
[Azsuna] The Death of the Eldest - Storyquestline

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 04-04-2020 17:20)
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Post Posted: 04-04-2020, 08:34:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link: I don't know what should I put here?

Bug description: Hi Freakz Staff.
I have a little problem with Quest ID: 37853 [The Death of the Eldest] which is the Azsuna Storyline quest.
Location: around Azurewing Repose (48,26)
Character: Nexicus, Blood Elf, Havoc Daemon Hunter

Did the whole advice over the
to make things right but at the point something went wrong.

1. when accepted the quest went wrong way (I have left quest zone, went up the hill not in the left cave where I should)
2. the quest mobs nameplates don't shows up, but drops the questitem
3. nearing the lake with questitems in my bag the extra actionbutton didn't shows up (not able to drop items to water)
4. and can't turn in quest at Stellagosa who have silver question mark above her head
5. finally can't reach next quest in line, so storyline for me broken (?)

-checked the quest over Freakz DB, Wowhead, Gamepedia, Youtube
-searched the quest in whole Bug Report Topic here in Forum but didn't find it
-reaccepting the quest more times, with and without clearing the cache folders
-reaccepted with clearing cache and WTF folder too
-didn't work yet-

I'm not an expert just I think: something wrong with the phase or just script wont trigger, because I see other players fighting with no hostile mobs around.
Quest is at the point in accepted state with questitems in my bag.
(I'm just a casual player, my 1st maxleveled char where bugged total... yeah, my fault, didn't follow the new player guide)

I need some advice but every bit of help I welcome. And thank you for your time reading this (sorry for bad english, still learning...).


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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 28-10-2024 22:40)
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Post Posted: 04-04-2020, 11:48:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


1)the quest mobs nameplates don't show up but drops the quest item ( to put it better you don't see which adds counts toward the quest objective)

2)nearing the lake with quest items in my bag the extra action button didn't show up (not able to drop items to water)

3) When you kill multiple Burrowing Leyworms and try to loot multiple quest items at once it gives you the error already looted (low Priority)

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