
4 bugs in one picture

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 12-09-2018, 05:51:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Bug description:

1) Quest to deliver Anduin's dead fathers letter, and Varian Wrynn is literally standing in front of him.
2) I talk to Anduin Wrynn and he tells me he doesnt have time for you, Demon Hunter. (Im a druid)
3) Anduin is standing in the chair, rather then sitting.
4) Theres a 2nd Anduin chillin' next to dead dad and his "twin"?


i wasnt sure where to post this, but here you go.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 03-01-2019 03:40)
Joined: 17 Jul 2018
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Reputation: 7.8

Post Posted: 24-09-2018, 08:59:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

for reference this is a copy off my Test Server. you could try to create a phase instance with individual characters for the entirety of stormwind, so when a player whos level idk, 25 runs around they wont see Anduinn whos supposed to be a child around that expansion, this will clean up the extra npcs, and create a more immersive zone.

in the sql, you can go to DB2, and create the phases manually.

DELETE FROM spell_area WHERE spell=68481 AND area=4786;
INSERT INTO spell_area (spell, area, quest_start, quest_end, aura_spell, teamId, racemask, gender, flags, quest_start_status, quest_end_status)
VALUES (68481, 4786, 14375, 14321, 0, -1, 0, 2, 3, 64, 64);

this spell 68481 adds phase 181 to area 4786 between quest 14375 and 14321, while start quest is completed and until end quest is completed.

Phases can be area triggered, and you can set that, and GM's can actually spawn the npcs where they need them for that phase, and you can code the area_Effect_Phase_ID for that zone for the players who are at the appropriate level, giving them a more immersed zone, and clearing out the clutter -

suggestion, of course.

Sub note you can actually spawn a stool in the throne and use the .npc command to force the creature to sit on the stool and if you line it up it looks perfect

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