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Topic: [REJECTED] [Profession][Inscription] Mass Milling Techniques bugged |
Replies: 2
Views: 617
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 01-09-2018, 00:53:34 Subject: [Profession][Inscription] Mass Milling Techniques bugged |
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: I finished the entire inscription chain quest, but this quest never showed u ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] Cache of Nightborne treasures rollback |
Replies: 1
Views: 468
Forum: Trash Posted: 17-08-2018, 11:12:36 Subject: Cache of Nightborne treasures rollback |
Character Name: Rebullke
Item Name & ID:
Armory Link:
D ... |
Topic: [FIXED] Wintergrasp PvP vendors missing items |
Replies: 2
Views: 947
Forum: Fixed bugs Posted: 17-09-2017, 01:58:45 Subject: Wintergrasp PvP vendors missing items |
WoW Freakz link: [url=]Champion Ros'slai and [url= ... |
Topic: [COMPLETED] Shadow's edge dissapeared |
Replies: 1
Views: 334
Forum: Trash Posted: 04-09-2017, 10:19:18 Subject: Shadow's edge dissapeared |
Character Name: Rebullke
Item Name & ID:
Armory Link:
Detai ... |
Topic: [FIXED] Thane Irglov the Merciless |
Replies: 1
Views: 574
Forum: Fixed bugs Posted: 21-08-2017, 14:58:58 Subject: Thane Irglov the Merciless |
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: Mob not spawned , also it should have a world quest associated with it
Proof ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] 890 pants from dungeon |
Replies: 1
Views: 421
Forum: Trash Posted: 13-08-2017, 19:10:14 Subject: 890 pants from dungeon |
Character Name: Chucktauris
Item Name & ID: Mythic 12 titanforged
Armory Link: ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Monk] [Pvp] Ring of peace crash |
Replies: 1
Views: 608
Forum: Fixed bugs Posted: 08-08-2017, 23:29:05 Subject: [Monk] [Pvp] Ring of peace crash |
WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: When the ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Quest] [Monk] I completed the first part of the campaign but didn't unlock relic |
Replies: 35
Views: 7747
Forum: Fixed bugs Posted: 24-07-2017, 08:47:35 Subject: [Monk] I completed the first part of the campaign but didn't unlock relic |
Bug description: I completed all the quests in the chain, but after the last one, it gave me the appearance but didn't unlock relic, also, it gave me a quest i already completed (Tech it up a notch) t ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [PvE] ICC - Deathbringer Saurfang problems |
Replies: 22
Views: 10543
Forum: Fixed bugs Posted: 23-07-2017, 19:22:59 Subject: ICC - Deathbringer Saurfang problems |
Bug description: The door after the deathbringer fight doesn't open, used the monk tp and the portal isn't even spawned (i put the transcendence in the split second in which the boss enters the room) ... |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] Legion recipies don't level you up past 700 (after the fix on 14th of july) |
Replies: 1
Views: 449
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 15-07-2017, 12:30:01 Subject: Legion recipies don't level you up past 700 (after the fix on 14th of july) |
Bug description: Crafting the item swards no level and says "item not found"
Proof: |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] Miissing tailoring starting quests blocks players from learning above 700 skill |
Replies: 1
Views: 342
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 13-07-2017, 20:06:56 Subject: Miissing tailoring starting quests blocks players from learning above 700 skill |
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: the quest is't there and it's the one that allows you to learn legion tailoringg (fro ... |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] Neltharion Lair Mythic +3 trash progress bug |
Replies: 5
Views: 1333
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 07-07-2017, 10:52:07 Subject: Neltharion Lair Mythic +3 trash progress bug |
Bug description: None of the trash would award progress above 1%
Proof: |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Pandaria][Legendary quest] Breath of the Black Prince |
Replies: 1
Views: 354
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 25-06-2017, 10:40:48 Subject: [Pandaria][Legendary quest] Breath of the Black Prince |
Speaking with wrathion doesn't and therefore the quest can't be completed
Proof : |
Topic: [FIXED] [Item] [Legendary] Unison Spaulders |
Replies: 1
Views: 693
Forum: Fixed bugs Posted: 25-06-2017, 10:37:53 Subject: [Legendary] Unison Spaulders |
Wowhead quest link:
WoW Freakz quest link:
Bug description: The passive ability granted by the legendary does not ... |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Pandaria] The storm gathers |
Replies: 2
Views: 362
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 21-06-2017, 17:45:14 Subject: [Pandaria] The storm gathers |
Part of the chain quest allowing the player to go to the isle of thunder- speaking to scout captain Elsa doesn't complete the quest and simply using the portal bugs out the client and the loading scre ... |