
Application to guild

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-10-2013, 21:04:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

5) I wanted to change the order of the app so u don't reject it after reading first few lines. My name is Lukas and i am 20 years old, from USA. Came to live here like a year anda half ago. I was playing private servers for like 5 years. Started on wow-legion tbc realm , then moved to magic-wow when naxx was realesed and ended in Molten-wow for ICC. Cleared naxx, ulduar, Toc and icc on noraml modes, because had to take a break when ICC hc was starting to get scripted in Molten-wow. Came back like a year later and since i was already in USA, i started to play retail( couldn't afford it in my country). I started before realese of Heart of fear raid. Haven't cleared that tho, because i couldn't find a guild with the raiding schedule that could be good for me. So took a month break and then came back for ToT, founda guild and cleared that + one hc boss. It was kinda the end of the patch so we were preparing for Siege of Orgrimar and focusing more on that than doing hc bosses + we were not really a hardcore guild. SO when SoO came i played for couple weeks, cleared 4 bosses on normal and like 7 on flex ina first week and then got kinda bored of the retail and i wasn't really a fan of SoO and whole Mop so I quit and started to search for private cata server, because i haven't played a lot of that. I played just when they begun to script first bosses in first tier of cata raiding, which wasn't a really nice experience and now i see that there are a lot of servers who has End Time in their scripted list so I really wanted to try it. Like most of u know it doesn't matter if its a retail or private server , having a good guild and a nice group to play with makes game more fun. Like every mmorpg. So i am searching for one right now and I saw that this one is active, has a lot of achieved as a group (which concerns me , cause usually this kinda guilds has their core and etc. ). I learned that u have to earn a spot in main group when i was playing retail. So that's the reason I am applying.The thing is that i have a druid here, which is low geared and i was playing resto as main in retail and I don't really want to play it anymore, so i am going to level a new toon to raid with. Since cata has a big difference from retail I will have to learn any class i will play so it doesn't really matter to me , so if u are going to accept me , I can play w/e the guild is in need right now. But I will list the ones i probably like the most.

1) Radistas, level 85 NE druid. I was gearing him as a balance and have some tanking gear. I would probalby like to play rogue, ret/holy pally or a resto/ench(maybe) shaman. As I said it doesn't matter, because I will have to read and learn all about them anyways.
2) My druid has like 330 ilvl so I don't think u want to see that or that it will change anything. Idk how familliar u are with retail now, but i can provide u with my main there which is resto druid.
Armory link:
And i have an alt mage:
Armory link:
U can see what they have and what they have cleared and etc.
3)Since i wasn't raiding here I can't give u any screenshots, but if u want (let me know) I can find my logs from the guild I was raiding ToT with, i think there is my resto and my mage's healing/dps meters there.
4) I was in one guild when i started to play, It was a Lithuanian guild( I am from Lithuania), but I had some stuff to deal with and I couldn't really play so I got kicked for innactivity i guess. Haven't been in any other guild after.

Idk if I made a lot of sense here, but I would really like to try cata content with a nice group. I don't ask you to carry me, I will contribute as much as I can to prove that I am worth a spot in your guild.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-10-2013, 21:51:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Re-post this application in the right area, till then REJECTED.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 12-10-2014 21:47)
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Post Posted: 03-11-2013, 14:11:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vreau sa aplic si eu
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