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[Alcoholic Elon Musk]

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Post Posted: 07-11-2012, 21:32:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Bboy wrote:
Salut din nou , scuze daca revin cu idei tampite dar :
1. cum o sa inlocuiti tinand cont ca dropeaza doar la bossi din DS ( cel putin asa vad eu pe wowhead) ; o sa bagati la trash sa dropeze co low chance ( scz daca este o idee tampita , dar vad ca cu ea poti face majoritateaza itemelor de LW )

2.O sa puneti la inceput toate itemele importante ? gen malestrom , truegold , voltatile , iteme epice @4.3.4 ; vreau sa stiu pretul "nou" daca se da wipe la gold , nu mai vreau iar preturi dalea frumoase gen 200k un item .

1. Putin probabil.

2. Regula de 3 simpla ! Daca la 10x gold (parca atat e acum) un item se vinde acum cu 60k de ex, la 3x gold o sa fie ... 18k gold.

>PC Upgrade Guide<

Discounturi @ IT

Voucher PC-Garage: WK6Q4TII

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[Warlord Lenea e Mare]

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Post Posted: 07-11-2012, 22:06:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sarius4Ever wrote:
hmaryus wrote:
De ce nu merge sa intru in wow.exe ?
Am pus si set patchlist localhost si degeaba.

omg.. Faill... Nu intelegi ca Inca nu a DESCHIS Test Realm.. ca sa putem Juca......

ai Fail-uit mai rau ca el, nu a zis ca nu se poate loga, ci nu poate intra in joc (vezi o diferenta intre "nu pot intra pe server bla bla" si ce a zis el "nu pot intra in wow.EXE ? ) , problema pe care am intampinato si eu cand am vrut sa fac setari la rezolutie , nu porneste:)

Citeste mai atent dude -

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Post Posted: 07-11-2012, 22:07:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Necris wrote:
Bboy wrote:
Salut din nou , scuze daca revin cu idei tampite dar :
1. cum o sa inlocuiti tinand cont ca dropeaza doar la bossi din DS ( cel putin asa vad eu pe wowhead) ; o sa bagati la trash sa dropeze co low chance ( scz daca este o idee tampita , dar vad ca cu ea poti face majoritateaza itemelor de LW )

2.O sa puneti la inceput toate itemele importante ? gen malestrom , truegold , voltatile , iteme epice @4.3.4 ; vreau sa stiu pretul "nou" daca se da wipe la gold , nu mai vreau iar preturi dalea frumoase gen 200k un item .

1. Putin probabil.

2. Regula de 3 simpla ! Daca la 10x gold (parca atat e acum) un item se vinde acum cu 60k de ex, la 3x gold o sa fie ... 18k gold.

Sau nu ...preturile vor depinde de persoana care vinde(ca vor fi mai ieftine ...posibil dar nu obligatoriu)

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[Oltean sh3F]

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Post Posted: 07-11-2012, 22:09:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zohlomg wrote:
[*]All Valor Points / Justice Points / Honor Points / Conquest Points will be converted into gold at 1:1 ratio

mi se pare o trebuie sa se dea convert dupa sistemul blizz, daca tot vreti sa aduceti economia bliizlike

Crescut pe stadion, pe umerii lu tata
Strãzile erau pustii când juca Universitatea
Înebuneau salcâmii, tre sã-nþelegi
Cã nimic altceva nu mai conta în zi de meci
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Post Posted: 07-11-2012, 22:20:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zohlomg wrote:
List of things we will do until and after 4.3.4 release.

Before the release:
  • [DONE]Merging Evolution with Genesis and Exodus, preparing the spot for the 4.3.4 AT Realm.
  • [DONE]Added Strenght of Wrynn and Hellscream's Warsong in level 85 dungeons and raids except Baradin Hold.
  • [DONE]Make a 4.3.4 freakz-direct-play torrent. link

After the release:
  • XP Rates will be reduced to 10x.
  • Honor Rates will be reduced to 2x on Exodus.
  • Gold Rates will be reduced to 3x and ALL GOLD from Characters, mails, guild banks will be deleted.
  • All Valor Points / Justice Points / Honor Points / Conquest Points will be converted into gold at 1:1 ratio.
  • All arena teams and MMR will be deleted/reset to default.
  • PvP Titles will be awarded to top arena teams 1 week before the release.

