
Codati SMILE

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Author Message495

[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 27-04-2014 11:39)
Joined: 12 Feb 2014
Posts: 9, Topics: 3
Location: Romania

Reputation: 34.3
Votes: 1

Post Posted: 14-02-2014, 18:37:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

data si ora:18:15
adminul care a dat ban:Bubble

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 27-04-2014 11:39)
Joined: 12 Feb 2014
Posts: 9, Topics: 3
Location: Romania

Reputation: 34.3
Votes: 1

Post Posted: 15-02-2014, 20:02:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nume: pStMaa!!!
data si ora:19:50
motiv:neprezentare ss
ADMIN bUghi!: ban pStMaa!!! permanently
Dovada:*** ADMIN bUghi! ii face 4 screenshot-uri(TGA) lui pStMaa!!! (
Maus killed bUghi! with m4a1
Freakz * ese connected
Freakz * ese is joining the Terrorist force
** War3 ** Asculta Radio War3 in direct, scrie /radiowar3 in chat!
empty is joining the Terrorist force
Player connected
*** Maus killed CSGO-Player with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** pStMaa!!!, spune-ti ID de messenger pentru a preda screenshot-urile adminului
Maus killed `GrD` D@nut with usp
*SPEC* Smile : id pstmaa

Player is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* Freakz * Undercover : are gag

ADMIN bUghi!: ungag pStMaa!!!
*DEAD* Freakz * Undercover : amx_page

*SPEC* Smile : zil pe amx_page

*SPEC* pStMaa!!! : pstlafel

Maus killed FumeX with m4a1
Maus killed `GrD` D@nut with m4a1
Maus : lol
*** Freakz * Undercover killed Player with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** .::TranZistor::.// by realman killed Roxxy with a headshot from ak47 ***
** War3 ** Pentru cereri slot sau admin, sugestii sau reclamatii vizitati
Freakz * ese killed Maus with ak47
atentat killed .::TranZistor::.// by realman with m4a1
Freakz * Undercover killed atentat with ak47
*** GEORGE killed Freakz * Undercover with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*SPEC* pStMaa!!! : ti le dau pe facebook ma

*** Really? killed Lsd - with a headshot from famas ***
empty killed GEORGE with ak47
*SPEC* pStMaa!!! : nu imi merge messu

*** Really? killed CSGO-Player with a headshot from famas ***
Kst killed empty with m4a1
*DEAD* Roxxy : /me

Lsd - dropped
Lsd - has left the game
*** k|A killed Really? with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* `GrD` D@nut : maus mars cu wallu

*** Yoshi killed Freakz * ese with a headshot from m4a1 ***
bUghi! : Suspectii de cod se anunta prin U@+mesaj sau amx_page + mesaj in consola
** War3 ** Pastrati limbajul decent, in caz contrar veti primi gag/ban
Acest server este protejat de Krond Functions 1.6.2b (
*** bUghi! killed Craciunul_Perves with a headshot from galil ***
pStMaa!!! is joining the Terrorist force
ADMIN bUghi!: gag `GrD` D@nut (5 minutes)
pRo. = CyBeR = killed Kst with m4a1
*DEAD* Freakz * Undercover : /rankstats

Message from Admin (bUghi!): Respectati jucatorii serverului si pastrati un limbaj decent! altfel Gag/Kick/Ban
Icioni killed k|A with m4a1
Yoshi killed bUghi! with m4a1
bolnav mintal killed pRo. = CyBeR = with m4a1
*DEAD* Really? : -)))

*DEAD* Really? : -))

*DEAD* Craciunul_Perves : /rankstats


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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 27-04-2014 11:39)
Joined: 12 Feb 2014
Posts: 9, Topics: 3
Location: Romania

Reputation: 34.3
Votes: 1

Post Posted: 16-02-2014, 19:58:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

*** ADMIN Freakz * Pazuzu ii face 4 screenshot-uri(TGA) lui Dyniojeb <333 ;* (
storytime dropped
storytime has left the game
Dory killed Fedde Le Grand with ak47
storytime dropped
Fedde Le Grand dropped
Fedde Le Grand has left the game
SoNnY*BuLleT*PrOoF killed HoLy with deagle
Dyniojeb <333 ;* dropped
Dyniojeb <333 ;* has left the game
Fedde Le Grand connected
storytime connected
] amx_spec Smile
[AMXX] Jucatorul a fost mutat
(Admin) Freakz * Dutu: i?
storytime is joining the Terrorist force
Fedde Le Grand is joining the Terrorist force
storytime dropped
storytime has left the game
N1. killed self with worldspawn
Dr.House killed inf3c7 with famas
Welcome to | Classic
Dr.House (RADIO): Stick together, team.
N1. (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Freakz * ese killed Dory with ak47
storytime connected
*** Dyniojeb <333 ;*, spune-ti ID de messenger pentru a preda screenshot-urile adminului
*** jae/oldskl killed Costi with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* Smile : dynio

storytime dropped
storytime has left the game
*DEAD* HoLy : sigur...

storytime connected
** War3 ** Folositi comanda amx_page mesaj in consola daca aveti de reclamat un codat
*DEAD* Freakz * Pazuzu : fedde ia`ti parasuta

(Admin) Smile: il urmaream de pe assault:))
(Admin) Smile: datii ban
*** Freakz * ese killed Dr.House with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* N1. : -)))))))

SoNnY*BuLleT*PrOoF killed esc with deagle
ADMIN Freakz * Pazuzu: ban permanently
** War3 *
ip:mai sus

Posturi unite automat, 16-02-2014, 19:58:56

ADMIN Freakz * Pazuzu: *** Dabadanu (
ip:mai sus

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