
1st FAC - Freakz First Annual Competition - Brain Test
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Post Posted: 14-08-2011, 11:15:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

2. Text-ul urmator este gresit. Postati varianta corecta:
I can understand the general motion of "preeching to the wrong crowd" but socialy speaking, which in god's name is the right crowd? It's something I can't quite understend. And there's another thing, length. Lenght of speach, that is. When is it normal to stop, why is there a normal time to stop and why should we stop when we have much more to say. I've allways considered hiding facts and stoping just so as to not break the bondary of small talk just as misleding and offensive as blatant lies. Isn't this type of social interraction just as misleding as the ghosts of our past?

6. Cine era zeita pamantului in mitologia greaca?

7. Traduceti in limba romana urmatorul text:

O veche zicala romaneasca spune ca "ce se aseamana se aduna" si asta este invariabil adevarat, dar dat faptul ca noi tindem sa ne ascundem dorintele personale si poftele in fata altora care sunt mai bine acceptati social, nu ne legam noi insine pe false premise?

Nu fii rau, nu scoate ma pufneste rasul!

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Post Posted: 14-08-2011, 11:17:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

2. I can understand the general motion of "preaching to the wrong crowd" but socially speaking, which in God's name is the right crowd? It's something I can't quite understand. And there's another thing, length. Length of speech, that is. When is it normal to stop, why is there a normal time to stop and why should we stop when we have much more to say. I've always considered hiding facts and stopping just so as to not break the boundary of small talk just as misleading and offensive as blatant lies. Isn't this type of social interaction just as misleading as the ghosts of our past?

7. Un vechi proverb românesc spune cã ”cei ce se aseamãnã, se adunã” iar asta este invariabil adevãrat, dar dat fiind faptul cã tindem sã ne ascundem dorințele noastre personale și poftele în favoarea altora care sunt mai acceptate social, nu cumva formãm legãturi între noi folosind premise false?

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Post Posted: 14-08-2011, 11:39:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

2.I can understand the general motion of "preaching to the wrong crowd", but socially speaking, which in God's name is the right crowd? It's something I can't quite understand. And there's another thing, length. Length of speech, that is. When is it normal to stop, why is there a normal time to stop and why should we stop when we have much more to say? I've allways considered hiding facts and stopping just so as to not break the boundary of small talk just as misleading and offensive as blatant lies. Isn't this type of social interaction just as misleading as the ghosts of our past?

7.Un vechi proverb românesc spune: "cine se aseamãnã, se adunã", iar asta este mereu adevãrat, dar luând în considerare faptul cã obiºnuim sã ne ascundem dorinþele ºi poftele personale în favoarea celor acceptate mai bine de societate, nu înseamnã cã legãm prietenii pe premise false?

Every day above ground is a good day.
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[East Side Grove]

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Post Posted: 14-08-2011, 12:01:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. In ultimii 4 ani a fost administrat de catre 5 persoane. Care sunt cei 5 admini?
Valoare: 4p

2. Text-ul urmator este gresit. Postati varianta corecta:
I can understand the general motion of "preaching to the wrong crowd" but socially speaking, which in God's name is the right crowd? It's something I can't quite understand. And there's another thing, length. Length of speech, that is. When it is normal to stop, why is there a normal time to stop and why should we stop when we have much more to say. I've allways considered hiding facts and stoping just so as to not break the boundary of small talk just as misleding and ofensive as blatant lies. Isn't this tipe of social interraction just as misleding as the ghosts of our past?

(L-am scris)

Valoare: 8p

3. Ce pictor roman faimos a calatorit impreuna cu armata romana in timpul razboiului de independenta?
Valoare: 1p

Stefan Luchian

4. Care a fost cea mai importanta batalie la care au participat romanii in al doilea razboi balcanic?

Batalia de la Stalingrad
Valoare: 2p

6. Cine era zeita pamantului in mitologia greaca?
Valoare: 1p


7. Traduceti in limba romana urmatorul text:
An old Romanian saying goes by the words "those who are similar shall be bound together" and that is invariably true, but given the fact that we tend to hide our personal desires and cravings in favor of others that are more socially accepted, are we not binding ourselves together on false premises?

