
Cataclysm: How to Install & Play [EN]
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Author Message348240


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(since 02-09-2016 09:51)
Joined: 24 Feb 2011
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Votes: 81

Post Posted: 17-04-2013, 10:24:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You have to wait with the extraction until it says 'seeding' in your torrent client. Does it say seeding for you or just Downloaded 100.0% ?

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 02-07-2013 16:38)
Joined: 18 Apr 2013
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Post Posted: 18-04-2013, 18:49:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi, I have the game to 4.3. I tried to download the patches up to 4.3.4 but there are only executable file. MPQ. How do I update the game without downloading it from the beginning? (I also have a version to 4.0, and all the downloaded patches)

Can anyone help me?

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[Future World]

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(since 23-06-2018 15:49)
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Post Posted: 18-04-2013, 19:32:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

wugi wrote:
Hi, I have the game to 4.3. I tried to download the patches up to 4.3.4 but there are only executable file. MPQ. How do I update the game without downloading it from the beginning? (I also have a version to 4.0, and all the downloaded patches)

Can anyone help me?

I've answered in your topic:

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 28-05-2013 16:29)
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Post Posted: 28-05-2013, 13:35:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

please send here ready because windows 8 is so stupid, so when i enter your address instead of, windows 8 creates a new file realmlist.txt and no way how to do in normal(another) way.
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 03-07-2013 20:39)
Joined: 02 Jul 2013
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Post Posted: 03-07-2013, 22:39:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi there, I have a problem here,its shows :

World of WarCraft: Retail Build (build 15595)

Exe: C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
Time: Jul 4, 2013 4:23:35.171 AM
User: win
Computer: WIN-E31D7DBFFD2

This application has encountered a critical error:

ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal exception!

Program: C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
ProcessID: 1752
Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 001B:00595487

The instruction at "0x00595487" referenced memory at "0x00000028".
The memory could not be "read".

WoWBuild: 15595
Version: 4.3.4
Type: WoW
Platform: X86
Realm: Exodus - International (
Local Zone: Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands
Local Player: Mimitto, 00000000000A428A, (2271.09,-5340.8,87.11)
Total lua memory: 14985KB
Current Addon: (null)
Current Addon function: UNKNOWN
Current Addon object: (null)

Patch data download failed.
Error downloading patch data from server 'http://localhost' , error code : cannotConnectError
Manifest is valid.

SET locale "enUS"
SET realmlist ""
SET patchlist "localhost"
SET enterWorld "1"
SET hwDetect "0"
SET videoOptionsVersion "4"
SET playIntroMovie "4"
SET readTOS "1"
SET readEULA "1"
SET showToolsUI "1"
SET accounttype "CT"
SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.40000000596046"
SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.60000002384186"
SET terrainMipLevel "0"
SET farclip "727"
SET particleDensity "60"
SET rippleDetail "1"
SET reflectionMode "0"
SET groundEffectDensity "64"
SET groundEffectDist "160"
SET projectedTextures "1"
SET shadowMode "1"
SET shadowTextureSize "2048"
SET textureFilteringMode "3"
SET componentTextureLevel "9"
SET weatherDensity "1"
SET realmName "Exodus - International"
SET gameTip "5"
SET mouseSpeed "1"

GxApi: D3D9
Shader Model: 3_0
Vertex: vs_3_0
Pixel: ps_3_0
Adapter Count: 1

Adapter 0 (primary):
Driver: igxprd32.dll
Version: 6.14.0010.5420
Description: Intel(R) G41 Express Chipset
DeviceName: \\.\DISPLAY1


x86 Registers

EAX=00001524 EBX=22348720 ECX=00000000 EDX=44340000 ESI=22348720
EDI=18B4E2BC EBP=0012FB44 ESP=0012FB38 EIP=00595487 FLG=00210206
CS =001B DS =0023 ES =0023 SS =0023 FS =003B GS =0000

Stack Trace (Manual)

Address Frame Logical addr Module

Showing 23/23 threads...

