
Regulation / Regulament

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Author Message6541

[Globul de cristal]

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Post Posted: 02-04-2007, 22:02:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This are the rules for contests belonging to the Graphics / Design section:

1 . The creation/work must be made by you !
2 . Only one creation per person (you can change it until the deadline) !
3 . The creation must follow the given theme !
4 . Animations are permitted !
5 . Flash creations are forbidden !
6 . You can use the .jpg, .png and .gif formats !
7 . Your nickname or your website's name appear in the creation !
8 . A) Stolen creations are forbidden. If this happens you will be disqualified and warned !
8 . B) Begging for votes through PM or any other method is forbidden. If this happens you will be disqualified and warned !

9 . Collaborations between players are not permitted unless it's specified in the contest's rules !
10 .Without racist or pornographic creations !
11 . Signature's maximum dimensions is 250x150 except WOTM and DOTM contests !
12 . It is forbidden to vote your own creation.
13 . For every contests there will be personalized rules (theme, dead line etc.) alongside the basic rules !
14 . At the end of the contest the winner will have to shop the creation's PSD so there are no speculations !
15 . At every contest participant's creations will be posted in the topic's first post !

Thank you, Team

Please read this rules from time to time.
We reserve the right to modify the rules and regulations without a notification.

Regulile concursurilor de grafica care se vor tine de acum inainte:

1 . Lucrarea trebuie sa fie facuta de voi !
2 . O singura lucrare de persoane ( puteti sa o schimbati pana la data limita) !
3 . Lucrarea trebuie sa reflecte tema data !
4 . Animatiile sunt permise !
5 . Lucrarile in Flash sunt interzise !
6 . Puteti folosi formatele .jpg, .png, .gif !
7 . Nickul vostru sau numele site-ului trebuie sa apara in lucrare !
8 . A) Fara lucrari furate . Daca se vor descoperi lucrari furate veti fi descalificat si avertizat cu un warn !
8 . B) Fara vot-uri cerute prin PM sau oricare alta metoda! Riscati descalificarea din concurs si veti primi un warn!

9 . Nu sunt permise colaborari intre useri decat daca este specificat in concursul respectiv !
10 . Fara lucrari rasiste sau cu materiale adulte !
11 . Marimea la semnatura maxim 250/150 . La concursurile WOTM si DOTM puteti folosi orice marime !
12 . Nu aveti voie sa va votati lucrarea la chestionar
13 . La fiecare concurs se vor afisa reguli personalizate ( tema, data limita, etc.) pe langa regulile de baza !
14 . La finalul concursului castigatorul trebuie sa afiseze psdul lucrarii, pentru a nu fii dubii !
15 . La fiecare concurs lucrarile participantilor vor fi postate in primul post din topic !


Multumim ,

Va rugam sa cititi aceste reguli periodic .
Ne rezervam dreptul de a modifica regulamentul fara o notificare prealabila .

We stop looking for monsters under the bed when we realize they're inside of us.

nr913 wrote:
no really, dacã nu era așa țãrancã, și dacã era în bucurești, o luam de nevastã

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Status: Offline
(since 10-04-2024 01:37)
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Post Posted: 17-12-2011, 11:54:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

P.S. Cand faceti un battle editati si voi primul post si puneti lucrarile participante la competitie ca sa nu trebuiasca sa dam scroll pana innebunim.

Nu faceti astfel va inchid topicul !

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