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Author Message758984

[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 20-12-2010, 18:48:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


In cazul in care ai intampinat probleme care necesita interventia unui GM / administrator, citeste mai jos cazurile in care vei fi ajutat si cazurile in care nu vei fi ajutat pentru a nu posta degeaba.
Vei fi ajutat daca:
  • Ai pierdut un item Binds when picked up la rollback (dupa maxim 3 zile dupa ce ai luat itemul) dar ai screenshot cu el echipat/in bags si/sau apare pe armory la activitati recente
  • Ai facut trade de iteme/mats cu cineva si ai luat teapa (nu ai primit ce ti s-a promis). Ai nevoie de screenshoturi care arata: ca ati stabilit (pe whisper/say sau alte canale de chat din WoW) ca veti face schimbul, ca ati dat trade (fereastra de trade + bags inainte si dupa trade), ca nu ati primit ce ati stabilit (ai luat ignore, nu raspunde la whispers, nu ai in bags ce trebuia sa primesti, etc)

NU vei fi ajutat daca:
  • Ai facut schimb de conturi sau ai cumparat/vandut conturi si ai luat teapa
  • Ti-ai dat contul la prieteni sa joace si ei pe el si ai ramas fara cont/caractere/iteme/gold *
  • Cineva ti-a intrat pe caractere si ti-a sters/furat caractere/iteme/gold *
  • Vrei sa iti recuperezi contul/schimbi emailul la cont/deblochezi contul de pe IP dar nu poti folosi paginile de recuperare parola sau deblocare cont pentru ca nu ai acces la mail (indiferent ca e valid sau invalid) **
  • Ai pierdut un item Binds when equipped / non-soulbound la rollback (indiferent daca ai screenshot cu el in bags/echipat si/sau apare pe armory la activitati recente)
  • Ai luat ban si vii sa spui ca ti-a intrat fratele/bunica/pisica pe cont
  • Nu mai stii parola la cont si spui ca nu mai stii/nu mai ai emailul sau "e al unui prieten plecat din tara" sau alte povesti de genul. Doar ti se va spune emailul contului si atat **
  • Ai facut raid si ti s-a ninjat itemul dorit/castigat
  • Ai fost raid leader si ai dat aiurea un item cu Master Looter iar acum vrei sa il dai altcuiva

Informatii suplimentare:
  • * Caracterele sterse pot fi recuperate de pe pagina lista caractere de pe site. Itemele pot fi recuperate de pe pagina de recuperare iteme
  • ** Conturile pot fi recuperate de pe pagina de recuperare parola de pe site
  • Nu ne intereseaza ca vii si spui "dar de unde sa stiu eu ca o sa se intample asta?", e problema ta ca nu iei masuri de precautie
  • Nu imi dati mie sau altor GM / admini mesaje private, postati doar la sectiunea de discutii
  • Daca incerci sa minti cu ceva, oricat de marunt ar fi detaliul, iei ban permanent
  • Daca ignori avertismentele din acest topic si continui in a deschide un topic nou cu o problema care nu se incadreaza la cazurile in care vei fi ajutat, ti se va inchide topicul fara motiv iar daca insisti vei lua si warn/ban


In case you've stumbled upon a problem that requires GM / admin intervention, read below to see when you will be and when you won't be helped.
You will be helped if:
  • You've lost a Binds when picked up item at server rollback (after a maximum of 3 days after you looted the item) but you have screenshots with it equipped/in bags and/or it appears on the armory at recent activity
  • You've traded items/mats with someone and got scammed (you didn't get what you were promised). You need screenshots proving that: you both agreed (on whisper/say or any other WoW chat channels) you'll make the trade, you actually made the trade (trade window + bags before and after the trade), you didn'get what you were promised (you got ignore, the other person doens't respond to your whispers, you don't have the promised items in your bags, etc)

You will NOT be helped if:
  • You traded your account or you bought/sold an account and got scammed
  • You've lent your account to friends and they stole/deleted your account/characters/items/gold *
  • Someone knew your password somehow and stole/deleted characters/items/gold *
  • You want to recover your account/change your account email/remove IP lock but you can't use the recover password or unlock account pages because you can't access your email (regardless if it's valid or invalid) **
  • You've lost a Binds when equipped / non-soulbound item at server rollback (won't matter if you have screenshot with it equipped/in bagsor if it appears on the armory recent activity)
  • You got banned and pretend your brother/mother/cat was on your account
  • You forgot your account password and pretend you don't know your email password or the email belongs to "a friend I can't reach right now" or other similar situations. The only thing you'll get is the email address of the acccount **
  • Someone in your raid ninjaed any of the items you wanted/deserved
  • You were a raid leader and wrongfully gave an item to someone with Master Looter and now you want to give it to someone else

Additional informations:
  • * Deleted characters can be recovered from the character list page on the site. Items can be recovered on the recover items page
  • ** Accounts can be recovered from the recover password page on the site
  • We are not interested in hearing "how could I have known this was going to happen?", it's your problem if you are cautious or not
  • Don't PM me or any other GM / admini, post in the discussions forum only
  • If you lie about something, doesn't matter how less important it is, you WILL get permanently banned
  • If you ignore the warnings above and still open a new topic with a problem that doesn't fit the cases when you will be helped your topic will be locked without reason and persisting in opening new topics will get you warned/banned

WOW FREAKZ @ Facebook

Last edited by Shocker on 20-12-2010, 18:54:42; edited 5 times in total
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