--- Thread ID: 2588 [Current Thread] ---
00595487 0012FB44 0001:00194487 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00595601 0012FB54 0001:00194601 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
008E4A19 0012FBB0 0001:004E3A19 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
008E4FA5 0012FC90 0001:004E3FA5 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
004FBBE2 0012FD48 0001:000FABE2 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
005005C1 0012FD64 0001:000FF5C1 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00500A8A 0012FD80 0001:000FFA8A C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
005017CF 0012FD8C 0001:001007CF C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
007FFA5B 0012FE68 0001:003FEA5B C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
008A3E09 0012FE98 0001:004A2E09 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
008A0DC9 0012FEC0 0001:0049FDC9 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
008A240A 0012FF14 0001:004A140A C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
008A2451 0012FF2C 0001:004A1451 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00408458 0012FFC0 0001:00007458 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
7C816FD7 0012FFF0 0001:00015FD7 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 2120 ---
71A55FA7 09D2FC00 0001:00004FA7 C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll
71AB2E67 09D2FC50 0001:00001E67 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll
771D70F7 09D2FFAC 0001:000260F7 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WININET.dll
771D922B 09D2FFB4 0001:0002822B C:\WINDOWS\system32\WININET.dll
7C80B683 09D2FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 3760 ---
7C80B683 09E2FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 3768 ---
7C80B683 09F2FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 988 ---
7C80B683 0A15FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 2480 ---
7C802532 0A25FF24 0001:00001532 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
007DF69B 0A25FF5C 0001:003DE69B C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
007E393A 0A25FF70 0001:003E293A C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00A12A8E 0A25FFA8 0001:00611A8E C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00A12B36 0A25FFB4 0001:00611B36 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
7C80B683 0A25FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 1776 ---
7C802532 0A35FF24 0001:00001532 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
007DF17F 0A35FF5C 0001:003DE17F C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
007E393A 0A35FF70 0001:003E293A C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00A12A8E 0A35FFA8 0001:00611A8E C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00A12B36 0A35FFB4 0001:00611B36 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
7C80B683 0A35FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 4088 ---
7C802532 0A45FF24 0001:00001532 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
007DF69B 0A45FF5C 0001:003DE69B C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
007E393A 0A45FF70 0001:003E293A C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00A12A8E 0A45FFA8 0001:00611A8E C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00A12B36 0A45FFB4 0001:00611B36 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
7C80B683 0A45FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 120 ---
00882407 0B1E9670 0001:00481407 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
007E4386 0B1E96BC 0001:003E3386 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
007E43EF 0B1E96D0 0001:003E33EF C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
007B8D3A 0B1ED710 0001:003B7D3A C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
007E6A38 0B1EDB38 0001:003E5A38 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
007AB842 0B1EDB54 0001:003AA842 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
000BFBB3 0B1EDFDC 0000:00000000 <unknown>
0B1EF0AC 0B1EF0AC 0000:00000000 <unknown>

--- Thread ID: 4080 ---
7C802451 0B2EFF40 0001:00001451 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
008755DD 0B2EFF4C 0001:004745DD C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
0053FDF4 0B2EFF8C 0001:0013EDF4 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
004B7819 0B2EFFB4 0001:000B6819 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
7C80B683 0B2EFFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 796 ---
7C802451 01C2FF3C 0001:00001451 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
007C4814 01C2FF5C 0001:003C3814 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
007E393A 01C2FF70 0001:003E293A C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00A12A8E 01C2FFA8 0001:00611A8E C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00A12B36 01C2FFB4 0001:00611B36 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
7C80B683 01C2FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 2368 ---
7C802532 01D2FF64 0001:00001532 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
004BB4B0 01D2FF74 0001:000BA4B0 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00812052 01D2FF8C 0001:00411052 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
004B7819 01D2FFB4 0001:000B6819 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
7C80B683 01D2FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 2548 ---
7C80A075 0298FF88 0001:00009075 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
72D2312A 0298FFB4 0001:0000212A C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdmaud.drv
7C80B683 0298FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 1720 ---
7C80A075 02A8FE40 0001:00009075 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
73F114A2 02A8FE58 0001:000004A2 C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll
73F1294A 02A8FF78 0001:0000194A C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll
73F19FBF 02A8FF98 0001:00008FBF C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll
73F1297E 02A8FFB4 0001:0000197E C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll
7C80B683 02A8FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 1876 ---
7C80A075 02C8FE48 0001:00009075 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
73F114A2 02C8FE60 0001:000004A2 C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll
73F1294A 02C8FF80 0001:0000194A C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll
73F12A13 02C8FFB4 0001:00001A13 C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll
7C80B683 02C8FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 2820 ---
7C802451 02D8FF94 0001:00001451 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
00A90F0D 02D8FFA0 0001:0068FF0D C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00A9136C 02D8FFB4 0001:0069036C C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
7C80B683 02D8FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 3664 ---
7C802451 02E8FF94 0001:00001451 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
00A90F0D 02E8FFA0 0001:0068FF0D C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00A9136C 02E8FFB4 0001:0069036C C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
7C80B683 02E8FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 2212 ---
7C802532 03F8FF58 0001:00001532 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
004BB4B0 03F8FF68 0001:000BA4B0 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00550475 03F8FF80 0001:0014F475 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
005505E1 03F8FF8C 0001:0014F5E1 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
004B7819 03F8FFB4 0001:000B6819 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
7C80B683 03F8FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 3136 ---
7C80A075 0408FD24 0001:00009075 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
00550C14 0408FF80 0001:0014FC14 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
0055033E 0408FF8C 0001:0014F33E C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
004B7819 0408FFB4 0001:000B6819 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
7C80B683 0408FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 3012 ---
7C802532 04C0FF68 0001:00001532 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
004BB4B0 04C0FF78 0001:000BA4B0 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
0070259A 04C0FFB4 0001:0030159A C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
7C80B683 04C0FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 2648 ---
7C802532 073FFF74 0001:00001532 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
00AD4965 073FFF90 0001:006D3965 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00A910A9 073FFFA0 0001:006900A9 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00A91330 073FFFB4 0001:00690330 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
7C80B683 073FFFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 3448 ---
7C802532 0750FF74 0001:00001532 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
00AD4965 0750FF90 0001:006D3965 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00A910A9 0750FFA0 0001:006900A9 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00A91330 0750FFB4 0001:00690330 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
7C80B683 0750FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

