
By Any Means bug Solution

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 21-02-2021 17:37)
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Post Posted: 08-06-2019, 08:36:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Seems the best solution and the one that works the most from other DH's I talked to in game with same problem.

Just make sure the steps are followed exactly.

0. Do NOT abandon quest yet before completing the following steps.
1. Exit Game
2. Delete the WHOLE cache folder ( or back it up / copy it to another location )
3. Log back into game.
4. Abandon quest 'By Any Means'
5. Retake quest 'By any means'
6. Click option one in dialog.
7. Enter VH.
8. Kill the guy.
9. Turn in, INSIDE Violent Hold.
10. Accept quest 'The Hunt'

Side note variations I tried with no success from solutions mentioned in other posts.

1. Abandoned quest, retook it, showed mob killed but no convincing, dialog triggered portal inside VH, mob not there, all NPC's gone ( had to hearth )
2. Changed Specs inside VH, portal appeared after killing mob but convincing still not triggered, portal ported me to Highmountain.
3. Abandoned quest, joined group, took quest. Mob showed killed but no convincing, dialog triggered portal inside VH, mob not there, all NPC's gone ( had to hearth )
4. Abandoned quest, Deleted Cache, joined group, took quest. Mob showed killed but no convincing, dialog triggered portal inside VH, mob not there, all NPC's gone ( had to hearth )
5. Abandoned quest, joined group, took quest. Mob showed killed but no convincing, dialog triggered portal inside VH, mob not there, all NPC's gone ( had to hearth )

Biggest thing, Deleting Cache Folder / Files before abandoning quest didn't work at all.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 12-04-2020 22:27)
Joined: 08 Feb 2020
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Post Posted: 19-03-2020, 08:32:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Confirmed this method works. I tried many different ways and this is the only one that worked.
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