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Message |
Topic: Nokia n95 |
Replies: 0
Views: 764
Forum: Trash Posted: 16-02-2011, 14:31:04 Subject: Nokia n95 |
Vand nokia n95 clasic cumparat de la vodafone cu toate accesoriile (mai am si cutia).Arat foarte bine usoare urme de la buzunar intrun colt )Nu are nici o problema si nam avut cu el> il vand pt ca ... |
Topic: Nev de inforamtii |
Replies: 5
Views: 1102
Forum: Romanian Posted: 04-02-2011, 20:13:31 Subject: Nev de inforamtii |
Shoker de rog frumos sami dai si mie sounds scripturile de la festergut si lady ca imi trebuie pt macro. Pe net nu leam gasit am gasit la restu...
Astea gen /script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creatur ... |
Topic: Multumesc freakz >:D< |
Replies: 10
Views: 2109
Forum: Romanian Posted: 03-02-2011, 15:28:02 Subject: Multumesc freakz >:D< |
Azi am stat o ora sa bat LK din hor hc (Realm:Evolution) am intrebat inainte pe global daca merge daca are loot si Blenderlol a raspuns ca da prin urmare sa dovedit a fi teapa.
http://s1.postimage.o ... |
Topic: [FIXED] Bug iteme pvp |
Replies: 7
Views: 1625
Forum: Trash Posted: 14-01-2011, 08:22:00 Subject: [FIXED] Bug iteme pvp |
Waist mail de hunter/sham se da la 1400 team/personal rating fata de restu cloth/plate care se dau la 1300
http://post ... |
Topic: Discriminare!!! |
Replies: 12
Views: 1785
Forum: Romanian Posted: 13-01-2011, 15:43:37 Subject: Discriminare!!! |
Waist mail de hunter/sham se da la 1400 team/personal rating fata de restu cloth/plate care se dau la 1300
http://postim ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] Bug |
Replies: 1
Views: 506
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-12-2010, 19:37:33 Subject: [RESPINS] Bug |
Nu am primit mount la Death to the warchief achiv. Io stiam k trebuie sa primesc black war bear |
Topic: Ban plz! |
Replies: 8
Views: 1299
Forum: Trash Posted: 24-11-2010, 22:27:53 Subject: Ban plz! |
Poza asta spune totul... o mare lipsa de respect din partea lui kene zis si Gm florin salam . Corectati-ma daca gresesc |
Topic: reclamatie Cobrelizator |
Replies: 14
Views: 2010
Forum: Romanian Posted: 22-11-2010, 21:52:00 Subject: reclamatie Cobrelizator |
Topicurile astea spun totul:
Sa fac si un rezumat : am luat ban 60 d pe motiv ca am ... |
Topic: o mica neintelegere |
Replies: 7
Views: 1328
Forum: Trash Posted: 22-11-2010, 21:21:29 Subject: o mica neintelegere |
i fost banat de Cobrelizator timp de 60 zile (pana in 21-01-2011, 19:44)
Timp ramas: 59 zile, 23 ore, 20 secunde
Motiv: cauta alt server ( pe contul DANHORIA) ip eram cu rogue :Girlfri ... |
Topic: Ban dat aiurea!!! |
Replies: 5
Views: 954
Forum: Trash Posted: 22-11-2010, 19:56:27 Subject: Ban dat aiurea!!! |
Ai fost banat de Cobrelizator timp de 60 zile (pana in 21-01-2011, 19:44)
Timp ramas: 59 zile, 23 ore, 20 secunde
Motiv: cauta alt server ( pe contul DANHORIA) ip eram cu rogu ... |
Topic: hunter problem |
Replies: 1
Views: 659
Forum: Romanian Posted: 16-05-2010, 13:08:29 Subject: hunter problem |
Hunteru ia dmg mai mare ca clotul ! ori mi se pare mie ori e adevarat? |
Topic: quest |
Replies: 1
Views: 400
Forum: Trash Posted: 27-04-2010, 17:49:01 Subject: quest |
questu asta The Forgemaster's Hammer nu puteti sal reparati? |
Topic: [REJECTED]Ick |
Replies: 4
Views: 892
Forum: Trash Posted: 15-04-2010, 16:17:35 Subject: [RESPINS]Ick |
E buguit Ick din Pos HC Nu se misca si nu ia dmg ![-](images/smiles/christmas_14.gif) |
Topic: propunere |
Replies: 3
Views: 997
Forum: Romanian Posted: 26-03-2010, 15:41:39 Subject: propunere |
Propun sa supunem la vot pt loot sau CD la instante(adica sa mariti lootu sau sa micsorati cd instantelor). ce ziceti? |
Topic: intrebare |
Replies: 5
Views: 1235
Forum: Romanian Posted: 19-03-2010, 19:37:42 Subject: intrebare |
O sa dispara vreodata lootu asta de ... ???
sincer cred k multi playeri o plece daca o sa continuati cu lootu asta |