
Another vote points problem

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2012, 13:20:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

At first sorry for my English ^_^U
I'm new in the server (only one month), but i vote all days (at least one time each day).
I play all days in Exodous (except one day that i couldn't connect because the server was under attack and only could connect in the romanian servers (you can see that this character was created the days that was unabled connect))
Why I have no extra vote points? I only have 30 (i spent 100 in a wrist four or five days ago)

I see that much people are in the same situation, but I don't sure if i don't say nothing i get the vote points (if you don't know that i don't get it you can't give it to me).

Thanks for your patient and for the great work that i see each day in this server (really is a great job, is the first private server that i know that all talents work correctly (almost the talent that I've tried))

Greetings from Spain ^_^

PD: I suposse that admins can see my private info (when i created the account, where i play, what character i have and where, where i spend my vote points...). Just for it i don't include this information in this post. They better than anybody know if i meet the requirements

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-07-2012, 16:33:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well, i'm still waiting since one week and i haven't any answer about my problem.
I'm afraid that my post fall to the oblivion and never know why i don't have any extra point -

I met the conditions, then... what happend?

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Post Posted: 18-07-2012, 00:43:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

this vp reward were for the ppl who played here march, april, may - when those ddos attacks took place.if u are here from one month there is no reason you should get any

Last edited by dzvera on 18-07-2012, 01:37:14; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-07-2012, 01:17:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

if your character was created prior to the mass ddos attacks [march, april, may], and you have at least 10 days played time [type /played in game], then you should have gotten vote points. if you do not meet the above requirements, then you should not receive vote points -

hope that helped clarify

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-07-2012, 21:24:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

dzvera wrote:
this vp reward were for the ppl who played here march, april, may - when those ddos attacks took place.if u are here from one month there is no reason you should get any

Well, I may not know to express (I say at first, my english is very bad). I suffer this ddos attacks (perhaps less than other players, but I suffered it).

This are the conditions:

We have distributed the vote points for Exodus realm as promised. 250 vote points for each account that met the following conditions:
- At least 10 days played on Exodus
- At most 10 days played on the romanian realms
- Voted at least once
- Logged in the last 14 days

I don't read any that if you only was played here one month you can't take the extra points.

- I play at least 10 days on Exodous
- I only play one day in Genesis, the day of the ddos attacks, to check what was the problem that i can't connect in Exodous. I have a char in this server yet (a low lvl called Vetinari, the Gm can check the date of creation of this char and this coincides whit this last attack)
- I vote every day at least once time
- I logged all days (in the server to play and in the web to vote)

I only like a reason for not have the extra points when i met the conditions. If I was not 'worthy' to receive them, nothing happens, but at least I would like to know why when it is clear that I met

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-07-2012, 21:28:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

10 days played does not mean you played the game for 10 days - it means your character has been in game for at least, 240 hours. go in game, type /played, then screen shot it and post that in here.

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