Information and answers to questions from this topic:
  • All currently scripted dungeons and raids on 4.0.6 will still work on 4.3.4.
  • We didn't set donation prices yet.
  • PvE Scripting will start with the 3 dungeons and later on with the raids.
  • We haven't looked yet into Raid Finder, an exact answer will be given after the test realm.

Feel free to ask any relevant and intelligent question here, I will answer those who are worth it.


Prices & stuff nu ma prea preocupa ca alea se modifica ce m-ar interesa este ce se va face in legatura cu clasele(nu alea I-VIII) ci cu clasele din joc!
Ca sa se inteleaga la ce ma refer:cum exact vor functiona clasele la inceput(deoarece au aparut anumite modificari ale spellurilor pe 4.3.4 fata de versiunea curenta a Serverului)...adica clasele vor fi epic-buguite(cum era shadow priestul cand s-a bagat cataclysm) sau doar se va da un Copy/Paste la scriptul claselor si apoi un update al fiecarei clase la 4.3.4!
Mai pe scurt...class/spells vor fi refacute de la 0(zero) sau se vor baga initial cum sunt scriptate momentan pe server?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-11-2012, 01:34:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Aitu wrote:

And the gold wipe is necessary if rates are lowered. New players wouldn't even remotely have a chance buying something from the AH if there are 95% of people with TONS of gold.
Just buy valuable items/minerals and resell them later or use them, yes you'll loose a part of your wealth...but rates will be lower so don't worry. And the smarter you "invest" your gold, the more you'll have at the end.

A complete wipe is NOT necessary, a simple reduction of active gold amounts based on the new rates would suffice. It's not like it cannot be done with a database script.

as for your argument, that's pointless. It's like retail when it upgrades a patch/expansion, for the first few weeks or so, prices are super high, then they go lower. it would be exactly the same if the gold wipe doesn't happen. first few weeks prices are going to be high, then since no one will be willing to pay super high prices after that, the value of everything will go down.

- PVP players have an advantage over new players after the upgrade because they get to keep their gear/weapons/achievements (i.e they don't have to go in with crap pve gear, and don't have to farm gear to survive in bgs/arenas like new players)

- Raiding players (especially after this silly buff) have an advantage over new players after the upgrade because they get to keep their gear/weapons/achievements (i.e they don't have to start from scratch like new players)

- Farmers have an advantage over new players after the upgrade because they get to keep their farmed mats post upgrade. (i.e they don't have to start farming from scratch like new players)

- Levelers have an advantage over new players after the upgrade because they get to keep the characters they leveled when rates were higher (i.e they don't have to start at level 1 like new players)

So exactly why are people that farmed Gold (or did Auction house PVP like myself) getting punished? Everyone could've had a gazillion gold if they put the effort in, same way anyone could've gotten pvp/pve gear or farmed a gazillion mats if they put the effort in.

Why is My effort considered worthless, but everyone else gets to keep the rewards of their effort? Is it my fault they didn't farm gold or do AH pvp? No.

Is it their fault i don't have full tier and pvp gear on all my characters because i didn't want to put the effort into it?

Hell, why don't we give new players to the server instant level 85, a free level 25 guild and full vicious/tier so they're not at a disadvantage after the upgrade?

Why is it fair for AH Pvp'ers or farmers to be punished for LEGITIMATELY playing the game? We didn't exploit anything. We played the game how WE wanted to play it, and now we're getting punished for it.

Cutting the active gold by the new rates = Fair (Like deflation/inflation or currency devaluations)
Wiping gold completely = Unfair

It's simple. In fact, with how skilled the developers are in scripting bosses/skills...etc here, it shouldn't take them more than a few minutes at most to figure out how to multiply the entire guild/character gold values by 0.3 , keeping things in line with the new gold values post-upgrade.

In fact, i'll make it simpler:

 UPDATE DBTableNameForCharactersOrGuild
    SET GoldColumnName = GoldColumnName * 0.3

Replace DBTableNameForCharactersOrGuild with whatever the tables are called for Guilds and/or characters and replace GoldColumnName with whatever the gold columns are called.

Run once for guild and once for characters and the problem is solved.

Theraphy wrote:

What is so funny and so entertaining about HAVING billions of gold?

