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Topic: Meeting Equinox Again!!! |
Replies: 11
Views: 2950
Forum: Trash Posted: 05-09-2014, 00:22:06 Subject: Meeting Equinox Again!!! |
Dupa toate discutiile avute cu membrii guildei am ajuns la un comun acord de a face un meeting Deci sambata 13.09.2014 la ora 17:00 va avea loc sunt invitati toti membrii guildei. Cei care vor ... |
Topic: Item gresit |
Replies: 1
Views: 346
Forum: Item Recovery Posted: 29-08-2014, 16:50:05 Subject: Item gresit |
Character Name:Holynun
Item Name & ID:Gauntlets of the Corrupted Conqueror/78183
Armory Link:
Details: (option ... |
Topic: Meeting Equinox Bucuresti |
Replies: 3
Views: 996
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-08-2013, 16:30:22 Subject: Meeting Equinox Bucuresti |
Ca tot am discutat atat de mult sa ne intalnim, ei bine, sambata 3.08.2013 are loc meetingul cu membrii guildei.
Ne intalnim la ora 16:00 in fata la dristor kebab din centrul vechi (Lipscani). |
Topic: Items deleted |
Replies: 1
Views: 584
Forum: Item Recovery Posted: 29-04-2013, 15:29:58 Subject: Items deleted |
Character Name: Nemoo
Item Name & ID:
Chest: ... |