
Arms Warrior 8.3 DPS GUIDE PVE

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Post Posted: 15-01-2021, 15:25:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Welcome to our World of Warcraft Arms Warrior DPS Guide for Battle of Azeroth Patch 8.3 and latest Raid - Ny'alotha. Here you can explore the optimal choices of Talents, Stats, Gear (BiS), Gems, Azerite Powers & Azerite Essences, Races, Consumables, Rotation.
You can use this guide as a solid starting point for building your character, while eventually, you might tweak things according to your gameplay preferences.


Talents for -> Ra-Den the Despoiled

Talents for -> Dark Inquisitor Xanesh

Talents for -> Shad'har the Isatiable

Talents for -> Carapace of N'Zoth

Talents for -> The Hivemind

Talents for -> Maut

Talents for -> Il'gynoth, Corruption Reborn

Talents for -> Prophet Skitra

Talents for -> N'Zoth the Corruptor

Talents for -> Wrathion

Talents for -> Drest'agath

Talents for -> Vexiona


Haste > Versatility > Mastery > Critical Strike

Note: This list contains basic versions of each item (with baseline item levels), you should try to get the highest possible iLvL of each item listed here.

Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve

Boots:Boots of Hallucinatory Reality

Helm:Greathelm of Phantasmic Reality

Legs:Reality-Defying Greaves

Neck:Heart of Azeroth

Ring:Logic Loop of Division

Chest:Mechanized Plate Chasse

Gloves:Mirage-Weaver's Gauntlets

Waist:Sharkbait Harness Girdle

Wrist:Dragonbone Vambraces

Trinkets:Vita-Charged Titanshard / Void Twisted Titanshard

Main-Hand:Devastation's Hour

Shoulders:Pauldrons of Infinite Darkness

4.Azerite Essence
=> =>

5. Gem Quick Sand Spinel

6. Azerite Powers:

7. Races i prefer gnome but you can play Tauren/Orc/Troll or wtv depends on your choise





Ring Enchant:

Weapon Enchant:

Healing Potions:


Use Potion: Use your potion during execute phase with Colossus Smash/Warbreaker use racial active buff.
Use Trinkets: Try to align with burn phases or AoE.

Potion->Racial->Warbreaker ->Execute ->Mortal Strike->Whirldwind->Azerite Essence->Warbreaker If you dont have the cd again save it for +2 targets ->Deadly Calm->Azerite Essence->Prioritize using Overpower whenever you aren't at 2 stacks of the Overpower buff. This is so that you don't miss out on possible cooldown resets. When you can Execute, you can use this at will because you will only be using Execute and not Mortal Strike.->Execute-> Mortal Strike-> Skullsplitter-> Save Bladestorm for 3+ targets AoE if it won't cool down again in time. Otherwise it is also good against a single target so use it when available. ->Whirldwind

If Deadly Calm is not up
Azerite Essence->Save Warbreaker for 2+ targets if it won't cool down again in time. ->Deadly Calm->Azerite Essence->Prioritize using Overpower whenever you aren't at 2 stacks of the Overpower buff. This is so that you don't miss out on possible cooldown resets. When you can Execute, you can use this at will because you will only be using Execute and not Mortal Strike.->Execute ->Mortal Strike->Skullsplitter-> Save Bladestorm for 3+ targets AoE if it won't cool down again in time. Otherwise it is also good against a single target so use it when available. ->Whirldwind

If Deadly Calm is UP

Warbreaker->Execute ->Mortal Strike->Whirldwind

Frequently Asked Questions:

How is this Guide useful?

The goal of our guides is to show you the overall "optimal" options for building your character. If you do not wish to dig through walls of text then you may like our visual "cut to the chase" approach.

Where do you get this data from?

I use algorithms to parse big data chunks from Top 1% Raiders using various public World of Warcraft sources such as the official Blizzard API and WarcraftLogs. I believe that statistics is a very reliable method for determining solid choices for end-game optimization.

Last edited by xiongmaokr on 15-01-2021, 17:21:26; edited 16 times in total
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