I could ask : What's so funny and so entertaining about leveling characters, or pvp, or raiding. The difference is, You're not losing your leveled characters, or obtained gear from honor/raiding because rates are going to be lowered. On the contrary, at least for raiding, players are being REWARDED pre-upgrade by being given a buff. i.e they're basically getting a "Buff" in rates. They get to keep their gear for their "Buffed" effort. I don't get to keep the gold from my legitimate effort.

Also, Considering numerical restraints, I believe the maximum any guild can have is 99 million. Not "billions"

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-11-2012, 06:43:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Guys why i can not login?

1.Download torrent 4.3.4
2.Start game
3.Wrong pass or name...

4.0.6 everything is normal.Pls help me

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-11-2012, 07:05:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

it's not start yet ptr 4.3.4 .....
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-11-2012, 10:06:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

din 50 de pagini,nu stiu daca sunt macar 5 pagini unde au fost puse ceva intrebari cu adevarat legate de noul patch

ca sa fiu si eu on topic:as dori sa stiu daca pe test realm vom primi instant lvl 85 si ceva gear sau vom creste de la lvl 1 ?

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Post Posted: 08-11-2012, 10:35:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zeitatea wrote:
laanah wrote:
Zeitatea wrote:
Ziceam de flight path deoarece:
"Tiam ucis cu un H warlock off charul aliac in Hinterlands. Tu fiind in IF mergi la fly (oare cat iti ia cu un pc trabant sa ajungi la fly?) apoi in mai putin de 30 secunde ai ajuns in Hinterlands si incepe distractia"
Si se intampla foarte des. Chiar sper ca o sa ganditi serios deoarece fiecare mindless minion foloseste metoda aceasta.

Nu prea vad de ce ar face bine un flight instant, un player nou venit pe freakz care nu a "prins faimosul Freakz Wotlk" nu stie ce inseamna a calatorii cu flight masterul sau sa descopere noi zone. WoW nu se rezuma doar la a face lucrurile fugitiv.

Cum ziceai si tu Cobrel "Freakz este un server privat" si voi aveti autoritate.

auzi ..chiar nu doresc sa programez raidurile cu o ora inainte ca sa pierd o jumate de ora pana la instanta pentru ca un player ca tine pasionat de pvp , nu doreste sa sufere consecintele actiunii sale. (Nu vrei instant fligh path? go molten!!! -- ai timp sa iti faci o cafea, sa mananci un sandwich si asta numai din thunderbluff pana in nici nu pomenesc de Burning stepes) Acu nici nu vreau sa pomenesc de cate ori mi se bugguia caracteru si inota de nebun prin aer, desi teoretic eu eram pe griffon sau inexistenta portalelor din ogrimmar.

Auzi tu chiar ai comentat doar sa te bagi in seama ? duci lipsa de ocupatie ?
Pe wotlk puteai sa folosesti fly path si nu a patit nimeni nimic. Iar dezactivarea fly pathului nu se rezuma la pvp, am dat exemplul cu pvp pentru a sublinia una dintre efectele negative pe care le aduce un fly master "cu teleport instant".
Dar tu ai citit postul meu repede sa dai un reply idiot si fara sens.
Nu am zis nimic sa se scoata Portalele dintre orase ... dar tu aduci in discutie Thunderbluff->Orgrimmar. Zici de Burning Stepes ?(considerand ca joci H) un simplu sfat: foloseste un portal spre Blasted lands si fly spre orice zona deoarece incepand cu Cataclysm exista mai multe baze cu Fly Master peste tot in Azeroth iar in Blasted lands exista 4 baze (2xAlliance & 2xHorde).
Nu cred ca trebuie sa programezi raidurile cu nu stiu cate ore inainte ... ca nu dureaza sute de minute sa ajungi la o destinatie. Iar prin "(Nu vrei instant fligh path? go molten!!!)" tu si ceilalti care folosesc fraza aceasta duceti lipsa de neuroni. Daca ai dat cu opinia la un lucru sau daca ai propus o schimbare asta nu inseamna ca nu te mai joci ca nu are aia sau cealalta sau cine stie ce diferente mari sunt intre servere, dar exista oameni ca tine cu o mentalitate de doamne ajuta care nu traiesc in liniste daca nu lasa un comentariu fara sens.
WoW freakz ia deciziile considerate a fi bune. Cu sau fara fly path Freakz ramane un server foarte bun si se merita sa joci.

portalele de la intrarea in ogrimmar sunt la fel ca instant flight path-> custom server only.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-11-2012, 10:39:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Lik wrote:
din 50 de pagini,nu stiu daca sunt macar 5 pagini unde au fost puse ceva intrebari cu adevarat legate de noul patch

ca sa fiu si eu on topic:as dori sa stiu daca pe test realm vom primi instant lvl 85 si ceva gear sau vom creste de la lvl 1 ?