--- Thread ID: 428 ---
7C802532 0895FF6C 0001:00001532 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
004BB4B0 0895FF7C 0001:000BA4B0 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
00B05E56 0895FF8C 0001:00704E56 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
004B7819 0895FFB4 0001:000B6819 C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe
7C80B683 0895FFEC 0001:0000A683 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

Stack Trace (Using DBGHELP.DLL)

Showing 23/23 threads...

--- Thread ID: 2588 [Current Thread] ---
00595487 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (18B4E034,0012FBC4,0012FBB0,008E4A19)
00595601 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00000273,00000000,18B4E034,3FF765BB)
008E4A19 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+2634537 (004E13A1,00000000,18B4E034,1F2E7C38)
008E4FA5 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+2635957 (18B4E034,0380A990,0380AAA5,00000000)
004FBBE2 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0380A9AC,03714228,03714F1C,00000009)
005005C1 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0B6D1F28,03714228,03715598,00000000)
00500A8A WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (037155B0,0012FE68,007FFA5B,00000000)
005017CF WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00000000,037155A0,037155B0,3F208313)
007FFA5B WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1696619 (00000000,00000000,016302F5,0AF39D50)
008A3E09 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+2369305 (0AF39D50,00000016,00000000,008A1CB3)
008A0DC9 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+2356953 (00000000,3F208313,00000000,69676E45)
008A240A WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+2362650 (00000000,004083FF,00000001,00000001)
008A2451 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+2362721 (0040E4D5,00400000,00000000,00152371)
00408458 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (80000001,01E2D9E4,7FFDF000,C0000005)
7C816FD7 kernel32.dll RegisterWaitForInputIdle+73 (00401190,00000000,78746341,00000020)

--- Thread ID: 2120 ---
71A55FA7 mswsock.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (00000001,09D2FE80,09D2FC78,09D2FD7C)
71AB2E67 WS2_32.dll select+167 (00000001,09D2FE80,09D2FC78,09D2FD7C)
771D70F7 WININET.dll GetUrlCacheEntryInfoExW+2193 (09D2FFEC,7C80B683,001685E0,71AB1404)
771D922B WININET.dll InternetSetStatusCallback+471 (001685E0,71AB1404,0000005D,001685E0)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (771D921E,001685E0,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 3760 ---
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (7C92798D,00000000,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 3768 ---
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (7C910760,00000000,00000000,000000C8)

--- Thread ID: 988 ---
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (71A5D5AF,0017C508,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 2480 ---
7C802532 kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (00002290,FFFFFFFF,098A1AF0,7C9105D4)
007DF69B WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1564587 (098A1EF0,7C9105D4,098A1AF0,0A25FFA8)
007E393A WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1581642 (09657D48,D3584305,7C9105D4,098A1AF0)
00A12A8E WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+3871646 (00000018,0A25FFEC,7C80B683,098A1AF0)
00A12B36 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+3871814 (098A1AF0,7C9105D4,00000018,098A1AF0)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (00A12AB4,098A1AF0,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 1776 ---
7C802532 kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (00002108,FFFFFFFF,7C9105D4,09658B28)
007DF17F WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1563279 (00000000,7C9105D4,0992FAE0,0A35FFA8)
007E393A WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1581642 (09658B28,D3484305,7C9105D4,0992FAE0)
00A12A8E WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+3871646 (00000018,0A35FFEC,7C80B683,0992FAE0)
00A12B36 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+3871814 (0992FAE0,7C9105D4,00000018,0992FAE0)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (00A12AB4,0992FAE0,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 4088 ---
7C802532 kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (0000210C,FFFFFFFF,0992FD00,7C9105D4)
007DF69B WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1564587 (0992FF30,7C9105D4,0992FD00,0A45FFA8)
007E393A WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1581642 (09658B90,D3384305,7C9105D4,0992FD00)
00A12A8E WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+3871646 (00000018,0A45FFEC,7C80B683,0992FD00)
00A12B36 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+3871814 (0992FD00,7C9105D4,00000018,0992FD00)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (00A12AB4,0992FD00,00000000,0C700000)

