Hello there!
I'd suggest the addition of the following head cosmetics into the item shop. They're obtainable only from the garrison's laughing skull reputation vendor.
For example, i'd make a very c ...
WoW Freakz link: https://www.wow-freakz.com/quest_helper.php?quest=44400&name=purple-pain
Bug description: Repel the assault 0/1 doesn't proc even if you do it on normal, heroic or mythic. Tried ...
Buna Freakz, sunt un membru nou pe serverul de Cataclysm al vostru.
Sunt un Paladin DPS level 69 blood elf.
Sa incep pe scurt:
Am un laptop cu un System nu prea avansat:
Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual ...
Deci salut la toti si toate. Am instalat wow originalul versiunea 3.2.0 si apoi am incercat sa in upgradez cu patchuri pana la v3.3.5a.. ca sa joc un server anume. stiti la ce ma refer deci
am reusit ...