Zohlomg wrote:
Turbokill1337 wrote:
cristian2015 se pare ca e un spam bot ori un troll obosit, pentru cei care-i bate google-u poftim patch notes .
Niste intrebari in privinta la new patch:
1) Pe PTR vom creste new chars sau se vor transfera charele de pe main realm?
2) Aveti de gand sa puneti new stuff @ vote shop dupa update?
3) Care e rata de gold la moment? daca se poate in detalii quest/loot sau e la fel?
4) Aveti in plan sa refaceti Armory in viitorul apropiat?
5) O sa implementati own3d/twitch @ Streams pe pagina principala? [tinand cont ca activitatea de pvp va creste [+AT Realm] si se va face hardcore pve]

1. Instant 85, new chars.
2. Da
3. 10x
4. Nu
5. Da

"Le spunem adio celor care pleaca, pana intr-o zi, cand le spunem adio celor care raman."

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Post Posted: 08-11-2012, 10:53:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Acu dupa ce am citit toate posturile anterioare cu privire la ce se face si ce nu ar trebuii sa se faca si ce am vrea noi sa facem si ce vor GM-ii sa faca in noua versiune, stau si ma intreb daca un wipe complet nu e mai indicat?

Toata lumea sa o ia de la zero cu goldu cu charurile cu achievmenturile si atunci nu vor mai exista nici un fel de probleme legate "de ce se da wipe la gold? " , "de ce exista instant fligh path", de ce sunt preturile alea imense in ah, de ce nu bagati nush ce boss (pana creste lumea si farmeaza itemele necesare de un raid decent .. o sa fie timp suficient sa se scripteze cel putin inca 2 bosi)

Pe molten de exemplu (server privat concurent)pe lich king, farmam dungeonuri zilnic si ma chinuiam sa imi cresc profesiile sa fac destul gold ca sa pot sa imi iau o piesa de gear decent (276 gs). Item drop era very low la mobi chiar si in dungeonuri, gold rate la fel de low, dar era fun sa te chinui sa cresti.

PS: rog gm-ii sa nu ia in seama propunerea mea de wipe complet la chare -

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Post Posted: 08-11-2012, 11:09:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1 .pentru toata lumea PATCHUL 4.3.4 nu este "on air" momentan, nu mai intrebati "ce fac frate la mine nu merge"TONTILOR!!!!! pe prima pagina gm-ul iti va da tot ce trebuie sa sti in acel moment despre update...crezi ca daca este ceva nou de zis nu este spus pana acu?
2.ce tot e cearta asta cu "wipe "la gold?care este marea problema?NU SUNT BANI REALI!!!!goldul se face,daca nu ai un ban in viata reala nu iti exprima aici fustrarile legate de gold!!!
3.GM-ii detin raspunsurile,nu mai dati voi cu presupusul pana nu da un raspuns final cel cu "GM"in fata numelui nu mai speculati!!!

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Post Posted: 08-11-2012, 11:27:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

pentru zohl, shoker si etc:

November 1, 2012

Community update about future 4.3.4 support and Clustered Load Balancing progress is here.

Changelog for Cataclysm realms is here.

Gunship Battle in Icecrown Citadel is fully scripted and live. Feedback topic is here.

Vote sites have been revised. Two vote sites have been removed due to their miserable popularity and excessive advertisement. Xtremetop100 and Open WoW award 2 points per vote now.

sursa: -editat-

se pare ca molten o sa scoata 4.3.4 odata cu voi sau inaintea voastra.

Staff message (Rizwan):
Ai grija cu linkurile catre alte site-uri. Data viitoare iei +1.

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Post Posted: 08-11-2012, 11:39:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

laanah wrote:

se pare ca *** o sa scoata 4.3.4 odata cu voi sau inaintea voastra.

tu vorbesti in lipsa de cauza, daca te uiti pe acolo scrie ca undeva in februarie o sa treaca
+ reclama la alt server

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