--- Thread ID: 120 ---
007B0298 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1371048 (29260030,002F47F0,0B1EF044,007AB4B0)
007B29E6 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1381110 (22918C60,29260030,002F47F0,229923C0)
007AB4B0 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1351104 (229923C0,29260030,00000000,00000000)
007B29C0 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1381072 (09979AF4,0B1EF07C,00000000,00000010)
007B2134 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1378884 (29260030,00000000,00000000,002F47F0)
007F48BC WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1651148 (1F48A9E8,29260030,002F47F0,0B1EFF1C)
007A62ED WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1330173 (22918BD8,29260030,00000000,0B1EFF8C)
007A659A WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1330858 (22918BD8,29260030,00000000,002F47F0)
0053FCF3 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (098A0210,00000000,00000000,09979B30)
004B7819 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00D9C538,00000000,00000000,09979B30)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (004B7780,09979B30,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 4080 ---
7C802451 kernel32.dll Sleep+15 (00000001,0B2EFF8C,0053FDF4,00000001)
008755DD WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+2178797 (00000001,0AE05FD8,000023D4,00000FF0)
0053FDF4 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0997CE48,00000000,00000000,0AE05FD8)
004B7819 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00D9C558,00000000,00000000,0AE05FD8)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (004B7780,0AE05FD8,00000000,00000002)

--- Thread ID: 796 ---
7C802451 kernel32.dll Sleep+15 (00000064,7C910732,098CADE8,0B081E88)
007C4814 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1454372 (00000000,7C910732,098CADE8,01C2FFA8)
007E393A WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1581642 (0B081E88,D8BF4305,7C910732,098CADE8)
00A12A8E WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+3871646 (7C9106AB,01C2FFEC,7C80B683,098CADE8)
00A12B36 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+3871814 (098CADE8,7C910732,7C9106AB,098CADE8)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (00A12AB4,098CADE8,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 2368 ---
7C802532 kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (000000BC,FFFFFFFF,01D2FF8C,00812052)
004BB4B0 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (FFFFFFFF,00002C50,00000940,0B09A260)
00812052 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+1771874 (00EBC4D0,00000000,00000000,0B09A260)
004B7819 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00D9C578,00000000,00000000,0B09A260)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (004B7780,0B09A260,00000000,02180000)

--- Thread ID: 2548 ---
7C80A075 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjects+24 (00000002,0298FFA4,00000000,FFFFFFFF)
72D2312A wdmaud.drv midMessage+840 (00000000,00000000,020A0014,00000000)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (72D230E8,00000000,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 1720 ---
7C80A075 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjects+24 (00000040,02A8FE78,00000000,FFFFFFFF)
73F114A2 dsound.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (00000040,FFFFFFFF,00000000,02A8FE78)
73F1294A dsound.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (FFFFFFFF,0000003F,02735010,02A8FF94)
73F19FBF dsound.dll DirectSoundCreate+21372 (02732388,02733434,73F1B993,00000000)
73F1297E dsound.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (02733434,02732388,00000000,02733434)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (73F1B94B,02733434,00000000,00000008)

--- Thread ID: 1876 ---
7C80A075 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjects+24 (00000001,02C8FE80,00000000,000001F4)
73F114A2 dsound.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (00000001,000001F4,00000000,02C8FE80)
73F1294A dsound.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (000001F4,00000000,00000000,00000000)
73F12A13 dsound.dll <unknown symbol>+0 (02731EFC,00000000,7C910732,02731EFC)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (73F1B94B,02731EFC,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 2820 ---
7C802451 kernel32.dll Sleep+15 (0000000A,02D8FFB4,00A9136C,0000000A)
00A90F0D WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+4388893 (0000000A,00000FA0,00000B04,02D8FFEC)
00A9136C WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+4390012 (0B9194C8,0012F504,00000FA0,0B9194C8)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (00A912F0,0B9194C8,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 3664 ---
7C802451 kernel32.dll Sleep+15 (0000000A,02E8FFB4,00A9136C,0000000A)
00A90F0D WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+4388893 (0000000A,00000000,00000E50,02E8FFEC)
00A9136C WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+4390012 (0B923F98,7C91094E,00000000,0B923F98)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (00A912F0,0B923F98,00000000,00000008)

