
Correction of side quests.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 12-07-2021, 05:44:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

У меня вопрос: Побочные и скрытые квесты исправляются я сейчас за Орду раса Таурен (Паладин) играю? И какой расой стоит играть у которой квесты работают или это не от расы зависит?
I have a question: Side and hidden quests are being fixed I'm playing for the Horde of Tauren (Paladin) now? And what race should you play with which quests work or does it not depend on the race?

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[Zero Mortals]

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Post Posted: 12-07-2021, 07:09:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello aliop147,

There isn't really a certain pattern of how the quests are being scripted, especially when it comes to legacy content. You have enough quest in order to reach the necessary level for the BfA content with ease.

As a BfA expansion, our focus is driven towards that expansion in order to offer an experience as enjoyable as possible, but don't worry, the legacy content is going to receive fixes too along the way.

Feel free to ask if you got more questions.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 12-07-2021, 13:54:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Я просто на столько дотошный по квестам что всё прохожу от начало и до конца. И бывает то инс нету на месте или не выдаёт предмет нпс или скрипт на действие не реагирует типо: Вы далеко от чего либо. И квесты по открытию союзных рас исправляйте, а тогда что то не заработает и тогда обидно будет.
I'm just so meticulous on quests that I go through everything from beginning to end. And sometimes the ins is not in place or does not give out the subject of the NPS or the script does not respond to the action typo: You are far from anything. And quests for the opening of allied races correct, and then something will not work and then it will be a shame.

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[Zero Mortals]

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Post Posted: 12-07-2021, 15:41:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Every BfA allied race can be unlocked. You can check out their requirements on the character creation screen or by visiting the embassy from either Orgrimmar or Stormwind City.

Legion allied races are a little bit trickier to unlock since most of them require you to have previous progress from the time when we were a Legion server. You can, however, by-pass this by purchasing them from the donation shop.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-07-2021, 21:00:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

А если я живу в России и возможности купить нету, можно их пусть и сложнее открыть но возможно? И вопрос: Когда функция гильдий(Новая) заработает нормально, желательно если играешь один и нету столько людей для создании гильдии?
And if I live in Russia and there is no opportunity to buy, it is possible to open them, albeit more difficult, but perhaps? And the question: When will the guilds (New) function work normally, preferably if you play alone and there are not so many people to create a guild?

И есть у вас люди кто на русский переводит тексты?
And do you have people who translate texts into Russian?

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