O veche vorba Romaneasca spune cu cuvintele "cei care se aseamana,vor fi legati impreuna" si ca este invariabil adevarat, dar vazand faptul ca avem tendinta de a ne ascunde dorintele personale si poftele in favoarea altora care sunt mai acceptate social,nu ne legam noi impreuna prin premise false?

Valoare: 4p

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[Probleme cu capu' !]

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Post Posted: 14-08-2011, 12:06:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1.Hidden, Shocker, Ion.mzk, In2, Orange*Extrem
3.Nicolae Grigorescu
5.Vorbind cu tatal lui si explicandui situatia

Ce baftã pe conducãtori cã oamenii nu gândesc. (Adolf Hitler)

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Post Posted: 14-08-2011, 12:14:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Shocker, Duster, Levier, ion.mzk, Hidden
2. L-a sunat pe ta-su? -
E cam vagã întrebarea asta.
4. Bãtãlia de la Kilkis? -

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Post Posted: 14-08-2011, 12:33:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

si 2 mi-a luat putin mai mult si postez acum
I can understand the general motion of preaching to the wrong crowd". but socially speaking which in god's name is the right crowd?
It's something I cant quite understand.And there is another thing,length.Lenght of speech, that is.
When is it normal to stop, why is there a normal time to stop and why should we stop when we have much more to say.
I've always considered hiding fact and stoping just so as to not break the boundary of small talk just as misleading and ofensive as blatant lies.
Isn't this type of social interaction just as misleading as the ghosts of our past ?

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Post Posted: 14-08-2011, 12:45:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Dimineata cand ma scol,
ma uit in TOP 300,
si daca nu ma gasesc pe acolo,
plec dreaq la munca...

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[Red dog until I die]

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Post Posted: 14-08-2011, 13:32:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Shoker,ion.mzk,Levier,In2,Hidden
3. Nicolae Grigorescu
4. Batalia de la Kilkis
5. Vorbind cu tatal acestuia
6. Geea(Gaia)
7. Un vechi proverb romanesc spune:''cine se aseamana,se aduna'',iar acesta este aproape mereu adevarat,dar tinand cont ca obisnuim sa ne ascundem dorintele si poftele in fata altora care sunt mai bine acceptati in societate,nu cumva incercam sa formam legaturi cu ajutorul unor premise false?

Always better than you!

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[Gratis rankul]

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Post Posted: 14-08-2011, 19:16:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Levier wrote:
6. Ce era Afrodita, cine era fiul ei?
Valoare: 2p
Zeita frumusetii si fiul ei era Eros

Mai ganditi-va o data cand ziceti ca raspunsul asta este corect ... nu iti trebe wikipedia sa iti dai seama de prima parte a intrebarii ... si aia nu e corecta -

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Post Posted: 14-08-2011, 19:27:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dire wrote:
Levier wrote:
6. Ce era Afrodita, cine era fiul ei?
Valoare: 2p
Zeita frumusetii si fiul ei era Eros

Mai ganditi-va o data cand ziceti ca raspunsul asta este corect ... nu iti trebe wikipedia sa iti dai seama de prima parte a intrebarii ... si aia nu e corecta -

I-auzi. Da' a ce era zeita monsher? Si treci la FAC Discutii.

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[404 Error]

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Post Posted: 14-08-2011, 22:05:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Shoker, -Gh0st- , *0ranGe ! extrem , Hidden , Levier
5. A luat legatura cu tatal lui.

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[Hate Made Us Great !]

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Post Posted: 14-08-2011, 22:07:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

3.Nicolaie Grigorescu

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Post Posted: 15-08-2011, 08:38:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

"eliberarea unei pãrþi a fostelor þinuturi romane ocupate de slavi ºi apoi colonizarea lor cu aromân"
In 1913, Romania se implica in al doilea razboi balcanic iar dupa pacea de la Bucuresti din august acelasi an, anexeaza Sudul Dobrogei - Cadrilaterul.