--- Thread ID: 2212 ---
7C802532 kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (00002E0C,000003E8,03F8FF80,00550475)
004BB4B0 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (000003E8,000008A4,03304D88,00002E98)
00550475 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00000000,03F8FFB4,004B7819,033044A0)
005505E1 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (033044A0,00000000,00000000,03304D88)
004B7819 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00D9C598,00000000,00000000,03304D88)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (004B7780,03304D88,00000000,00000000)

--- Thread ID: 3136 ---
7C80A075 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjects+24 (00000002,0408FE48,00000000,000001F4)
00550C14 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (03304DA0,0408FFB4,004B7819,03304490)
0055033E WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (03304490,00000000,00000000,03304DA0)
004B7819 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00D9C5B8,00000000,00000000,03304DA0)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (004B7780,03304DA0,00000000,049B0000)

--- Thread ID: 3012 ---
7C802532 kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (000000C4,FFFFFFFF,04C0FFB4,0070259A)
004BB4B0 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (FFFFFFFF,00000BC4,03535230,00002EA4)
0070259A WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+659114 (00D9C5D8,7C9105D4,00000178,03535230)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (004B7780,03535230,00000000,04D70000)

--- Thread ID: 2648 ---
7C802532 kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (00003040,FFFFFFFF,00000000,0B907A6C)
00AD4965 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+4665973 (035C7028,FFFFFFFF,073FFFB4,00A91330)
00A910A9 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+4389305 (035C7028,00000000,00000A58,073FFFEC)
00A91330 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+4389952 (0B907A6C,00000000,00000000,0B907A6C)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (00A912F0,0B907A6C,00000000,00000001)

--- Thread ID: 3448 ---
7C802532 kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (00003058,FFFFFFFF,03E8C050,0B9078FC)
00AD4965 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+4665973 (03612DD0,FFFFFFFF,0750FFB4,00A91330)
00A910A9 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+4389305 (03612DD0,00000000,00000D78,0750FFEC)
00A91330 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+4389952 (0B9078FC,03E8C050,00000000,0B9078FC)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (00A912F0,0B9078FC,00000000,07650000)

--- Thread ID: 428 ---
7C802532 kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (00003094,00000064,0895FF8C,00B05E56)
004BB4B0 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00000064,0534FCD8,0895FFB4,004B7819)
00B05E56 WoW.exe GetBattlenetAllocator+4867942 (0535CA68,00000009,00000054,0534FCD8)
004B7819 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (00D9C5F8,00000009,00000054,0534FCD8)
7C80B683 kernel32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+436 (004B7780,0534FCD8,00000000,08A80000)

