
A Pandas Guide to completing your Monk Class hall campaign

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Post Posted: 10-07-2018, 04:58:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Why hello there, quests got you confused? Fret no longer as I will be your Guide through the Monk class Campaign and how to do them Properly, presented by Texts and Loads of Image references, so lets get started so you can get that Sweet Grandmaster Title, Appearances and 3rd Relic Slot. Each quest will have an Image reference hidden by a Spoiler to avoid the post being too Cluttered.

After hitting 110 you will be met by a Panda named Initiate Da-Nel who will give you a quest Growing Power while walking around in Dalaran.

After meeting Iron-Body Ponshu in the Class hall he will give you the next quest which is Rise, Champions where you have to recruit Li li Stormstout by the Inn downstairs

You will have to meet Master Hsu for the next quest which is Tianji of the Ox after completing the Mission he will give you Building our Troops where you have to recruit Ox Initiates from Tianji

When you finish training your Ox Initiates you can finish the quest and get the next one from Master Hsu called Scrolls of Knowledge where you have to finish the Mission Scrolls of Knowledge, after finishing the mission proceed to Tech it up a Notch, you need to Choose a classhall upgrade to complete it.

After finishing Tech it up a Notch go to Iron-Body Ponshu to turn the quest and get Report from Tian Monastery and finish the Mission Investigate Tian Monastery, after completing the Mission go back to Iron-Body Ponshu and turn in the quest and get the next one Defense of Tian Monastery, You have to Fly to Tian Monastery by talking to Tak-Tak

After getting to Tian Monastery you will be greeted by Taran Zhu and Instructor Myang, you need to get 1 quest from Both NPC's: Desperate Strike and Slowing the Spread

NOTE 1: You can manually go back to Tian Monastery if you accidentally leave the area by using the Pandaria portal and flying there

After completing both quest meet The Monkey King by a bridge and turn them in to get the next quest The hand of Keletress, going near the Objective point on the map will Trigger a short Cinematic, after the cinematic you must Kill Skola Greatsword, when you've killed him proceed up the stairs where he was standing to turn in your quest and proceed to the next one Rebuilding the Order from High Elder Cloudfall

After going back to Iron-Body Ponshu turn the quest and dont forget to Recruit your 2 New champions, Taran Zhu and The Monkey King

NOTE 2: You must not exceed the maximum amount of champions that you can carry in order to do Missions, if this ever happens you can deactivate champions via Followers tab

Going down the stairs from Iron-Body Ponshu towards the left High Elder Cloudfall is waiting for you with 3 quests available, Appropriations, Tracking the Tideskorn and Further Training, do the Missions first, while the missions are being done do the other 2, Further Training just requires you to spam 3 Abilities 10 times and Appropriations

While waiting for the Tracking the Tideskorn Missions to be completed, proceed to Appropriations, after talking to Lao Shu he will give you another quest to be completed An Ample stockpile which require you to give him 100 Rations, the rations can be either Spiced Rib Roast, Highmountain Salmon and Silkwweave Bandage, I prefer using Spiced Rib Roast because I have the recipe and theyre easier to make

When you have completed all 4 Quests above, you can now talk to Iron-Body Ponshu to get your next quest The Iron Fist which require you to go to Stormheim and talk to Angus Ironfist, after completing the quest Angus will give you your next quest The Master of Swords where you need to free Sylara Steelsong by Killing Dravax on the nearby Camp and looting the key

After freeing Sylara Steelsong and turning in the quest Angus Ironfist will offer you two quests (Accept both of them do not leave any quests behind to avoid bugging your quest line) No monk left behind and Zero to Hiro. As soon as you free Hiro and get the Brew you can turn in the quest to Hiro

Angus Ironfist will be at the Gates of Valor where you can turn in your quest and get the next one Quelling the Tide, after killing 16 Enemies Angus Ironfist will give you your last one from him Brick by Brick which requires you to go back to your class hall and talk to Iron-Body Ponshu

In your classhall Iron-Body Ponshu will give you The Mead master that needs to find Aegira in Stormheim

After her short story she will give you the next quest Stolen Knowledge, Keep in mind that She will ask you to get a Stormforged Grapple Launcher disregard that if you already have 1 (Even if it shows that you need a grapple launcher, you dont need to get one, You just need to get the Recipe and the Brews!) and proceed to collect the quest items, then Meet Aegira by Hrydshal gates, then collect the Brews and the Recipe from Morjirn

NOTE 3: Aegira Might disappear after collecting all 3 Brews and the Recipe! So you need to Log out near the bridge outside of Hrydshal until the game says youre out of Hrydshal (Look at the map and don't go to where the Indicator is showing you to turn in the Quest!) then go as near as you can to the Gates when you come back until she appears again, See spoilers (Red arrow indicates what zone you're standing in)

After completing the quest Aegira will offer you 3 More: Halls of Valor: The Brewmaster, Freya's Spring and Amaranthine Hops (Accept all of them! Do not leave any quests behind to avoid bugging your questline). Once again do the Missions first aka Freya's Spring so while you're doing the Quests the missions are being done as well, You can go for Amaranthine Hops if you have 20 Stonehide Leather ready then go to Val'sharah, otherwise do Halls of Valor: The Brewmaster

While doing Halls of Valor: The Brewmaster go Inside Halls of Valor (Difficulty does not matter, you can do it on Normal mode) and you will be met by Melba, after turning in Halls of Valor: The Brewmaster she will offer you another quest Halls of Valor: Odyn's Cauldron where you have to Loot Odyn's cauldron near the tables and Kill all of the bosses in the instance (I repeat: Difficulty does not matter, you can do it on normal)

Once you have finished all of the Missions and quests meet Chen Stormstout near the Brewhouse in your classhall he will give you your next quest A Peaceful world which requires you to do 20 World quests, when you're done you can talk to Iron Body Ponshu once again for your next quest Impending Danger that requires you to finish the Mission Impending Danger

After finishing your last Mission for the whole quest chain (Thank god its over right?) you can take your quest to obtain your title Storm Brew! that requires you to talk to Tak-Tak once again to fly you to your Destination

Once you have landed yous must seek Chen Stormstout inside the Chamber of Whispers where you must Fight hordes of enemies while Aegira makes your Brew, Once Aegira is done you must Drink the brew by Clicking the Cauldron and fight Lady Keletress

And thats it! Go back outside and talk to Chen Stormstout to turn in your last quest to get your Title! Dont forget to recruit Aegira!

But wait! Didn't i say there was an Appearance as well?! Once you're done getting your title Head back to the forge and talk to Iron Body Ponshu He will offer you, your Very very last quest for this quest chain A Hero's Weapon where you must stand near a forge and a special action button will appear that You must click, After Posing with your new Artifact skin you can turn in the quest!

Enjoy your new Title and Appearance!

If you wanna Point out any mistakes feel free to, thank you for your time reading my Guide!

Cho's MW Guide
Class Campaign Guide

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