what is happening with the drop on sigils..when the drop chanse was 5% i get more than now!
the first 2 days when you implemented this..on the item finder all the bosses was spawning and had a chans ...
WoW Freakz link: https://www.wow-freakz.com/npc_finder.php?npc=50339&name=sulik-shor
Bug description: respawn time on server is 6h and 5min, it sould be around 1hour 20min-30min and 2 hours.
Pr ...
Character Name:Snakota
Item Name & ID:Fissure-Split Shoulderwraps (id: 94733)
Armory Link:https://armory.freakz.ro/character/genesis/snakota/feed
Details: (optional) i was dead when the boss di ...