Loaded Modules

DBG-MODULE<00400000 00CDD000 "WoW.exe" "Wow.pdb" 0 {9a9fe68a-1174-4bdf-b51a0cab2be97eae} 1 1334105658>
DBG-MODULE<09640000 0000C000 "freakz.dll" "" 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000000000000000} 0 708992537>
DBG-MODULE<0FFD0000 00028000 "rsaenh.dll" "rsaenh.pdb" 0 {b0fbd2bf-01da-4606-bc225e22b95a63a8} 1 1089166632>
DBG-MODULE<10000000 00053000 "visicom_antiphishing.dll" "" 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000000000000000} 0 1331227517>
DBG-MODULE<2A3F0000 00141000 "dbghelp.dll" "dbghelp.pdb" 0 {24f6937d-6631-40a2-aff3210434afba90} 1 1265054906>
DBG-MODULE<4FDD0000 001A6000 "d3d9.dll" "d3d9.pdb" 0 {d761b4c2-432d-43cf-b7d59435a8f9e250} 1 1091606163>
DBG-MODULE<5AD70000 00038000 "uxtheme.dll" "uxtheme.pdb" 0 {cd921d2a-6848-450e-abc5a4d1aae40214} 2 1139628684>
DBG-MODULE<5B860000 00055000 "NETAPI32.dll" "netapi32.pdb" 0 {5291c887-8e55-4aa3-be362424728bca3d} 2 1155818269>
DBG-MODULE<5D090000 0009A000 "comctl32.dll" "comctl32.pdb" 0 {c8ec4f39-2822-448d-8560dc2a0d0b5639} 2 1156520758>
DBG-MODULE<5ED00000 000CC000 "OPENGL32.dll" "opengl32.pdb" 0 {c0f9553a-06d8-4f7b-87970ddaff15e234} 1 1091606264>
DBG-MODULE<662B0000 00058000 "hnetcfg.dll" "HNetCfg.pdb" 0 {f662d314-f374-4997-84bc0592b8db8bef} 1 1091606176>
DBG-MODULE<688F0000 00009000 "HID.DLL" "hid.pdb" 0 {f41051d2-c1ed-4c30-9f98c9b1d135cf5b} 2 1091606172>
DBG-MODULE<68B20000 00020000 "GLU32.dll" "glu32.pdb" 0 {70b2ec6f-5043-466d-94a0f0a85e3cecfb} 1 1091606167>
DBG-MODULE<6CE10000 00038000 "DINPUT8.dll" "dinput8.pdb" 0 {3abb8d86-7a93-4e23-96735b386cde7c0b} 1 1091606192>
DBG-MODULE<6D990000 00006000 "d3d8thk.dll" "d3d8thk.pdb" 0 {afe95608-5191-4b24-a483b2bad6595c36} 1 1091606162>
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DBG-MODULE<71A90000 00008000 "wshtcpip.dll" "wshtcpip.pdb" 0 {de010d61-8735-45f4-9d43d91367e871dc} 2 1091606269>
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DBG-MODULE<71AB0000 00017000 "WS2_32.dll" "ws2_32.pdb" 0 {07ac0883-1007-408d-919e0ccf1ea499bf} 2 1091606258>
DBG-MODULE<71AD0000 00009000 "wsock32.dll" "wsock32.pdb" 0 {e7b6c17e-4360-4822-813d3b65499b6c0f} 2 1091606271>
DBG-MODULE<722B0000 00005000 "sensapi.dll" "sensapi.pdb" 0 {ea5a9400-52d9-41d7-a1c77521a8aeefd6} 2 1091606188>
DBG-MODULE<72D10000 00008000 "msacm32.drv" "msacm32.pdb" 998081205 {00000000-0000-0000-0000000000000000} 1 998112810>
DBG-MODULE<72D20000 00009000 "wdmaud.drv" "wdmdrv.pdb" 0 {ebd0c571-122d-42ea-8d08a7110a9a5ff4} 1 1091606214>
DBG-MODULE<73760000 00049000 "DDRAW.dll" "ddraw.pdb" 0 {39a2a593-6c8d-42b6-80261803cf0d0cde} 1 1091606176>
DBG-MODULE<73BC0000 00006000 "DCIMAN32.dll" "dciman32.pdb" 0 {89a750a2-a231-4919-a0b3c1de056037c0} 2 1091606175>
