Author |
Message |
Topic: [Aprobat] Cerere admin The RaKu' |
Replies: 3
Views: 819
Forum: Trash Posted: 22-02-2015, 18:40:24 Subject: Cerere admin The RaKu' |
Nick: The RaKu'
Y|M: fr3shcs_25 / tomaedy16 / the.raku
ID STEAM: Nu am , momentan
Varsta: 13
Experienta admin (timp): 3 ani
Admin de (noapte/zi): Zi
Ore jucate pe sv (link cu orele dumneavoastra ... |
Topic: Portofoliu' lui The RaKu' |
Replies: 2
Views: 900
Forum: Trash Posted: 19-02-2015, 16:29:10 Subject: Portofoliu' lui The RaKu' |
Portofoliu' The RaKu' de pe Zmx2.Freakz.Ro! Aici posteaza doar Playerul Acuzat si Adminii serverului !!
Nick :
Motiv :
Dovada :
Nick : Alin_*0
Ip : 92.81.18 ... |
Topic: Lista cu admini serverului |
Replies: 5
Views: 921
Forum: Trash Posted: 05-02-2015, 09:19:53 Subject: Lista cu admini serverului |
▪ Fondator
● Skullhacker. ;d
● Skullempeng
▪ Owner
▪ Co-Owner
● Dwwenzy
▪ God
▪ Moderator
● ... |
Topic: [Harti] By Skullhacker |
Replies: 0
Views: 906
Forum: Resources Posted: 03-02-2015, 11:17:33 Subject: [Harti] By Skullhacker |
Am facut niste harti pentru un amic,vreau sa ma apuc sa fac harti.
[url= ... |
Topic: [Cerere semnatura] Skullhacker. |
Replies: 4
Views: 1305
Forum: Requests / Gifts Posted: 02-02-2015, 21:39:48 Subject: [Cerere semnatura] Skullhacker. |
1. Imaginea stock : O imagine neagra
2. Marimea semnaturii/avatarului/bannerului (in pixeli). 450x150
3. Textul dorit (optional). Skullhacker. ;d
4. Indicatii (optional). Vreau ca [url=http://i.img ... |
Topic: [rezolvat][Cerere addons] War3FT + Respawn |
Replies: 6
Views: 2073
Forum: Addons - Help / Support Posted: 02-02-2015, 21:24:34 Subject: [rezolvat][Cerere addons] War3FT + Respawn |
Cine ma ajuta cu un addons war3ft + respawn , nu vreau buguri , vreau ceva comenzi bagate. ( Voi mai modifica si eu )
@-P!C@- |
Topic: Reclamatie admin xCiordel |
Replies: 4
Views: 695
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-02-2015, 17:03:57 Subject: Reclamatie admin xCiordel |
numele dumneavoastra : Skullhacker
numele adminului reclamat : xCiordel
data si ora : 2/2/2015 16:30
motiv reclamatie : injura/limbaj vulgar
alte detalii : -
dovada : ... |
Topic: [Aprobat] Cerere admin Skullhacker. ;d |
Replies: 1
Views: 580
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-02-2015, 16:02:22 Subject: [Aprobat] Cerere admin Skullhacker. ;d |
Nickname (Cu care veti intra pe server) Skullhacker. ;d
Data nasterii (+12 ani) 16.01.2002
ID de Y!M/facebook unde va putem contacta (De preferat Y!M) fr3shcs_25 y!m eduu.skullhacker skype
Motivul ... |
Topic: Ce mod sa facem serverul ? |
Replies: 2
Views: 507
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-02-2015, 10:29:31 Subject: Ce mod sa facem serverul ? |
Ce mod sa fac ? |
Topic: [Model] Cerere admin |
Replies: 0
Views: 309
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-02-2015, 10:18:03 Subject: [Model] Cerere admin |
Fiecare user este obligat sa posteze cererea dupa modelul urmator :
Subiect: Cerere Admin NICK
1. NickName:
2. Varsta:
3. Vechime pe server:
4. Timp petrecut pe server: (aici puneti link gam ... |
Topic: Caut OWNER.!. |
Replies: 3
Views: 593
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-02-2015, 09:30:49 Subject: Caut OWNER.!. |
Caut un owner care sã mã ajute la plata hostului ( mãcar luna asta ) eu momentan nu pot...
Lãsați replay dupã modelul urmãtor
Nick CS:
Experiențã în AmxModx:
Experien ... |
Topic: Cerere admin Fr3sH ;x |
Replies: 4
Views: 858
Forum: Trash Posted: 31-01-2015, 20:25:56 Subject: Cerere admin Fr3sH ;x |
1.Nume: Fr3sH ;x
2.Varsta: 13
3.Ore jucate pe server: [url=]Aici
4.GoldMember (da/nu): Nu inca
5.Steam (da/nu): Nope
6.De c ... |
Topic: [rezolvat][Cerere] Tag |
Replies: 4
Views: 823
Forum: Plugins - Help / Support Posted: 28-01-2015, 18:02:54 Subject: [rezolvat][Cerere] Tag |
Nume: Tag
Descriere plugin: Taguri , nu cu grade , in fata nick-ului sa pui tag gen
Alte detalii: -
KyLLeR Skullhacker. ;d: Salut all |
Topic: [rezolvat][ Cerere ] Plugin amx_gag |
Replies: 1
Views: 2207
Forum: Plugins - Help / Support Posted: 28-01-2015, 17:34:31 Subject: [rezolvat][ Cerere ] Plugin amx_gag |
Nume: amx_who
Descriere plugin: Cand dau amx_gag sa pun nume durata si motiv Adminul a dat gag jucatorului timp de pe motivul |
Topic: [rezolvat][Cerere] Plugin Amx_Who |
Replies: 3
Views: 1048
Forum: Plugins - Help / Support Posted: 28-01-2015, 15:08:35 Subject: [rezolvat][Cerere] Plugin Amx_Who |
Nume: amx_who
Descriere plugin: cand scriu amx_who sa imi apara gradele + admini online
Alte detalii: Gradele + Accesele
Admini online de pe CSDM.FREAKZ.R ... |