The easter quest qhain has a quest where you have to kill immerseus.
What this did is people queuing for lfr first wing and leaving after first boss.
So pretty much it is impossibile to have ...
Character Name: Vacaul
Item Name & ID: Black Ice & 40497
Armory Link: https://armory.freakz.ro/character/genesis/vacaul
Details: (optional) Hello I killed Malygos for Black Ice it droped an ...
I've been playing on this server for some time now and i really like playing feral my problems is that Rune of Re-Origination a trinket that is BIS on feral doesn't work curently and hasn ...
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: I did LFR ToT today and Megaera Green Snake didn't come up it was siting down all encounter after we killed blue head. We had to fight 1 head all fight because gree ...
WoW Freakz spell link: https://www.wow-freakz.com/spells.php?spell=6795&name=growl or https://www.wow-freakz.com/spells.php?spell=34477&name=misdirection
Bug description: Sometimes as a Guard ...
Character Name: Pisica
Item Name & ID: no loot
Armory Link: https://armory.freakz.ro/character/genesis/pisica
Details: (optional) So I did Eye of Eternity with a friend for a transmog "Bla ...
Character Name:Vacaul
Item Name & ID: https://armory.freakz.ro/item/103384
Armory Link: https://armory.freakz.ro/character/genesis/vacaul
Details: (optional) Am cumparat de la vendor chest de p ...