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DBG-MODULE<76FC0000 00006000 "rasadhlp.dll" "rasadhlp.pdb" 0 {acdcef68-eea2-4cd2-9ed3a5d204b8065e} 2 1151343919>
DBG-MODULE<77120000 0008C000 "OLEAUT32.dll" "oleaut32.pdb" 0 {149fb0c8-30bc-400d-ba99728efb58a113} 2 1091606259>
DBG-MODULE<771B0000 000A9000 "WININET.dll" "wininet.pdb" 0 {37df74b6-5ffc-4519-b5aa3163e9349d80} 2 1158222690>
DBG-MODULE<773D0000 00103000 "comctl32.dll" "MicrosoftWindowsCommon-Controls-6.0.2600.2982-comctl32.pdb" 0 {c0a72ee9-5788-47aa-b7770cf02ffed094} 1 1156520755>
DBG-MODULE<774E0000 0013D000 "ole32.dll" "ole32.pdb" 0 {0237e30f-477f-4c58-aab7aa6914aeb2ad} 2 1152535073>
DBG-MODULE<77920000 000F3000 "SETUPAPI.dll" "setupapi.pdb" 0 {3faa4989-424d-4811-84e6ec641ff3794a} 2 1151344289>
DBG-MODULE<77A80000 00094000 "CRYPT32.dll" "crypt32.pdb" 0 {4087b673-8f3b-4a1a-a9c545877746b889} 2 1091606161>
DBG-MODULE<77B20000 00012000 "MSASN1.dll" "msasn1.pdb" 0 {754c9677-9268-4aa8-99268f9f0c20f35e} 2 1091606243>
DBG-MODULE<77BD0000 00007000 "midimap.dll" "midimap.pdb" 0 {ec2a7b00-a7ea-4126-89417b209c17969b} 1 1091606185>
DBG-MODULE<77BE0000 00015000 "MSACM32.dll" "msacm32.pdb" 0 {07d5460b-ef0e-4fd4-964c7091c8860bf8} 2 1091606223>
DBG-MODULE<77C00000 00008000 "VERSION.dll" "version.pdb" 0 {180a90c4-0384-463e-82ddc45b2c8ab76e} 2 1091606199>
DBG-MODULE<77C10000 00058000 "msvcrt.dll" "msvcrt.pdb" 0 {a678f3c3-0ded-426b-839032b996987e38} 1 1091606354>
DBG-MODULE<77C70000 00023000 "msv1_0.dll" "msv1_0.pdb" 0 {56998e10-fa6c-491a-9a7b2e3a03c37db8} 2 1091606351>
DBG-MODULE<77D40000 00090000 "USER32.dll" "user32.pdb" 0 {74c71f15-bfb5-4cee-be900b2414aaa9bc} 2 1109787596>
DBG-MODULE<77DD0000 0009B000 "ADVAPI32.dll" "advapi32.pdb" 0 {455d6c5f-184d-45bb-b5c5f30f82975114} 2 1091606183>
DBG-MODULE<77E70000 00091000 "RPCRT4.dll" "rpcrt4.pdb" 0 {1d6397b3-03e2-4d62-8d9142f428a4f64e} 2 1141798339>
DBG-MODULE<77F10000 00047000 "GDI32.dll" "gdi32.pdb" 0 {6e43aee4-042f-4e67-bcb59b4682ce3104} 2 1152890627>
DBG-MODULE<77F60000 00076000 "SHLWAPI.dll" "shlwapi.pdb" 0 {658b2b7c-8638-42a0-be311e436027f6e3} 2 1158222689>
DBG-MODULE<77FE0000 00011000 "Secur32.dll" "secur32.pdb" 0 {85dd72bf-4cad-42ef-b989699a8b082f1d} 2 1091606209>
DBG-MODULE<7C800000 000F5000 "kernel32.dll" "kernel32.pdb" 0 {d6ad6c93-a4c1-46e1-bd5c9bbff6ae5fe9} 2 1157630360>
DBG-MODULE<7C900000 000B0000 "ntdll.dll" "ntdll.pdb" 0 {36515fb5-d043-45e4-91f672fa2e2878c0} 2 1091606196>
DBG-MODULE<7C9C0000 00816000 "SHELL32.dll" "shell32.pdb" 0 {734b837f-4ab1-4941-846144d972be4f57} 2 1158145371>
DBG-MODULE<7E1E0000 000A2000 "urlmon.dll" "urlmon.pdb" 0 {b3a718ed-74a7-4a10-a4e99c33db88a223} 2 1158222689>

