
Call pet BUG

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-02-2019, 17:21:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

BM hunter spell Call pet BUG

I have pets in my stable, the stable is not full. I have no pets with me, yet i can not tame any more beasts as it says "You have too many pets". I am 110 so there's no issue with my capacity to tame more than one, two pets

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-03-2019, 11:08:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

That "feature" was intriduce whit 7.2.5. You probably have invisible pets in all of your five slots and in some slots in stable, that's why you can't tame any new one or switch from stable. The solution I found was to play a minigame at stablemaster - find pet in stable that was not invisible and drag it to your slot. Then drag that around your pet slots that is supposed to be empty, it probably will switch to a different pet, that will become visible and available. Summon them, abandon them and start again. It's nice minigame when you don't have any activity to do or when you just want to to roleplay like real Beast Master. :)

*edit - oh, and drag your Revive Pet ability somewhere in your action bar, because you will often use it instead of Call Pet, even that your pet isnt dead, just unsummoned.
Btw, did i mention those constant bugs when you cant dissmise old and summon new pet when you go to Invasion Legion ships, or specific dungeons like The Arcway last boss second phase, or when you hat to go to jail in ToS inquisition? The Hunters whit pets now are more of a meme, that is why i respect all of them when i see one. -

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Post Posted: 25-04-2019, 01:41:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Make a propper report here :

Make sure you are not posting a duplicate report and provide enough evidence .

"Trust me it is not going to hurt"
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