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Topic: Laptop placa video |
Replies: 0
Views: 838
Forum: Hardware Posted: 09-10-2016, 23:14:11 Subject: Laptop placa video |
Salutare, are sormea un laptop assus x552mj, CPU N3540, placa video dedicata 920m, 8gb ram si are o oarecare mica problema la care nu i-am dat de cap. Placa video dedicata nu vrea sa treaca de pe pci ... |
Topic: Schimbare rubrica bug report |
Replies: 1
Views: 493
Forum: Other Posted: 02-08-2015, 01:11:01 Subject: Schimbare rubrica bug report |
Vreau si eu sa sugerez o schimbare a rubricii bug report in felul urmator:
In loc de "pending/confirmed/fixed Class spells / talents" s-ar putea pune "Classes" simplu apoi implem ... |
Topic: [Paladin][PvE][PvP] Beacon of Light |
Replies: 1
Views: 1011
Forum: CONFIRMED Class spells / talents Posted: 05-11-2013, 21:13:35 Subject: [Paladin][PvE][PvP] Beacon of Light |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Whenever I heal a pet it doesn't heal the beaconed target. It happens only when I use ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Paladin][PvE][PvP] Judgement |
Replies: 17
Views: 3189
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 05-11-2013, 20:10:07 Subject: [Paladin][PvE][PvP] Judgement |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: does not benefit from Two-Handed Weapon Specialization
Dovada / Proof: I will post ju ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Priest][PvE] Holy Nova |
Replies: 2
Views: 1237
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 05-11-2013, 15:40:00 Subject: [Priest][PvE] Holy Nova |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Healing is not divided among the number of targets affected.
Dovada / Proof:
http:/ ... |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Death Knight][PvP][PvE]Ghoul stats inheritance |
Replies: 3
Views: 1171
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 05-11-2013, 15:13:25 Subject: [Death Knight][PvP][PvE]Ghoul stats inheritance |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: -
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Dk's ghoul takes twice the bonus from some buffs/auras; once inherited from master and second by having the specific buff/aura.
Dov ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Quest] [Borean Tundra]Magic Carpet Ride |
Replies: 3
Views: 770
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 15-06-2013, 02:28:55 Subject: [Borean Tundra]Magic Carpet Ride |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: NPC-ul nu imi da questul respectiv si imi blocheaza accesul la urmatorul.
Dovada / Proof:
http://p ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Quest] [Borean Tundra]Wind Master To'bor |
Replies: 1
Views: 676
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 15-06-2013, 02:20:51 Subject: [FIXED] [Borean Tundra]Wind Master To'bor |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Questul nu poate fi luat de la npc si nici predat si imi blocheaza questul urmator.
Dovada / Proof: ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Quest] [Borean Tundra]Karuk's Oath |
Replies: 4
Views: 894
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 15-06-2013, 01:59:13 Subject: [Borean Tundra]Karuk's Oath |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Nu mi-l da la NPC. Am facut questul "Seek out Karuk!" si dupa ce l-am dus m-a lasat cu ochi ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Quest] [Twilight Highlands]Precious Goods |
Replies: 1
Views: 695
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 12-06-2013, 19:07:58 Subject: [Twilight Highlands]Precious Goods |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Cufarul spawnat la noi pe server este gresit si nu are in loot quest itemul necesar(item id: 62927). ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Quest] [Twilight Highlands]Mo'Better Shredder |
Replies: 4
Views: 987
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 12-06-2013, 16:22:29 Subject: [Twilight Highlands]Mo'Better Shredder |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Nu merge deloc; sunt spawnate pe jos salvageable shredder dar nu se poate interactiona deloc cu ele.
... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Quest] [Orgrimmar]Traitor's Bait |
Replies: 1
Views: 780
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 12-06-2013, 15:11:35 Subject: [Orgrimmar]Traitor's Bait |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: npc-ul: Suspicious Peon nu poate fi "questioned" pentru a completa partea din quest numita ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Quest] [Shadowmoon Valley]The Summoning Chamber |
Replies: 1
Views: 768
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 11-06-2013, 18:19:37 Subject: [Shadowmoon Valley]The Summoning Chamber |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Infernal Oversoul care apare in urma folosirii quest itemului in locul respectiv este friendly atat c ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Multiple]Absorb Effects |
Replies: 2
Views: 970
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 03-06-2013, 17:05:51 Subject: [Multiple]Absorb Effects |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: -> Illuminated Healing -> power word: Shield -> Divine ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Quest] [Feralas]Stinglasher |
Replies: 1
Views: 955
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 02-06-2013, 00:11:03 Subject: [Feralas]Stinglasher |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Mobul necesar pentru quest are respawn time 51 minute si nu cred ca este normal.
Mob in cauza: http ... |