Memory Dump

Code: 16 bytes starting at (EIP = 00595487)

00595487: 8B 51 28 57 8B 7A 30 03 3D A0 5A DD 00 89 7D FC .Q(W.z0.=.Z...}.

Stack: 1024 bytes starting at (ESP = 0012FB38)

* = addr ** *
0012FB30: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 6B 92 22 67 E6 A6 C5 ........Hk."g...
0012FB40: 59 38 AE 42 54 FB 12 00 01 56 59 00 34 E0 B4 18 Y8.BT....VY.4...
0012FB50: C4 FB 12 00 B0 FB 12 00 19 4A 8E 00 73 02 00 00 .........J..s...
0012FB60: 00 00 00 00 34 E0 B4 18 BB 65 F7 3F 24 93 08 22 ....4....e.?$.."
0012FB70: 24 93 08 22 24 93 08 22 F5 02 63 01 24 93 08 22 $.."$.."..c.$.."
0012FB80: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 34 44 00 00 A0 44 ..........4D...D
0012FB90: 8A 42 0A 00 00 00 00 00 80 12 0C 05 90 FC 12 00 .B..............
0012FBA0: 83 41 81 00 58 59 A5 22 F5 02 63 01 24 93 08 22 .A..XY."..c.$.."
0012FBB0: 90 FC 12 00 A5 4F 8E 00 A1 13 4E 00 00 00 00 00 .....O....N.....
0012FBC0: 34 E0 B4 18 38 7C 2E 1F A5 4F 8E 00 A5 AA 80 03 4...8|...O......
0012FBD0: 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...?............
0012FBE0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .......?........
0012FBF0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 ...........?....
0012FC00: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F ...............?
0012FC10: 48 DC 12 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 H..@............
0012FC20: 00 00 00 00 EB 8A 82 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .......@........
0012FC30: 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 6F 12 03 BB 00 00 00 00 ........o.......
0012FC40: CD CC 4C BA 61 0B B6 3A 00 00 00 80 00 00 80 3F ..L.a..:.......?
0012FC50: 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...?............
0012FC60: 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .......?........
0012FC70: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 ...........?....
0012FC80: 93 1F DF BE 85 03 7B BE 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F ......{........?
0012FC90: 48 FD 12 00 E2 BB 4F 00 34 E0 B4 18 90 A9 80 03 H.....O.4.......
0012FCA0: A5 AA 80 03 00 00 00 00 28 42 71 03 28 42 71 03 ........(Bq.(Bq.
0012FCB0: 98 55 71 03 54 FD 12 00 EF AD 54 00 C0 FC 12 00 .Uq.T.....T.....
0012FCC0: 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...?............
0012FCD0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .......?........
0012FCE0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 ...........?....
0012FCF0: 93 1F DF BE 85 03 7B BE 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F ......{........?
0012FD00: 48 DC 12 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 H..@............
0012FD10: 00 00 00 00 EB 8A 82 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .......@........
0012FD20: 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 6F 12 03 BB 00 00 00 00 ........o.......
0012FD30: CD CC 4C BA 61 0B B6 3A 00 00 00 80 00 00 80 3F ..L.a..:.......?
0012FD40: 85 03 7B 3E 85 03 7B BE 64 FD 12 00 C1 05 50 00 ..{>..{.d.....P.
0012FD50: AC A9 80 03 28 42 71 03 1C 4F 71 03 09 00 00 00 ....(Bq..Oq.....
0012FD60: 40 57 71 03 80 FD 12 00 8A 0A 50 00 28 1F 6D 0B @Wq.......P.(.m.
0012FD70: 28 42 71 03 98 55 71 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (Bq..Uq.........
0012FD80: 8C FD 12 00 CF 17 50 00 B0 55 71 03 68 FE 12 00 ......P..Uq.h...
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0012FE20: 38 FE 12 00 FD E5 48 00 8A 42 0A 00 50 9D F3 0A 8.....H..B..P...
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0012FEC0: 14 FF 12 00 0A 24 8A 00 00 00 00 00 13 83 20 3F .....$........ ?
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0012FF10: 2C FF 12 00 2C FF 12 00 51 24 8A 00 00 00 00 00 ,...,...Q$......
0012FF20: FF 83 40 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 C0 FF 12 00 ..@.............
0012FF30: 58 84 40 00 D5 E4 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 X.@...@...@.....

Percent memory used: 90
Total physical memory: 2110959616
Free physical memory: 199065600
Page file: 4096090112
Total virtual memory: 2147352576
Free virtual memory: 1407709184

List of running WoW processes:

Process: C:\Documents and Settings\win\Desktop\WoW\World of Warcraft FREAKZ Edition\WoW.exe; pid: 1752

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Post Posted: 03-07-2013, 22:50:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Use the unstuck tool from the website

Fixes will be live only after a server restart !

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-07-2013, 17:20:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Pff I'm about to give up, I downloaded 2 versions of Cataclysm and they both give the same problem.

=> When I start the wow.exe it doesn't do anything except that it is in my task-manager (see my print-screen) as a background process!

=> after 15-20min I get finely wow that opens and then I'm not able to connect. => LOGIN SERVER DOWN

and Yes I checkt the realmlist thats all ok.

=> I tried to use the repaire.exe but that says I need to re-install wow cause its broken.

=> I'm running Windows 8 64bit Pro => its not a problem with my PC cause I can perfectly run the blizzard wow game!

Any help would be appreciated.



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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-10-2013, 20:29:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I've done all that's in the video but when I run "WOW.exe" it says "Cannot stream required archive data.Please check the network connection." but my network is fine.
Could anybody help me,I wanna hardly play on this server !

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Post Posted: 23-10-2013, 23:05:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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Post Posted: 23-10-2013, 23:05:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-11-2013, 12:19:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

HI um.. I've already downloaded the thing but I am unable to do the extracting part. Any idea? - ( referring to the video )
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-11-2013, 22:33:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I have a weird problem. I am able to load into the Terms and Agreements, however, my mouse doesn't work. Any ideas?

Posturi unite automat, 16-11-2013, 22:33:49

Nevermind. Solved. Thanks

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-11-2013, 13:07:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Thanks allot for the topic it helped me fix my Cata - wasn't easy tho' but thanks tons -

Am si eu o mica afacere si un site, vizitati daca va intereseaza!

mersi mult.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-12-2013, 19:23:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi! i Have done everything correctly , my wow even worked for 1 day, than i got wow error. Ever since than when im trying to log in i get the same message and an other wow error occures.

I tried to redownload, reinstall and everything but it still doesnt work,

Help me pls!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-01-2014, 01:56:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello to all,
I will explain briefly my problem I have logged according to your instructions, I created my character I logged out after a while and when I came back to continue playing I came out this message: IMG:

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