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Topic: Signature |
Replies: 1
Views: 1112
Forum: General Discussion Posted: 20-04-2016, 06:27:47 Subject: Signature |
Hello, as the title suggests, i want a new signature and i was wondering who has the time and skill to make one for me, i can either pay with forum Rep or Game gold, feel free to contact me. |
Topic: Visual bug or? |
Replies: 2
Views: 705
Forum: Other Posted: 24-12-2015, 20:11:35 Subject: Visual bug or? |
Hello, i want to mention before anything else that this is not my char, it's my friend's, but he asked me to make this post for him.
He had this char for a lot of time and always had this "probl ... |
Topic: Tol Barad |
Replies: 1
Views: 604
Forum: Other Posted: 19-12-2015, 15:28:58 Subject: Tol Barad |
Hello, since the new patch / items were introduced, i've noticed Tol Barad is FULL during the day, and i was wondering if something can be done about the respawn time of normal mobs, as well as quest ... |
Topic: New season |
Replies: 4
Views: 1003
Forum: Other Posted: 12-12-2015, 20:02:50 Subject: New season |
Hello, i have a few questions about the new season, some things i didn't understand from the official post, and some things wich haven't been mentioned:
#1 - "WoW Shop will NOT be updated wit ... |
Topic: Help please |
Replies: 1
Views: 505
Forum: Other Posted: 09-12-2015, 20:40:15 Subject: Help please |
Hello, i'm having a little bit of a problem, needing some assistance.
I don't know if this is still possible, but there was a time when you could turn your forum rep into vote points, is that still o ... |
Topic: Recover char |
Replies: 1
Views: 676
Forum: Romanian Posted: 04-09-2015, 20:58:08 Subject: Recover char |
Salut, am inteles ca dureaza intre 12 si 24 de ore sa se recupereze un char, dar la mine a trecut de mult acest timp si inca nu mi s-a recuperat, oare din cauza ca i-am dat delete cand eram pe cata (l ... |
Topic: Titlurile PvP |
Replies: 6
Views: 937
Forum: Romanian Posted: 22-08-2015, 15:52:00 Subject: Titlurile PvP |
Salut, mai primesti titlurile pvp (commander, marshal, grand marshal) atunci cand atingi un anumit numar de HK? |
Topic: Potion of mogu power |
Replies: 0
Views: 325
Forum: Romanian Posted: 24-06-2015, 05:51:50 Subject: Potion of mogu power |
Postez aici si nu la bug report pentru ca ( din cate stiu eu) bugul asta era prezent si la sfarsitul perioadei de cata, si nu vreau neaparat un fix, ci mai mult unul sau mai multe raspunsuri.
Nu cred ... |
Topic: Cata realm? |
Replies: 2
Views: 545
Forum: Romanian Posted: 29-04-2015, 19:46:06 Subject: Cata realm? |
Doresc in primul rand sa felicit stafful freakz pentru update-ul la MoP, revin dupa o pauza destul de lunga si ma bucur sa vad ca lucrurile au evoluat, speram sa se rezolve si micile probleme ... |
Topic: Vodafone R025 |
Replies: 3
Views: 610
Forum: Romanian Posted: 03-11-2014, 17:27:15 Subject: Vodafone R025 |
Salut!, am niste intrebari legate de chestiuta asta mica de la Vodafone, si ma gandeam sa postez aici ca poate se gaseste cineva care foloseste si-mi zice si mie.
Este un modem Wi-fi de la vodafone, ... |
Topic: Pc Random Freezing |
Replies: 47
Views: 4564
Forum: Romanian Posted: 19-10-2014, 11:13:46 Subject: Pc Random Freezing |
Salut! Am o problema cu PC-ul, dupa cum e si titlul, iau random freezes, pur si simplu se blocheaza tot, nu mai raspunde la comenzi (ctrl-alt-del, alt-f4) absolut nimic, singura varianta e sa-i dau re ... |
Topic: RAM Choosing |
Replies: 4
Views: 586
Forum: Romanian Posted: 15-09-2014, 04:29:42 Subject: RAM Choosing |
Urmeaza sa fac un upgrade al PC-ului, si sunt indecis in privinta modelului memoriilor, am de ales intre : Corsair Vengeance si Kingston HyperX Fury
Pretul e asemanator, maxim 20 de lei dife ... |
Topic: Senior game designer |
Replies: 7
Views: 879
Forum: Trash Posted: 24-08-2014, 04:43:09 Subject: Senior game designer |
Salut, stiu ca s-au mai postat clipuri in legatura cu WoD - noul expansion al wow-ului, care iese in noiembrie, am aici ceva putin diferit, s-ar putea ca unii dintre voi sa fi vazut acest clip, pentru ... |
Topic: Bugged Glyph sau Pet |
Replies: 3
Views: 618
Forum: Romanian Posted: 18-08-2014, 09:47:47 Subject: Bugged Glyph sau Pet |
Salut, am observat de curand ca pet-ul dk-ului meu nu are cat HP trebuie sa aiba in mod normal, are 104K hp cu Glyph of raise dead, si 70k HP fara, am incercat sa dau unstuck la char, sa schimb toate ... |