Din cauza unor prosti care stau offline dupa ce intra in LFR nu mai putem da join la queue pentru ca inlocuii pe cineva.Asa ajungem sa stricam un raid din cauza unor idioti. FIX IT! |
Topic: Problema Vote |
Replies: 5
Views: 832
Forum: Romanian Posted: 06-03-2016, 19:05:07 Subject: Problema Vote |
Nu pot vota,am AdBlock oprit si degeaba,am facut exact cum a scria in ghid si tot degeaba.
Efectiv eu votez,imi iau CD la site-uri dar nu primesc puncte. |
Topic: Problema client |
Replies: 5
Views: 1108
Forum: Romanian Posted: 11-09-2015, 14:15:57 Subject: Problema client |
Am modelele de draenor bagate,am incercat si cu wow normal si tot nu merge. |
Topic: Problema vote |
Replies: 4
Views: 577
Forum: Romanian Posted: 02-09-2015, 09:07:27 Subject: Problema vote |
Primul site are cd 24 ore si celelalte au cate 12 ore,dar daca tu votezi pe celelalte site-uri in timp ce pe primul inca au mai ramas 12 ore din cd nu iti VP pentru celelalte. |
Topic: Terms of license |
Replies: 3
Views: 623
Forum: Romanian Posted: 18-08-2015, 19:24:20 Subject: Terms of license |
Mereu cand pornesc wow trebui sa accept terms of license,de ce?devine enervant.Stie cineva o rezolvare? |
Topic: Mount |
Replies: 6
Views: 1508
Forum: Romanian Posted: 06-10-2014, 00:56:39 Subject: Mount |
Am intrat in wow{nu am mai intrat de mult}si am vazut ca mia invatat niste mounturi automat,le poti da remove?
sunt cele 3 de pe chat |
Topic: Lag in toate jocurile |
Replies: 2
Views: 565
Forum: Trash Posted: 31-05-2014, 23:29:53 Subject: Lag in toate jocurile |
Am un athlon x4 740 4 gb ram si un gtx 550 ti si o sursa de 60 lei,am lag ocazional in toate jocurile,thief nici nu pot sa-l joc.
E posibil sa fie de la sursa? |