6. Gaea

Dimineata cand ma scol,
ma uit in TOP 300,
si daca nu ma gasesc pe acolo,
plec dreaq la munca...

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Post Posted: 15-08-2011, 09:36:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Scuze de intarziere.

1. In ultimii 4 ani a fost administrat de catre 5 persoane. Care sunt cei 5 admini?
Valoare: 4p
Raspuns corect: Shocker, Hidden, Levier, ion.mzk, healu
Closed wrote:

2. Text-ul urmator este gresit. Postati varianta corecta:
i can understend the general motion of "preeching to the wrong crowd" but socialy speaking, which in god's name is the right crowd? It's something I cant quite understend. And theres another thing, length. Lenght of speach, that is. When is it normal to stop, why is there a normal time to stop and why should we stop when we have much more to say. I've allways considered hiding facts and stoping just so as to not breack the bondary of small talk just as misleding and ofensive as blatant lies. Isn't this tipe of social interraction just as misleding as the ghosts of our past?

Valoare: 4p

I can understand the general notion of "preaching to the wrong crowd" but socially speaking, which in God's name is the right crowd? It's something I can't quite understand. And there's another thing, length. Length of speech, that is. When is it normal to stop, why is there a normal time to stop and why should we stop when we have much more to say. I've always considered hiding facts and stopping just so as to not break (not to break - e si asa corect) the boundary of small talk just as misleading and offensive as blatant lies. Isn't this type of social interaction just as misleading as the ghosts of our past?

Nu a raspuns nimeni corect, eM si sp0key au avut doar cate o greseala. Pentru ca a raspuns mai rapid, sp0key primeste 6 puncte. (punctajul maxim il primiti doar daca raspunsul este 100% corect)
sp0key wrote:
"I can understand the general motion of "preaching to the wrong crowd" but socially speaking, which in God's name is the right crowd? It's something I can’t quite understand. And there’s another thing, length. Length of speech, that is. When is it normal to stop, why is there a normal time to stop and why should we stop when we have much more to say. I've always considered hiding facts and stopping just so as to not break the boundary of small talk just as misleading and offensive as blatant lies. Isn't this type of social interaction just as misleading as the ghosts of our past"

3. Ce pictor roman faimos a calatorit impreuna cu armata romana in timpul razboiului de independenta?
Valoare: 1p
Raspuns: Nicolae Grigorescu
pHoZoNNN wrote:
nicolae grigorescu

4. Care a fost cea mai importanta batalie la care au participat romanii in al doilea razboi balcanic?
Valoare: 2p
Niciun raspuns corect

5. Intr-un episod cu hackeri pe forum, cum a fost oprit "hackerul" de catre Shocker?
Valoare: 2p
Raspuns: Printr-un e-mail adresat tatalui.
|On|RaVeN wrote:
a fost oprit vorbind cu parintii lui

6. Cine era zeita pamantului in mitologia greaca?
Valoare: 1p
Raspuns: Gaia
|On|RaVeN wrote:
gaia este zeita mAma a pamantului si este cea mai veche dintre zeitati

7. Traduceti in limba romana urmatorul text:
An old Romanian saying goes by the words "those who are similar shall be bound together" and that is invariably true, but given the fact that we tend to hide our personal desires and cravings in favor of others that are more socially accepted, are we not binding ourselves together on false premises?

Valoare: 4p

O veche zicala romaneasca spune ca "cine se aseamana, se-aduna" si asta este, fara exceptie, adevarat. Dar dat fiind faptul ca tindem sa ascundem dorintele si poftele personale in favoarea altora care sunt acceptate social, nu ne legam oare pe premise false?

eM wrote:
Un vechi proverb românesc spune cã ”cei ce se aseamãnã, se adunã” iar asta este invariabil adevãrat, dar dat fiind faptul cã tindem sã ne ascundem dorințele noastre personale și poftele în favoarea altora care sunt mai acceptate social, nu cumva formãm legãturi între noi folosind premise false?

Revin la ora 12:00 cu ultimul set de intrebari.

Only soft things can kill me...

Last edited by Gh0sT on 15-08-2011, 14:53:17; edited 1 time in total
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