
[Antorus, The Burning Throne] [Immonar Mythic], sleep canister + wind

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Post Posted: 07-06-2020, 13:04:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link: Sleep canister
Bug description: If you get asleep from Sleep Canister while wind is pushing you, when you get out of sleep it will blink/teleport you back where you were when you got asleep first time.
Proof: /
Proof explanation: Pay attention to our player Keera(Paladin, in the left side), he got asleep while wind was pushing him and he was sliding to the left, meanwhile he got Sleep canister on him self, and when our healer dispelled him he blinked/teleported to group of players(you can clearly see wheres explosion animation, and where he ended up) and putting us all asleep, after that all of us blink/teleport where we were put asleep initially(its clearly visible on clip).

Last edited by NemixDev on 07-06-2020, 13:59:16; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 07-06-2020, 22:55:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Confirmed . On this clip you can see player Keera getting pushed by the wind debuff while having the Sleep Cannister debuff on him .
As soon as he gets dispelled , he imediately gets teleported back to the initial spot on the platform where he was originally stunned , and stunning the entire group.

Edit: Player affected by Sleep Cannister while the winds are active , should not get affected by the winds debuff at all , only when Sleep Cannister is dispelled they should . - Trello Card

"Trust me it is not going to hurt"

Last edited by Eleyon on 17-06-2020, 17:14:27; edited 2 times in total
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